Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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Mein Liebling

Hi, I'm Milly, and I welcome you to the AMFC. As this is an all ages forum, we have a couple rules for you to follow:


  1. Be polite and kind, as this is an all ages forum and obvious there are people who we might not get along with.
  2. We ask that you at least attempt to stick to using proper English, meaning capital letters and full stops, correct punctuation and spelling, et cetera. Chat speak is allowed, but please, keep it to a minimum.
  3. Read the first post carefully before posting in a topic. You'll save yourself a lot of time and embarrassment, and the topic poster will appreciate it.
  4. When making a challenge, label it as a challenge in the topic title. When making a competition, label it as a competition in the topic title. If something is both, use challenge/competition. This makes things neat and simple. The difference between the two is that competitions always have prizes and judges, whereas challenges do not.
  5. Read the first post carefully before posting in a topic. You'll save yourself a lot of time and embarrassment, and the topic poster will appreciate it.
  6. Advertisements for things like lj communities, role-playing and other forums (even if they are on this site) aren't allowed. This is to prevent spam posts and threads.
  7. When creating a challenge thread you cannot ban entries because of the sexual orientation (homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, and et cetera) of pairings in them. The only exceptions are challenges where the main purpose of the challenge is a specific ship or an orientation a.k.a. a Sasuke/Naruto Challenge, a Summer Slash Challenge, et cetera. If you're running a competition, you may ban such entries if you don't feel that you can judge them fairly, but in this case you must offer your competition as a challenge as well. That way, you don't have to read the entries, but people can still submit them.
  8. Since this is a forum with all Anime and Manga, we ask you to at least know a few animes/mangas if you are creating a challenge/competition.

Of course, have fun. This is what we are here for, aren't we?

(Rules taken from HPFC)


Milly (Mein Liebling/Aqua Cahill), Ana (AnnaRavenheart), Priya (princess priya), Lana (Anrheithwyr), Javier (J.F.C), Matsu Kaylee (Zellarest), Rish (starlight.moon.princess), Uni (Uni Shall Not Sink)


Please do not be afraid to ask us questions or offer suggestions, as we do care about what you think and your ideas on how to make this forum run smoothly.

9/1/2013 . Edited 5/29/2014 #1
Mein Liebling

ANNOUNCEMENT: I might be MIA on this forum for a little bit as I get settled into RL as the rest of you, but I would appreciate it if other mods would help keep track of the bootcamps and challenges and update the list if I haven't been on it two days. Thanks and sorry so much for doing this to you!

9/9/2013 #2
sleepy queens

Don't worry, Milly, I'll stay on top of things while you're busy! xoxo

9/9/2013 #3
Mein Liebling

Thank you so much, Priya! ♥

9/9/2013 #4
Mein Liebling

Im sorry to say but Priya's passed away. Our lovely Pri is gone and I miss her so much. I love her, she deserves so much better. RIP love you've been a great friend and just a wonderful person ♥

2/3/2015 #5
ONNMT has moved

That's such horrible news; Milly, you have my blessings. Priya will be in my prayers *heart*

2/4/2015 #6
Mein Liebling

Thanks Neko ♥

2/4/2015 #7

I just saw the post on the QL thread and knowing you were close to her, I popped here.

My condolonces to all her fanfic friends...and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, honestly. Even though I hadn't seen her much lately, she was such a presence here and at the HPFC and on The Poetry Craze that it's going to be odd never seeing her again...

I hope you're peaceful and happy Priya, wherever you are.

2/5/2015 #8
Forum Moderators: Mein Liebling Holly The Sparkling Unicorn, Zellarest, J.F.C, sleepy queens, AnnaRavenheart
  • Forums are not to be used to post stories.
  • All forum posts must be suitable for teens.
  • The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area.
  • All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators.
Membership Length: 2+ years 1 year 6+ months 1 month 2+ weeks new member