Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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New year for new competitions! (even though some of the old ones are still running...)

This one's pretty straightforward too. You write a oneshot over 8000 words (so longer than the short one, but shorter than the long one). Any topic, any rating (though warn for anything warn-worthy and definitely warn if it's M-rated), anything anime/manga or crossed over with anything anime/manga. OCs are fine, crossovers are fine. If it's part of a series, make sure we don't need to know anything else of your lore/verse to enjoy it.

Naturally, since it's a oneshot, your fic will need to be complete. Sort of no getting around that one. Post your link once you're done here.

Due date's 31st December 2018. Max 2 week extension available on request!

Judging is following our new format of voting (though we really need more voters). Person with the most votes wins it, and gets two reviews from everyone else. Second place gets two reviews from everyone but the winner, and so on. Poll will go up then and close 15th April 2018.

You can vote without taking part, but we encourage you to join in as well!

1/1/2018 #1

Remi's entry: when the sadness is shut away (what is left behind) (Switch)

3/28/2018 #2
Ohhh! Looks like so much fun! I want to enter. :) Is it possible to get prompts, though? 8k words may be a tad rough for me otherwise... _'
8/17/2018 #3
Forum Moderators: Mein Liebling Holly The Sparkling Unicorn, Zellarest, J.F.C, sleepy queens, AnnaRavenheart
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