Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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sleepy queens

Hi y'all, it's Priya, one of your friendly mods. Today, while scouring the internet for quality NejiTen fanfiction I haven't read, I realized that we don't have a recommendations thread on this forum! So, if you've read a really amazing fic lately or are desperately searching for something new to read, this is the place for you!


1. Do not self plug. Although I know for a fact that people on this forum write wonderful stories, I'm going to ask you to only recommend stories you personally have not written on this thread. Self plugging clogs up recommendation threads on many forums and I'd love to avoid that (if someone is looking for a fic and you have a story that fits that description, feel free to privately message that person with a link).

2. Use the forms below for requesting and giving recommendations. It'll keep everything nice and tidy :)

3. Refrain from chatting in this thread. Although it's fine to comment about a fic someone has recommended (especially if you've read the fic as well and have something to add others might find useful), please move to the Chatter thread if you're having a conversation.

Recommendation form (for when you have read a wonderful, wonderful fic that deserves to be shared with everyone)




Main Characters/Pairings:


Warnings: (noncon? incest? gore? anything you think might be worth mentioning)

Status & Length: (complete or incomplete? 500k MC or 2k oneshot?)

Summary and other notes: (you can use the summary the author wrote or write one yourself. feel free to include anything about the fic you think is relevant such as why you enjoyed it, what sets it apart, etc.)

Request form (for when you could really use a good fic)


Looking for:

6/14/2014 #1
sleepy queens

To start things off--

Fandom: Naruto

Looking for: Well-written KakaGai fics without too much smut. I love AU/AT/etc., but wouldn't mind canon fics either. Oh, and I'd prefer they not be very long. 200k words is my absolute maximum, but I would prefer something around 1-100k.

6/14/2014 . Edited 6/14/2014 #2
Forum Moderators: Mein Liebling Holly The Sparkling Unicorn, Zellarest, J.F.C, sleepy queens, AnnaRavenheart
  • Forums are not to be used to post stories.
  • All forum posts must be suitable for teens.
  • The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area.
  • All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators.
Membership Length: 2+ years 1 year 6+ months 1 month 2+ weeks new member