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Valhallan Rose
*pokes head in*
1/20/2017 #331
Bill Friday

*sneak glomp*


1/20/2017 #332
Valhallan Rose
*waves* Hi there.
1/20/2017 #333
Bill Friday

How is you?

1/20/2017 #334
Valhallan Rose
I'm alright, I guess. You?
1/20/2017 #335
Bill Friday

Last half hour has been irritable.

1/20/2017 #336
Valhallan Rose
How so?
1/20/2017 #337
Bill Friday

I finally decided to get League of Legends, and was happy to find out it worked on my computer.

then I got on my first match, and it was going good for the first half until my dad walks into my room pissed that I didn't do some chores he asked me to do, and told me to get off in the middle of the match. I managed to sneak back in, but I was so paranoid that he would catch me my performance suffered. And the people I was playing with were less than enthused.

at least it should have just been a one time match with them and meeting back up would be an astronomical coincidence.

1/20/2017 #338
Valhallan Rose
Ah. Yeah, that would be a tad unnerving. *snorts*
1/20/2017 #339
Bill Friday

Still, I like it and I'm looking forward to playing more tomorrow.

i tend to be a DPS player and Jinx so far is a good fit for me.

1/20/2017 #340
Valhallan Rose
...the only thing I understood there was Jinx. I know who she is, but I don't play League, so...yeah.
1/20/2017 #341
Bill Friday

Sorry, a lot of nonsense I know.

theres so many characters to cosplay too o.o

ive also started up on my book again.

1/20/2017 #342
Valhallan Rose
Ah, really? That's good. I still need to read it, if I'm honest...been quite busy with testing lately.
1/20/2017 #343
Bill Friday

That is a pain unfortunately.

how much longer is left?

and of thenLeague characters which do you like the most?

1/20/2017 #344
Valhallan Rose
Sona, I think. She's quite lovely. And testing finished today, but my brain is absolutely fried.
1/20/2017 #345
Bill Friday

Oh she is beautiful. And I love her skins.

best if you have time to recover then. No need to crash your system further

1/20/2017 #346
Valhallan Rose
*drops in*
1/21/2017 #347
Bill Friday

*tumbles in*

1/21/2017 #348
Valhallan Rose
Someone save me from this thing called sick
1/22/2017 #349
Bill Friday

What have you tried?

1/22/2017 #350

if it's a cold, try gargling salt water. doing so results in the dehydration of the virus cells in your throat, thus killing them rapidly.

it'll burn, but just imagine that you're burning the virus to death and you're feeling them die.

also, make sure to scrape off the white stuff on your tongue. That's usually dead bacteria, dead cells, and debris stuck in your papillae, which is totally harmless for the most part unless you have too much of it in which case it results in inflammation and quite usually bad breath. Although not scientifically proven, I personally had experiences where I got healthier faster when i have a clean tongue.

1/23/2017 #351
Bill Friday

I manage to power through my colds with some ajin

1/23/2017 #352
Divine Angle

Wooogle woooooogle woooooooooogle

1/26/2017 #353
Valhallan Rose

I finished Yuri on Ice and I'm conflicted

because I loved it

but I also feel like trash lol

1/26/2017 #354
Divine Angle

Yuri on Ice

What is

1/26/2017 #355
Valhallan Rose

A twelve episode anime about figure skating that's basically just gay as hell. It's not like explicitly stated that those characters are gay but everyone can tell

1/26/2017 #356
Valhallan Rose
Two more hours and I'm 17 muthafuckas
1/27/2017 #357
Divine Angle

*Really should respond to Bill*

*Feels terrible now*


1/30/2017 #358
Bill Friday

*feels horrible too*


guess who decided to show up.

2/5/2017 #359
Divine Angle

hugh jackman

Hi-yo, my guy. Wassup?

2/6/2017 #360
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