Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
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 souvikkundu0017 Name of challenge: ArchMagus Harry Name of challenger : Souvikkundu25140017 Fandom(s): Harry Potter/FateVerse Due date: By the latest, 8/1/2018 Summary: Child Harry discovers on of the Zelretch's invention in a second hand store, it transports him to Fate/Zero, exactly few hours before the fire. He will follow same route as Shirou and lose all his memories, Kiritsugo will transplant Avalon and adopt him. Kiritsugo will train him as much he can before his death, harry's goal is to save Illya. Important Point- - Harry's Element and Origin not Sword and he does not have same reality marble as Shriou
- No class cards
- Both of Harry's parent in Potterverse are Dead
- No horcrux.(it got destroyed by fire, but he can still speak snake language)
- No intervention of Zelretch during Harry's training
- Harry have no Circuits, he have a core like wizards
- Harry's goal is to save Illya, secondary objective is to create a rival Organization consisting of eastern Magi.
- Harry will return to his verse after Fifth Grail war due to some sort of Forbidden summoning by Dumbledore
- His main focus are biology and soul due to Kiritsugo description of Einzbern magecraft and to save illya.(Optional)
Pairing: optional, preferably with fateverse Girl How I would like to be contact;ed if someone takes this challenge: PM. 5/18/2018 . Edited 5/18/2018 #1 |
 VSX-2018 Now that is interesting. I hope somebody will make it happened. 12/8/2018 #2 |
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