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Divine Angle
It's just straight wrong, unnatural.
12/17/2016 #31
A Composer of Dreams

Hey! Talking horses lives matter too! So put the shotgun down!

Also heyo!

12/18/2016 . Edited 12/18/2016 #32
Valhallan Rose

I'm totally not chatting with you elsewhere as well.


12/18/2016 #33
A Composer of Dreams

Think of it then as if we're chatting twice as much sis. *grins*

12/18/2016 #34
Valhallan Rose

Dork. *snorts*

12/18/2016 #35
A Composer of Dreams

And you wouldn't have it any other way.

12/18/2016 #36
Valhallan Rose

Fortunately for both of us, or this would be awkward as hell.

12/18/2016 #37
A Composer of Dreams

Just a tad yes. *chuckles*

12/18/2016 #38
A Composer of Dreams

Want to TS the rp? Since there isn't a whole lot TO talk about yet in the rp.

12/18/2016 #39
Valhallan Rose

Sure, where to?

12/18/2016 #40
A Composer of Dreams

*shrugs* Jack wanted to get an rp going with Thanatos after Lena left... so... *shrugs some more* I can't really think of more to do with this rp beyond have them part ways for a bit.

12/18/2016 #41
Valhallan Rose

Makes sense. Call that a wrap then?

12/18/2016 #42
A Composer of Dreams

Yeah... But they shall chat again soon me thinks.

12/18/2016 #43
Divine Angle

*wiggle smack*

12/18/2016 #44
A Composer of Dreams

So... no sexy undertale like wiggle?

12/19/2016 #45
Divine Angle
It can be sexy if you want it to be. ;P
12/19/2016 #46
Divine Angle
It can be sexy if you want it to be. ;P
12/19/2016 #47
A Composer of Dreams

Nah man, I'm cool. Was just curious.

12/19/2016 #48
Valhallan Rose
*raises brow* Do I need to find you two a room?
12/19/2016 #49
A Composer of Dreams

Nah... Jack's great an all, but he ain't my type.

12/19/2016 #50
Valhallan Rose

Ah, good, I'd hate to have to tell your girl.

12/19/2016 #51
A Composer of Dreams

Eh... Joy already knows I'm... *puts on a pink fluffy scarf*


12/19/2016 . Edited 12/19/2016 #52
Jacky the Serket

Hey guys.

So...where do I use my god dude?

12/19/2016 #53
A Composer of Dreams

Wherever you want I would think, we got a whole world that will be developed by our gods after all.

Also hi! Don't think I've met you yet.

12/19/2016 #54
Jacky the Serket

No, I don't believe we met.

Well, hello! My name's Jacky! Pleased to meet you!

12/19/2016 #55
A Composer of Dreams

Comps, pleasure to be met! *grins*

So what do you want to do with Tearwi?

12/19/2016 #56
Jacky the Serket

come up with a better name

Um, I dunno. Just interact with people. I'm not looking for much.

12/19/2016 #57
A Composer of Dreams


Comps is a LOT shorter than "A Composer of Dreams", and most people call me that. *shrugs*

It's grown on me actually, at first I wanted to be called Dreams for short, but that never caught on.

12/19/2016 #58
Jacky the Serket

I meant for Tearwi

I used to be called Cheif due to a previous nickname, but now...I'm Jacky.


12/19/2016 #59
A Composer of Dreams

Chief huh? Pretty neat.

And sorry, I went for the other name cause we already have a Jack. Having said that though... I'm the only one that calls him Jack here I think?

12/19/2016 #60
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