Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges
Do you have a desire for a challenge? Are you facing writers block and want inspiration? Are you desperate to write a story involving your favourite anime characters but need a reason to? Here you can have have challenges and competitions to inspire you, and face different animes/mangas like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!
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I just felt like this forum needed a place to ask for someone's help in Betaing our Anime/Manga stories. ;)

When you are requesting for a Beta, please write them here by answering all of these:

Name :

Challenge (if necessary):

Story information :

Due date :

What I need:

The beta-readers can answer here or through PMs; and please try not to double post until your request has moved off the current page as this stops some people from acquiring a beta.

9/25/2013 . Edited 9/25/2013 #1
Lissy Stage

Heh, so I'll be the first one to use this Beta Challenge form...

Name : Uncharacteristic Non-Resistance probably will change, though

Challenge (if necessary): None

Story information : It's a gap-filler after the latest chapter of SiH. It's not needed to understand the story, since this is just plain PWP. Just plain Nostalgia, at it's work. The pairing is canon TakanoXOnodera, and the setting is just within the bedroom. Word count is just over 1k words.

Due date : None

What I need: Just a critiquing and read-through. I'm having trouble with the opening lines, and I need to know whether what I've written is... well, good? I'm not ever sure on the quality of my smut coughitssoobviouswhycough.

4/13/2014 . Edited 5/3/2014 #2

this page hasn't been updated since 2014 but that won't stop me from using it, ahah.

Name: Of the fics I currently have up, Poisoned Paradise (Hero Academia) is the highest priority, followed by Holding Out for Friday (Pokemon), and then Three Wise Monkeys (Naruto; currently on hold). I'm definitely open to betas for my future stories, though!

Challenge: N/A.

Story information:

  • Poisoned Paradise: OC insert with eventual OC x Hitoshi Shinsou. There will be a focus on characters (OC and canon) and their development, and the romance will be slow. The fic is canon-compliant for now, but may become subtly canon-divergent, depending on where the story takes me. // Multichap with 2 chapters up. Chapters will probably be in the 1-3k range.
  • Holding Out for Friday: an Alpha Sapphire Nuzlocke following an OC who may or may not end up in a romance; I'm not sure yet. Again, character development is a central theme, though the bulk of that will be centred around my OC since Brendan and May won't be around much. // Multichap with 1 chapter up. Chapters will be under 5k.
  • Three Wise Monkeys: a canon-compliant, OC-centric fic about Konoha ninjas with minor disabilities. Canon characters will make cameos. // Multichap with 1 chapter up. Chapters will be under 5k.
  • Unposted, active WIPs: A Mystic Messenger reset one-shot. Under 10k. // A canon-divergent multichap Naruto semi-SI OC story set in Konoha. Chapters will be under 7k. M-rated for mature themes and future romance, though you don't have to read the latter if you don't want to.

Due date: N/A.

What I need:

  • Your honest opinion(s) and constructive criticism(s). As Lissy said, I want to know if my writing is any good LOL.
  • Tell me if I'm being too fast or too slow, interesting or boring, thought-provoking or edgy or obvious, etc.
  • Catch grammar/punctuation/spelling hiccups.
  • Acceptance of LGBTQA characters since they're in my writing.
  • Knowledge of the fandom is encouraged, since you could correct any inconsistencies with the canon that I missed, but not strictly necessary.
  • Not a requirement, but if you have a Twitter/Tumblr/Discord that you're willing to share, their messaging systems would be preferable since they're faster than FFn's.

If you're interested, please PM me! Thanks~

1/2/2018 . Edited 3/12/2018 #3
Forum Moderators: Mein Liebling Holly The Sparkling Unicorn, Zellarest, J.F.C, sleepy queens, AnnaRavenheart
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