Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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Alola! Spoilers ahead! If you haven't played the games and want to, you have been warned. If it's fine, well, here we go!

Welcome to Alola, a region made up of islands and full of heart! You're a young person moving to this interesting region and you are going to start your journey here. The trials are very different from Kanto and its indigo League. Each entry will, regardless, get you one step closer to your dream, and some interesting adventures await you!

Now, you need a few important things on this Pokemon journey one of them being... Pokemon! But you don't get to choose those immediately. Head on over to the doc here, after reading this post, and you'll be able to start in muster (keep in mind it is being constantly updated as I play through the games again!)

So! There are two versions: Sun and Moon. Pick one (or both!) and occasionally, there will be differences, such as pokemon you can catch as well as clothes to wear and the way certain events play out.But we're not getting into any of that yet.

So, here's how it works:

  • (Word Bank) This is made up of your Pokemon and it's based on your Pokemon levels. Take your Pokemon's level and multiply it by 1000 for each Pokemon, and then add them all up. Then you will have your word bank.
  • (Leveling Up) Battle! And by that I mean, write fics! Your Pokemon will run out of steam eventually (fair fast early on) of course, so don't hesitate to bring them to Mom or a nearby Pokemon Center or healer. If you're really in a pinch, you can also use healing items like: potions, or occasionally, revives. but the safest bet you've got is Pokemon Centers. Where do you gain exp? From routes and trainer battles of course!
  • (Catching Pokemon) You'll be having plenty of Pokeballs and the like to add partners to your team and make them stronger. Plus you'll get an exp share somewhere down the line, but that'll cost you.
  • (Healing) Healing patches your critters right up, and in order to do that, you have to review. Two reviews per Pokemon, three if your Pokemon fainted during a fight. (Fainting occurs when you use up as much of your word bank as it costs for one particular Pokemon. That'll happen a lot early on.)
  • (Evolving) Pokemon evolve as they get stronger. Be it from levels or trades or a certain move they need to know, Pokemon evolve. And they don't lose their levels either. :D Special evolutions, trade, happiness, etc will have an explanation at some point in the doc. Pretty soon.
  • (Trials) Consider these your badges. Like the prompts on the routes, these are the things you need to earn your Z-Stones. Mostly. Some you will get in other ways :D But they're all preparation for... the Grand Trials.
  • (Grand Trials) This is where you prove to the Kahunas that you are ready for a battle and want to show them how it's done. You are ready to move forward. These are tasks, much like the championship, that are outside of your word bank. But more on that in the doc. In the meantime, are you excited? Then let's get this show on the road. Alola!

Other Rules

  • Fics must be for an anime or crossed over with one.
  • Poetry novels/collections do count for this!
  • Reviews must be at least 30 words and for an anime
  • Keep your own masterposts.
  • Any rating, content, etc, just be sure to tag your stuff.
  • All tasks barring wild encounter fics must be completed before continuing on with the challenge.
12/16/2016 . Edited 8/22/2017 #1
Ayumu Foxtail-chan

A new Pokémon main game-based challenge? Count me 1000% in! :D I'll make my progress post in a bit.

One question though Aiko (sorry if it's a silly one). For each task in the doc (i.e. "Write a beginning", "write an ending" etc.) are we starting a new MC for them or continuing on one big story? Or can we continue the MC OR start a new one, whichever we want? .... I hope that made sense lol! :D Thanks!

12/17/2016 #2
No that made sense :) but yeah, it's basically one new mc for any non grand trial or big events. So you have a bunch of mcs out of this when you're done, big or small. Hence why the promps are a bit vague, to get some wiggle room.
12/17/2016 #3
Ayumu Foxtail-chan

Ah, I see. Thanks Aiko! This challenge is a long one then. Bring it on! ;D *cracks knuckles*

12/19/2016 #4
Ayumu Foxtail-chan

Dani's Masterpost

Word Bank: N/A

Current Location: Prologue, Prompt 1


Fics Written:

Reviews Given:

12/19/2016 . Edited 12/19/2016 #5

Hehehe, I'm also going to start adding to it again in a few days (have some first chapters to get ready for New YEars day!) but another long one is Ultimate Sleuth, where I left a guide in the doc to provide information on Digimon :D but yes, drown yourself. It is only appropriate. I need to write my next Song Time fic whoops I forgot.

12/19/2016 #6
Ayumu Foxtail-chan

Ooh, I'll be looking forward to what you come up with for the prompts! Sun and Moon is such a unique generation after all. ;D I've been staring at that Ultimate Sleuth Challenge since it came out and toying with ideas for it the entire time... My heart says yes and my brain says I have too many in-progress challenges... what to listen to, what to listen to... XD Don't worry about it I swear almost every time I log on I discover a fic/challenge that I've completely forgotten about. orz

1/3/2017 #7

oh noooo XD I will drag you in to cyber sleuth hell with the rest of us.

1/3/2017 #8

The prologue is done in the doc thread! Please make sure to read everything in the doc! A couple of things have been added for our convenience. :D By that I mean exhaustion XD

1/7/2017 #9

Changing this to a non-MC oriented challenge because I'm in an awesome mood today XD

8/22/2017 #10
Tomoe Mami

Do MCs still have to be finished before moving onto the next prompt? I meant to ask this before.

9/11/2017 #11
Hm. We'll go with drabblechaps do and ficletchaps need to be half done but otherwise no. MCs need some progress before continuing. Say, five chapters.
9/12/2017 #12
Tomoe Mami

Rightyo, thanks for answering Aiko. :)

9/12/2017 #13
Tomoe Mami

Tomoe's Masterpost

Word Bank: N/A

Current location:

Prologue, prompt 1 - More New Life

prompt 2 -


Fics written:

Reviews given:

9/19/2017 . Edited 9/22/2017 #14
Tomoe Mami

Updated my masterpost. :)

9/22/2017 #15

okay, so US/UM will be out next Friday. I will be getting them. I'm not too far in this challenge yet (seeing as I'm going back and doing the routes and towns and all the prompts for that before I do the story and I think the story starts in a similar way and if not I can change that somewhat if it interests people. Do you guys want me to keep with the original sun/moon storyline or go through and us the new one? :D

11/8/2017 #16
Ayumu Foxtail-chan

I dunno about anyone else, but I think the original Sun/Moon would be my preference. :D

Also a quick question from a little helpless me: is this challenge Multichap still or is it non-Multichap, or both? Did Aiko's generosity in August change it? X3

11/8/2017 #17
Okeydoke. I'll keep it this way then. And yeah I changed it in August :D then you can cross challenges more easily.
11/8/2017 #18
Question for all again: I actually found the exp table that determines how pokemon level up. Would you rather I keep going with mine, or use that one? Mine looks like it will make you guys take longer :)
11/12/2017 #19
Ayumu Foxtail-chan

Hiya Aiko! I've begun diving back into some challenges lately and I can't wait to get started on this one, especially now since it's non MC and my poor little brain can have an easier time with shorter stories lol! XD

Just wanted to know if this is still up and running/and/or if it's over on the challenge zone archives/and/or if it's changed at all since I last checked in! :D If that makes any sense at all. XD

4/5/2019 #20
Hihi! I have to wrap it up (and simplify it a tad)but it's definitely still up and running. And will be on the call too! But it'll still be here for anyone who wants to do it!
4/5/2019 #21
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