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Divine Angle

*exists again*

*Apologies for vanishing*

1/16/2017 #301
Valhallan Rose
For the love of god I always check in hours after anyone has been online *facepalm*
1/16/2017 #302
Bill Friday

Dot worry, I keep getting pulled into doing things that keep me from even coming here when I want



1/16/2017 #303
Divine Angle


I don't know I've been sad because stuff so I'm just sleeping wrong or something.

1/16/2017 #304
Bill Friday

*offers pillow*

need to Talk?

1/16/2017 #305
Divine Angle

*Eats pillow*

I dunno. Talking just makes me cry now.

1/16/2017 #306
Bill Friday

And you eat pillows.

wanna RP?

1/16/2017 #307
Divine Angle

Don't know pillows, man, they're nutritious.

If you want, sure thing man. Take your pick of Thanatos, or Tartarus.

1/16/2017 #308
Bill Friday

Which one would be more tolerant of the smug Meres?/Hermes?

1/16/2017 #309
Valhallan Rose
Thanatos hates literally everyone and everything from what I understand. Also, hai *waves*
1/16/2017 #310
Divine Angle

Well that's easy, Tartarus by default. Because Thanatos isn't tolerant of anything. At all. Thanatos would get pissed easily. Tartarus might get annoyed, but he might also be interested at some level.

Thanatos would get pissed off, or deeply annoyed.

1/16/2017 #311
Divine Angle

What Rose said. Even in his mythology, he's described as harboring hatred for everyone and everything. with the exception of Hypnos and maybe Nyx, but probably only Hypnos

And hi back at ya. *return waves*

1/16/2017 . Edited 1/16/2017 #312
Bill Friday

Then that Dood.

where do they meet up?

*glomps Rose*

1/16/2017 #313
Divine Angle

Which dood Ant what does thou mean (I is dense sorry)

1/16/2017 #314
Valhallan Rose
I'm not surprised by Hypnos. Aren't they twins in mythology? *waves and dodges glomp* And no touchy. I don't feel so hot right now.
1/16/2017 #315
Bill Friday

Tartarus Jack, you are forgiven

aw, okay.

the last two days have had me tired to the bone

1/16/2017 #316
Divine Angle

Yeah, they is twins in mythology. Thanatos only tolerates Hypnos because twin bros, and because he can put Thanatos to sleep. Which is like, the only rest and respite he can get from anything. Or something like that.

It's either that, or they're so close just because. Apparently they have a palace in a cavern somewhere.

And what's up, Rose?

1/16/2017 #317
Valhallan Rose
Not much, really. Been working on school stuff since I have our equivalent of midterms this week. You?
1/16/2017 #318
Bill Friday

I'm about to start classes this week.

and Div where post?

1/16/2017 #319
Divine Angle

Ah, kay then. I figured you meant Tartarus, but I couldn't tell because like part of me figures pissing of Thanatos would be part of Meres' fun. However, I shall be happy to give Tartarus a swing at things.

As to where, take your pick. Like, they're both Gods they can be wherever they want. But I'll give an idea of scene setting and all that, to help narrow things down:

If we do something in the Underworld thread, then they can meet in Tartarus (The location), and I could probably say that Tartarus sent for Meres because he has a message, or perhaps Meres is delivering something to him for... some reason? A meeting in the Pit might be easier played out when more stuff has happened on the forum and Meres has reason to deliver a letter. Alternatively, a man recently died and was escorted off to the Underworld, and he did some nasty stuff, so perhaps Meres was asked to escort the soul to Tartarus because... Reasons? If we do stuff in the Pit, then I can do a lot of stuff with the setting and all since Tartarus controls the Pit. So lots of freedom with how to use the scenery.

Perhaps they could cross paths somehow in the mortal plane, too. Tartarus could just happen to come to and bug Meres in a temple dedicated to either him or Meres, or perhaps it's just at a very random juncture.

Or perhaps Tartarus can go bug people in Olympus, and meet with Meres there. I can think of reasons to want him on Olympus for at least a moment anyway, even if his power is at its lowest there. He probs has questions to ask about certain things.

Take your pick, I'm cool with whatever.

1/16/2017 #320
Divine Angle

I'm being a sad person because stuff. Grandma is in hospice, and I tried really hard to get to her, but...


School is important. You have my wishes of many luck.

1/16/2017 #321
Valhallan Rose
If you ever need to talk, or at least vent, my inbox is open to you Jack. I wish you the best as well.
1/16/2017 #322
Divine Angle

I'll probably take you up on that before too long, Rose. I appreciate it.

1/16/2017 #323
Bill Friday

Back, sorry mom made help with the trash.

And meeting in the underworld sounds good, he could ask Meres to deliver a message.

and you can talk to me too Div

1/16/2017 #324
Divine Angle

Alright, Underworld works then. Who shall start?

And I'll probably take you up on that at some point, Bill.

1/16/2017 #325
Bill Friday

Cool then.

and you post first please.

1/16/2017 #326
Divine Angle

Kkk, here comes le post~

1/16/2017 #327
Bill Friday

Vegeta: and if it's anything like that jockstrap incident, ginyu probably buried them somewhere around here.

1/16/2017 #328
Divine Angle

Have a post, Ant.

Wanted to something more substantial, but with Tartarus, I can honestly start thinking of more to do and doing more once he has someone to work off of, so whenever you get to it.

1/16/2017 #329
Bill Friday

Cool dude.

rose you still here?

1/16/2017 #330
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