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Valhallan Rose

It was freezer pizza but I can't cook for shit so that's as close as I get.

1/12/2017 #271
Divine Angle

Freezer pizza is still good pizza.

1/12/2017 #272
Bill Friday

Well false alarm.

and I like making my own pizza

1/12/2017 #273
Valhallan Rose

Hm...I can't cook, but I can bake.

Give me something sweet and I'll be in the kitchen for six hours making endless batches. But give me a frying pan and a spatula? Hell no. I'll burn your house down.

1/12/2017 #274
Bill Friday

*tosses muffin ingredients.*

i like to bake and cook!

1/12/2017 #275
Valhallan Rose

*dodges because I have to finish this god forsaken essay)

1/12/2017 #276
Bill Friday

*holds up lighter*

need help?

1/12/2017 #277
Divine Angle

How would a lighter help?

1/12/2017 #278
Valhallan Rose

Not at all, considering this essay's brought me down from an 80 to a 58 in the class because it's three separate assessment grades.

1/12/2017 #279
Bill Friday

Exactly what Rose said jack.

so do I need propane or is this enough?

1/12/2017 #280
Valhallan Rose

None of the above. Burning my essay would be counterproductive.

1/12/2017 #281
Bill Friday

But it would be fun.

and now I'm leaving for real, see ya

1/12/2017 #282
Divine Angle

See ya.

you nerd

Write that essay and you write it well.

1/12/2017 #283
Valhallan Rose

And unfortunately I must go to bed. Been having trouble getting up the past few days.

*waves* Peace. I'm out.

1/12/2017 #284
Divine Angle

*Returns le wave*

Peace, friend-o. Sleep well. Will have a reply awaiting you, and all.

1/12/2017 #285
Bill Friday


hey, Rose you here?!

1/13/2017 #286
Valhallan Rose
I am now. Why, is there a problem? I'm reading that with a frantic undertone.
1/13/2017 #287
Bill Friday

*yanks knife out of head*

well, that problem is taken care of. Sorry for worrying you

also have you started Unlimited Blade Works yet?

1/13/2017 #288
Valhallan Rose
No, I haven't. I've had a lot going on this week and I'm still trying to keep up with what's coming up in school.
1/13/2017 #289
Bill Friday

Oh, sorry.


just wanted to mention that you should watch Fate/Zero before Unlimited Blade Works as it has a lot of backstory to make UBW make sense

1/13/2017 #290
Valhallan Rose
I see, I'll have to make note of that.
1/13/2017 #291
Bill Friday


so how do ya feel?

1/13/2017 #292
Valhallan Rose
I won't lie, I could be much better. *sighs* How are you? Hopefully better than me.
1/13/2017 #293
Bill Friday

Well I got started on draft number three of my book.

which means I gotta restart my progress again

1/13/2017 #294
Valhallan Rose
I got it. I'll read it when I get the chance - thank you for sending it to me.
1/13/2017 #295
Bill Friday

You're welcome, having people read it helps a lot.

and I needed to rework some thing about the story and plot to make it work better.

1/13/2017 #296
Valhallan Rose
Unfortunately it'll have to wait until tomorrow, as I'm somewhat falling asleep between messages. Good night, Bill, see you sometime.
1/13/2017 #297
Bill Friday

Night Rose

1/13/2017 #298
Divine Angle


1/15/2017 #299
Valhallan Rose
*drops in*
1/15/2017 #300
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