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Valhallan Rose

Before anything else, huge thanks to Divine Jack for pulling this together. He had a lot more notes that I didn't expect him to pull together at all, so I definitely direct you to him if you have an questions.

Jack's just your monster encyclopedia over here. Save my soul.

Anyway, I'll limit users to two myth-specific or specified monsters (those with names or that had certain fates). I'll be dividing the monsters best I can, and you'll only have to worry about claiming on that specific post. Otherwise this is just here for you to look at for creating monsters when that thread goes up and all that jazz.

Dont get too attached to this top post, it'll probably be edited as I post more of the sections.

1/11/2017 #1
Valhallan Rose

Amphisbaena, the winged "ant-eating" serpent with a head at each end of its body.

Arachne, a half-spider woman who was cursed by Athena, and became the mother of all spiders after her.

Argus Panoptes, A hundred-eyed Primordial Giant, servant of Hera after the Olympians came to power.

Azeus, A Giant that fought in the Titanomachy, Giant of the Drought.

Catoplebas, a creature with the body of a buffalo and head of a boar, its breath and gaze turned people to stone.

Centauros, the son of Ixion Kinslayer and Nephele the Cloud Nymph, Centauros fathered the Centaur race.

Cerastes, a serpent that literally had no spine, and ram-like horns on its head.

Charybdis, either just a monster, or the daughter of Poseidon that was cursed into a monster by Zeus. The cause of Whirlpools. (Please inform us of your decision for her roots in the forum when claiming, so we have a concise background.)

Chimera, a fire-breathing three-headed monster with one head of a lion, one of a snake, and another of a goat, lion claws in front and goat legs behind, and a long snake tail.

Crocotta, a hybrid monster of many creatures, can imitate the voices of humans to lure them to it.

Polyphemus, A Cyclops and son of Poseidon. Outwitted and blinded by Odysseus.

Eurynomos, an Underworld Daimon/Spirit of the rotting corpses dwelling in the Underworld.

Geryon, a giant described with either one body and three heads, or one head and three bodies. One description gave him six arms, legs, and wings. (Included with Orthros, a two headed dog with a serpent for a tail. Guarded the Giant Geryon's cattle.)

Medusa, one of the Gorgon Sisters, her gaze could turn humans to stone.

Stheno, one of the Gorgon Sisters, and the most murderous of the three, having killed more than any of her siblings.

Euryale, one of the Gorgon Sisters, her screams were so great that they could kill.

Graeae, three sisters that shared a single eye and tooth among them, named Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo. (Very connected through eye and tooth, so i count them as one unit.)

Aello, one of the three Harpy Sisters, she abducted those that would be escorted to Tartarus for punishment.

Celaeno, one of the three Harpy Sisters, she worked with her sisters to carry out punishments for the Gods.

Ocypete, one of the three Harpy Sisters, and the fastest of them. She worked with her sisters to carry out punishment for the gods.

Lernaen Hydra, A multi-headed serpentine beast that was also known as King Hydra. It guarded an Underworld entrance at Lake Lerna.

Manticore/Androphagos, a creature with the body of a red lion, the head of a man, and usually the tail of a scorpion.

Minotaur, the half-man half-bull monster, a creature that can only find sustenance in human flesh.

Orion, a Giant huntsman that Zeus placed in the skies as the constellation Orion. So that's neat for him.

Ouroboros, immortal snake that's forever looping on itself as it eats its tail. Not really a reason to be on a list, unless someone hardcore reinterprets it to actually do something. (if you want to, go nuts. To an extent)

Phoenix, legendary fire bird, of which only one could live at a time. When one died, from its ashes the next was born.

Scylla, once a Nereid, but was transformed into a monster by Circe that feeds on and terrorizes sailors. A companion of sorts to Charybdis.

Skolopendra, a giant sea dwelling monster, said to be the size of a Greek Trireme. Child of Phorcys and Keto.

Sphinx, has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman.

Lycaon, turned into a wolf monster as a curse from the Gods, as punishment for serving them the flesh of his murdered son Nyctimus.

Pegasus, offspring of Medusa and Poseidon, technical sibling to Chrysaor.

(General dragons.)

The Colchian Dragon, the unsleeping Dragon that guards the Golden Fleece at Colchis.

Cychereides, a dragon serpent that terrorized Salamis, before being driven away by a noble Hero.

Ismenian Dragon, the offspring of Ares that guards the sacred Spring of Ismene near Thebes.

Ladon, the serpentine dragon that entwined itself around the tree in the Garden of the Hesperides, guarding the Golden Apples.

Nemean Dragon, the Dragon which guarded Zeus' sacred grove in Nemea.

Pitanian Dragon, a Dragon that lives in Pitane, Aeolis.

Pyrausta, an insect-sized and insect-like Dragon that lived within fires.

Python, an earthen Dragon that lived near Delphi, and the Chthonic enemy of Apollo.

Thespian Dragon, a dragon that terrorized the city of Thespia in Boeotia.

(Drakons, strictly serpentine dragons that were known for being horribly venomous, or breathing fire, and usually having multiple heads. Never depicted with wings.)

Laconian Drakon, one of the most fearsome of the Drakons.

Maeonian Drakon, a Drakon that lived in the Kingdom of Lydia.

(Cetea, basically water-dwelling dragons, sea monsters.)

Ethiopian Cetus, a Cetea sent by Poseidon to ravage Ethiopia and devour Andromeda.

Trojan Cetus, a Cetea that plagued the city of Troy.

(Drakaina/Dracaenae were monstrous Dragons that had the upper body of a woman, and lower body of any type of Dragon.)

Delphyne, the Drakaina that protected the Oracle at Delphi.

Echidna, wife of Typhon, and the mother of monsters.

Poena, a Drakaina and the spirit of Punishment. She was an attendant to the Goddess Nemesis.

Scythian Drakaina, the Queen of Scythia. (She had two serpentine tails making up her lower body, apparently.)

Sybaris, a Drakaina that lives on a mountain near Delphi, feeding on shepherds, farmers, and livestock.

1/11/2017 . Edited 1/11/2017 #2
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