Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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 reminiscent-afterthought Similar to the dice version, but this one only fits two fics at a time... which means both of them will hopefully be updated more often. :) So for those of you not familiar, you get a coin (or one of those online coin apps) and assign a fic each to heads and tails. Then flip a coin, and whatever side it lands on, update that fic. Then flip the coin again and repeat the process. Once you finish a fic, you can replace it with another fic and keep on going like this forever. Or however long you like. An anime fandom or crossovers with an anime, within FFN rules etc. Standard stuff. :) Enjoy! 11/29/2017 #1 |
 aikotters aiko's masterpost - H: a sugar-spun self (not started)
- T: An Assortment of Pebbles (not started)
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11/29/2017 . Edited 3/23/2018 #2 |
 FN12345 H: Fade Away T: Call of Destiny 1. H 2. T 3. H 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. T 10/5/2018 #3 |
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