The Clone Wars A New Story
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Ethreal Wings





Home Planet:

Sexual Orientation:


Force Sensitivity (Cannot exceed 20,000 midichlorian [Anakin level]; even that is abnormally high)(Note: Characters with midichlorian levels as high or close to it,you need a very good reason):

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral):

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph):

Personality (Minimum one paragraph):

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs):

Weakness (Minimum four):

Strength (Minimum three):


4/8/2018 #1

Name: Jayne Olympia Hype

Nickname: Jay

Species:Human(With a heritage of Mirilan but only lightly)

Age: 13 1/2

Home Planet: Courasaut(but she did travel a lot when she was younger)

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Force Sensitivity:10 to 11 thousand

Side: Jedi Padawan

Appearance: A small girl standing at only 4'11" with tanned skin and raven hair that is usually tied back in a messy ponytail with her padawan braid woven into it. She does have a slightly Asian look to her but her eyes pretty much stand out the most being a purple color which her father said entered the family's gene pool through interbreeding about 600 years ago but still shows up in the Hype line ever so often. She usually wears tan robes that does have blue streaks on the sleeves. She does wield a blue saber that she keeps on her belt along with a com link and a pouch that she keeps trinkets and things that she collects on missions inside.

Personality:Jayne doesn't have a typical Jedi personality. She has a semi-sarcastic sense of humor and does have a bright and happy personality.She does have a bit of a temper and does prefer action to speeches. She's not the calmest to say the least and sometimes gets worked up a little too easily from time to time.She might seem a bit annoying to some people considering she doesn't really shut up from time to time and can come off as mocking in some situations...but usually someone keeps her in line when it comes to this aspect of her personality.Jay does get lost in thought from time to time and often spaces out and daydreams. She does tend to be a bit of mischief maker often playing pranks much to the disapproval of the masters she meets. She does sometimes lack respect and does speck out of turn...not having much of a filter,

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs):Jayne was born to a Senator named Erik Hype and a smuggler named Thea Grey.She had a older sister that took care of her most of the time who was named Lana because her dad was constantly busy and also her mother doing jobs for the Rebellion.When she was only a year old her mother was killed smuggling weapons to the front lines of a battle.Erik was devesrated and to add to it Jay started showing signs of force sensitivity to the point that a Jedi recruiter noticed her abilites in the force.Erik willing gave Jay over to them when she was 2 and she barely remembers her parents only some features of her sister.

Jayne was a mischievous girl who often that got in trouble at the temple to the point she gained a reputation for being a troublemaker at the temple.This gained the attention of Master Flo Cade who did feel a small attraction to the young girl and eventually took her on as a padawan teaching her.When Jay was about 12 she constructed her first lightsaber which was a blue color. She has been to a couple battlefields over the years along with her master but was mostly stationed at the temple...much to the displeasure of the young girl. Sitting around was never her strong point and she is quickly getting antsy.

Weakness (Minimum four):

  • Head strong and tends to disobey orders
  • Is bad at combat and is still learning
  • Is a bit of a troublemaker
  • Tends to be a lot of naive

Strength (Minimum three):

  • Is very kind and compassionate
  • Has lots of empathy for people....she hates it when people are caught in the crossfire of the war
  • Is adept at Telekinesis

Other: Might make Flo as a minor character

4/8/2018 #2

Name: 'Darth' Bogan Adas Starkiller (kinda like how Jack Sparrow introduces himself as 'Captain'

Gender: Male

Age: Biologically 10, Chronologically thousands of years old

Species: Sith Pureblood.

Affiliation: Sith empire, starkiller family, Jedi order (begrudgingly)

Job: Self Proclaimed Sith lord, lord of the Starkiller family, Guardian of the orb of Adas

Force Sensitive: Yes

Physical Description: A red skinned, Sith pureblood with Peircing yellow, life like cybernetic eyes, Pitch Black sith Tattoos on his whole body, sharp facial features, pitch black short hair. Bogan wears this: His Mask: as well as Black gloves.

Personality: Bogan was groomed from Birth to lead others. He carries himself with the poise of a shrewd and deceptive manipulator when not in battle. In Battle, he is a ruthlessly aggressive fighter. He is proficient in the use of Sokan, using the environment to his advantage as well as employing Dun Moch, the art of psychological warfare. Bogan carries himself as a lord, though he's deceptive and ruthless, he's no monster.

Likes: Gaining power through victory, Dejarik, the finest things in the galaxy.

Dislikes: Jedi dogma, not having status. Being reminded how alone he truly is,

Other (optional): Due to a Hyperdrive Malfunction, Bogan's ship, the Sith'ari, Dropped out of hyperspace over corusaunt months before the clone wars.

4/8/2018 #3
Lone Ranger1994

Name: friazer gilmore


Species: human

Age: 43

Home Planet: alderaan

Sexual Orientation:straight


Force Sensitivity (Cannot exceed 20,000 midichlorian [Anakin level]; even that is abnormally high)(Note: Characters with midichlorian levels as high or close to it,you need a very good reason):nons

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral):republic

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph): Frazier stands 5,11 and weighs close to 230lbs . He has long brown hair to his shoulders. He has green eyes and a pointy triangle nose he has scar across his right eye he also has a tattoo of the Alderaan insignia on his left arm

Personality (Minimum one paragraph): Frazier is kind but also realistic . He is blunt and to the point he is a very trustworthy and respectable person. Fraizer had always had a chip on his shoulder he still has that bounty hunter mentality that gets him in trouble from time to time . He sometimes lets his ego get to him.

