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Divine Angle
Alright then, many thanks. All my questions are answered. I offer my help if it's needed, but as you have stated you don't want to ask for help anyway, I obviously won't pester. Again, thanks for the answers~
1/1/2017 #91
Phyllis Joy Wolfe

Hey Emmys! I posteded my goddesses :D

1/1/2017 #92
Bill Friday

Hey I'm out of work now!

1/1/2017 #93
Divine Angle
... do you mean off work? Because out of work implies you don't have a job anymore.
1/1/2017 #94
Bill Friday

Off work yes sorry

1/1/2017 #95
Divine Angle
1/1/2017 #96

@Rose: No worries. I totally getcha. I'll go make my personal version of Zeus, and it's up to you to accept it or not. Thanks for giving me a chance!

1/1/2017 #97

oh, but before I make the character, I have a few questions about the forum that I didn't find in the Rules or anywhere else:

  1. Are we making OCs that represent the gods or are we making the gods themselves? As in, would the mortals know the queen of the underworld to be "Lena" and nothing else, or would she also be known as "Persephone"? Because if the latter is the case, is the underworld now named "Ale"? What do we call the ocean until Oceanus is picked? What do we call Styx, Tartarus, etc? What happens if we get into a conversation about character relations, like if Thanatos wants to talk about his mom but "Nyx" is unclaimed, only for someone to rename her "Sasha" or something? If the former, how is that gonna work? Did the gods just decide to change their names and looks for a change of style? Did the gods have a "birth name" and a separate "Godly Name" like how one could be "Ale the person" and "Hades the god"?
  2. What's the setting? Are we in ancient Greece? Modern times? Somewhere in between?
  3. Are we making the Histories of the characters based on myth or are we just making up our own? What happens if these histories are contradictory? (Thanatos is the son of Nyx, but what if someone claimed Nyx as "Mary the Maiden who never had any kids" or even "Nick the guy who everyone thought was a girl but wasn't"?
1/1/2017 #98
Valhallan Rose
The names of places and all I will say stay the same. The way I see it the mortals will have given their gods names, so Lena for example, will be known as Persephone to the mortal people. I don't imagine the gods would be all that willing to share their names anyway, despite their involvement in mortal affairs.
1/2/2017 #99
Valhallan Rose
Breaking my own rules. Woo. Anyway, time is Ancient Greece after the defeat of the Titans. Hence why none of them are on my list. Histories should start based off myth, like if your God has children, you can't change that. But hey, if they decided to become an Unvirgin Mary, go right ahead, as long as their story adds up with what has already been set through their mythology. Did that make sense?
1/2/2017 #100
Yep, thanks. And the time setting?
1/2/2017 #101
Valhallan Rose
Thought I mentioned it, but I guess not. I've set this so it is Ancient Greece, post fall of the Titans - hence why I'm trying to have as little of them as possible at the moment, since they're banished to Tartarus and all that.
1/2/2017 #102

well, actually, less than half the Titans were thrown in.

The Titans that were CONFIRMED not put into Tartarus:

  • Prometheus
  • Epimetheus
  • All the females (because Zeus is Zeus)
  • eventually Kronos (he became the god of Elysium, the heaven of Greek mythologies, because he helped the Cyclops race escape from Tartarus after a bunch of crap went down and Zeus was like "Hell yea thanks for saving your grandkids you're pretty chill now")
  • Helios (was still a sun god despite Apollo being a sun god because... reasons and some kid had to die to the sun at some point)
  • Oceanus (withdrew from conflict, rather than helping Chronos or Zeus)
  • Menoetius (is NOT in TARTARUS, but IS in HADES. Wrestled Heracles when he went to capture Cerberus)
1/2/2017 . Edited 1/2/2017 #103
Divine Angle

Wasn't there like, a human King who's also placed in Elysium in some myths? I think he was placed in Tartarus as a judge of the dead more often than Elysium, and I think more myths put Cronos in Elysium.

You know what, I can't for the life of me remember the name of the King. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

1/2/2017 #104

yea, that king was one of the many judges of the dead.

I know he was the Minotaur's step-uncle... i usually don't deal with super long and convoluted names

1/2/2017 . Edited 1/2/2017 #105
Bill Friday

I think you're referring to Midas.

1/2/2017 #106
Divine Angle

Yeah, he was related to the Minotaur, but I feel like he was also Zeus' kid sometimes too. Which threw me off because he was never stated to be a Demigod or God or anything, although I guess that was always implied.

His name was some level of convoluted horse hockey, so yeah not worth remembering. I'll probably google it, laugh at the convoluted name, and never mention it again.

1/2/2017 #107
Divine Angle

Nooo, Midas has the decency to have an easy name. This mofo I'm thinking of has some convoluted mess of a name that eh.

1/2/2017 #108

Midas is the guy who got a wish granted by Dionysus to make everything he touched become gold, only to realize that this would turn all his servants, kids, lovers, and food into gold as well. After accidentally killing so many people he loved, Midas cured himself of his own wish by diving into a lake. (everyone he killed is still dead tho)

Minos was a guy who pissed off Poseidon and the sea god was like "screw you I'mma make a bull screw your wife" and the bull impregnated Minos' wife with a half-bull monster that ate humans. The Minotaur.

They are unrelated.

1/2/2017 #109
Bill Friday

You know why hasn't anyone made a black comedy about the absurdity of the Greek myths?

1/2/2017 #110
Divine Angle

I'm sure it's been done, it probably just isn't that popular. Everyone that would be interested would already know the jokes because they know the myths, so it probably just wouldn't do well.

1/2/2017 #111
A Composer of Dreams

Heyo alls!

1/2/2017 #112
Valhallan Rose

I won't lie, right now I'm still pulling information from myths. I'd post my note sheet but it'd clog the topic.

Where I am in my notes I've only started the research behind Titans. I had this idea that since this is perhaps right after the whole Titan War situation, and Kronos is not yet the God of Elysium, so the remainder of Titans defeated but not banished are probably laying low. There's going to be a whole topic on it eventually, but I haven't had time for it myself and I freak out at the prospect of asking people for help for whatever reason.

I'm not completely banning the use of Titans in this forum, but it doesn't fit with the timeline I've been trying to create right now so they'll likely be added in later. As I've pointed out before, this forum is still under construction.

1/2/2017 #113
I would appreciate it if this was a bit after the Trojan War, which is before Chronos being pulled out, but after all the gods were born.
1/2/2017 #114
Valhallan Rose
Considering I have all gods and goddesses that I know of available for play right now, it makes the most logical sense, so I can agree with that.
1/3/2017 #115
Divine Angle


1/3/2017 #116
If so, then the setting is nearing the end of the Age of Heroes. For those who don't know, the Age of Heroes came after or during the Bronze Age, which is after the Silver Age, which is after the MYTHICAL Golden Age. The Golden Age was when the world was ruled by Chronos, the Silver Age is the first batch of humans that turned out to be too bad so they gods killed all but two of them before remaking them to live shorter but be healthier, which is the start of the Bronze Age.
1/3/2017 #117
Divine Angle


1/4/2017 #118
Valhallan Rose

*drops in*

1/4/2017 #119
Divine Angle


1/4/2017 #120
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