Above Olympus
Welcome back to the Grecian Pantheon, home of the gods and so much more. (Currently under construction)
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Valhallan Rose

No need to post anything here, myself and any moderators will update this list as characters are claimed.

Rosary Mitsunikki

- Persephone (Minor Goddess)

- Hecate (Minor Goddess)

A Composer of Dreams

- Hades (Major God)

Divine Jack

- Thanatos (Minor God)

- Tartarus (Minor God)

Jacky the Serket

- Aether (Minor God)

Silver the Sun Horse

- Athena (Major Goddess)

Joy Phyllis Wolfe

- Clio (Muse, Minor Goddess)

- Até (Minor Goddess)

Bill Friday

- Hermes (Major God)

Momento Mori - The Truth

- Zeus (Major God)

Jason Syre

- Nike (Minor Goddess)

- Momus (Minor God)

12/15/2016 . Edited 1/12/2017 #1
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