Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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So... anyone want to post crossover ideas of this... steamy franchise?

That's all I could say.

10/9/2021 #1
Harem Lover 26
Well the important is too choose a franchise and pick the main character. And then decide on the villains or Conflict. If you want to go with Dragon Ball teen Gohan would work better than Goku due to Gohans personality. You could say that his alien blood helped him survive. The villains could have used the Dragon Balls to wipe men out and then destoryed the balls so no one could un wish it. Gohan could get used to the idea of being a harem master while trying to figure what to do. For DxD Issei would be the main hero. With him being one of the few men he would soon start acting like a true Dragon and gather women and treasure. He would also have to deal with the evil organization who dosen't want him around. MHA could have Deku and others becoming harem lords and dealing with the fall of society, the series deals with that sort of thing. Honestly I would love to see some fanfics about World End Harem.
1/11/2022 #2
Harem Lover 26
Didn't think it would go so block text. The short ideas for harem masters are. Gohan. DB. Deku MHA. Issei. High-school DxD Superboy. Ben. Ben 10.
1/11/2022 #3
The Canadian Patriot

I've got an idea here and hear me out... WEH X Metro 2033.

1/21/2022 #4
Harem Lover 26

Tell us more. Is there going to be a lot of mutant fighting in it?

1/29/2022 #5

Metro series and WEH seemed like a plausible crossover.

3/29/2022 #6
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