Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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8/19/2018 . Edited 10/9/2021 #1
Shadow Joestar
KO maybe do it with other anime characters like Izuku Midoriya, Bell Cranel, Iruma Suzuki, Leo from Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds, and Lloyd Belladonna.
2/28/2022 #2
I would go with Baki crossover. In which Pickle thaws few year later than Baki canon.
3/6/2022 #3

i want it to crossover with the last of us were joel ends up going to that world after his death and he his aged regressed to his 20's.

3/21/2022 #4

bell: please u am begging you

8/16/2022 #5
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