Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
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VSX-2018 10/15/2015 . Edited 12/8/2018 #1

This is a universe I am interested in as I own both the movie Princess and the Pilot and the anime The Pilot's Love Song/Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta. I enjoyed both since I am a fan of wartime romances and fascinated by military aircraft. The world is also rather interesting, but sadly, since there is no export or translation of the source material available online, writing a fanfiction based off this universe would be quite difficult if not almost impossible. It's a shame, too, because the series ended a couple years ago with the last book of Seiyaku/Oath being completed, and I would love to get my hands on an English translation. As it is, we only have some vague ideas about the plot and names of the characters, but nothing more. TVTropes opened a page for Seiyaku, but it only gives so much in the way of a synopsis.

I had the idea of making a rewrite fanfic for The Pilot's Love Song some time after it aired, but I had another project I was working on that took up most of my time. It was mostly intended to clear up some of the bad writing that came through in the anime, give added depth to some characters, and to just make the anime feel more authentic. I even had some notes prepared, but I've long since tossed them.

Right now, I would love to make a fanfic for Seiyaku/Oath, as it seems to have the most complex plot, but again, information about the series is frustratingly lacking. It's hard to write a fanfic for something you really know nothing about, you know?

10/30/2018 #2
VSX-2018 12/8/2018 . Edited 12/8/2018 #3

[Something went wrong when I edit my first post in the FanFiction app. It was gone. So I had to make a new post. Luckily, I manage to copy and paste it when I remember something like that happened. That, and I manage to copy and paste from my browser that I did not close.]

Hi there, I'm New Universe Returns (now Y-2013), and I'd like to say something about this.

I was a little dissapointed that no one is attempting to make any regular fanfics or crossover fanfics on the Hikuushi series. Now I was hoping if you guys are familiar or have some knowledge and info on the Hikuushi Series, please make a few decent fanfics of the Hikuushi series. I only know not much of the series as I did watch an anime movie before called The Princess and the Pilot on TV. If you don't know what the movie and that series, please look it up on Google. Let's just say that the Hikuushi series takes place in a universe that is very much different than our own. Four light novels, plus one movie, a manga and an anime all take place in the same fictional universe/continuity.

The only problem is that I don't know much about the timeline of all four Hikuushi light novel series. There was not much info on the Hikuushi timeline on the Web.

1. Toaru Hikuushi e no Tsuioku (とある飛空士への追憶/The Princess and the Pilot/Recollections of a Certain Pilot) - [Light Novel/Animated Film/Manga]

2. Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (とある飛空士への恋歌/Love Song of a Certain Pilot) - [Light Novel/Anime]

3. Toaru Hikuushi e no Yasoukyoku (とある飛空士への夜想曲/Nocturne of a Certain Pilot) - [Light Novel]

4. Toaru Hikuushi e no Seiyaku (とある飛空士への誓約/Covenant of a Certain Pilot/Oath of a Certain Pilot) - [Light Novel]

Again, you can look them up on Google or something, if you guys want to. That is all for now.

P.S. - As what a fellow reader/author, NoCreativity would say; it's easy to write a story, but it is hard to make it a good one. As for me, I can be quite lazy sometimes.

12/8/2018 . Edited 12/8/2018 #4

No English translations, not even any English fansubs of the franchise? That is sad.

I'm sorry it took so long to reply, I did not receive any notifications on the forum. But yeah, it will be difficult to write any fanfics on the Hikuushi series without understanding the source material.

Not to mention I am still clueless of the canonical timelines of the Hikuushi series since all four light novel series are all set in the same universe, from what I was told.

My first idea for a Hikuushi crossover is the Halo x Hikuushi series crossover. It is set after Halo 3, after the Battle of Installation-00. After six months to one year (not 4 years) of drifting through space, the half of Forward Unto Dawn crash landed on a Shield World where the entirety of the Hikuushi series all took place.

The arrival of Master Chief/John SPARTAN-117 and Cortana set the chain reactions that would forever change the inhabitants' world, it would also gain the attention of the protagonists of Tsuioku, Koiuta, Yasoukyoku and Seiyaku.

What do you think?

12/8/2018 . Edited 12/8/2018 #5

hey man how are you so you are writing about this anime or are you writing a story

2/19/2021 #6
Nope, I'm not. I want someone knowledgeable of this whole Hikuushi franchise to do it for me.
12/16/2022 #7
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