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs):Frazier was born into the Alderaan royal family . Frazier was born and bred to be a ambassador but he wanted more so when he was 17 he snuck aboard bounty hunters ship and faked his identity . Fraizer Worked as a bounty hunter for 10 years helping bring in criminals that done wrong . One day fraizer he was going by the name zorn grandor to conceal his identity . Fraizer intercepted a message that a group of pirates had captured ambassador frank Gilmore of Alderaan . Fraizers father . Fraizer left in a hurry and boarded the pirates ship killing the pirates that he came in contact with but by the time he made it to his father the ruthless pirate draggor grabber excuted frank . Fraizer in a rage of fury killed draggor and every single one of his pirate minions . Fraizer then flew the dead pirates ship to Alderaan where fraizer buried his father and became the next ambassador of Alderaan .

Weakness (Minimum four): fraizer's body is riddled with blaster burns whitch hurts him to stand still. Fraizers body is very vurnerable to poison his body almost never have being in contact with it . Fraizer isn't the best at unlocking doors or with computers.

Strength (Minimum three):fraizer is a trained negoiatior. After being a bounty hunter for 10 years fraizer had honed his skills with both his blasters and as a pilot .fraizer is also highly resourceful .

Weapons : 2x westar 23 blaster pistols

armor/ clothing : fraizer wears brown leather trench coat under it he wears brown boots and brown clothes pants he also wears a brown shirt with a mandorian chest planet he got from his bounty hunting days

4/8/2018 . Edited 4/9/2018 #4
Ethreal Wings

Name: Delphyne Fleurette

Nickname: Delphi

Species: human

Age: 18

Home Planet: Wondlu

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Gender: female

Force Sensitivity: she is 10000?

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral): neutral, but leans towards the Republic

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph):Delphi is petite, almost like a 1900s doll. She stands at 4 foot 11 inches, and is very thin, weighing only about 80Lbs. Delphi has large, emerald green, eyes. Long, dark eyelashes surround her eyes, however, black mascara and heavy eyeliner, creating a shocking contrast to her ivory skin and making her eyes look even larger. She generally uses a cat eye style of eyeliner. Delphi has a small, pixie-like nose, powdered with lightly colored freckles, which extend to cover pale cheeks. She has naturally long, light auburn red hair, which is naturally wavy. Delphi brushes the strands in front to the right side of her face, creating the effect and appearance of side-bangs. She often gives small smiles, those quickly growing into joy filled smiles, and lighting up her whole face. She likes to dress fashionably, but also simply. Often, Delphi is seen in a simple spring dress, usually with a floral pattern. Shoes aren't exactly a welcome article of clothing to Delphi, as she often throws them away or hides the pair. Delphi usually wears her hair down, however, when she doesn't want it free, it's placed in a simple side braid or fish tail, often tied with a colorful ribbon. Delphi walks gracefully, almost like a dancer, balancing on each light step and bouncing sweetly from object to object.

Below and above her right eye she has the signature swirl tattoo, swirling into intricate patterns, the tattoo a light silver, with light gold woven in. At the ends of each swirl, is a jewel, which changes color, depending on her mood, a birthmark of the Wondlu royalty.

Delphi wears light, yet elegant dresses that flow as she walks.

Personality (Minimum one paragraph):Delphi is generally an easy going girl, although a bit shy. She is one of those people who prefer to be with a good book, preferably a fairytale retelling. Not that she has anything against others, she just finds books easier. Although Delphi tries to keep her emotions hidden, she is an open book. She wears her heart on her sleeve, which can cause her a lot of pain, as well as A lot of joy, depending on the situation. Delphi being shy, has caused her to be somewhat insecure around people she doesn't know. Delphi is usually very worried that she will offend someone, or hurt someone's feelings when she meets them, that she is commonly apologizing. Even if the situation doesn't call for it. Due to this, the blond does not have many friends.

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs):Delphi is next in line to rule Wondlu. (not that she really wants to, as she is so scared to make a wrong decision). She was born the daughter of the Queen, Rose, and the King, Vincent. Both king and queen rather adored by their people. The people celebrated the birth of the new heir to the throne, Delphyne. Who grew up to be just as kind, and caring as her parents. Sometimes even kinder than she should be.

Delphi grew up learning the ways of her people. How to negotiate, how to defend herself (her fathers insistence!). How to be a proper future queen.

All of what Delphi has mastered. If her anxiety would stop interfering.

But what Delphi was really interested in was learning how to make herbal remedies, to help people, like her mother taught her. She has learned all she could from her mother, and even from the plants themselves. As most people born of Wondlu, Delphi has a deep connection with nature, she can hear the whispers of the plants, (which is gossip mostly), animals. Delphi could often be found in the royal gardens, or on occasion when she could talk her bodyguards to take her into the forest surrounding the capital city because she needed this one ingredient for a remedy and it can only be found in the forest. To which she ends up getting more than she planned, and would come home with a creature or two that was hurt, or orphaned. As she was incredibly kind hearted, she could not leave them behind. Her guards always helping her. They admired her compassion.

So all in all Delphi has lived a very sheltered life, so she is very innocent to the rest of the galaxies.

Weakness (Minimum four): Just as loyalty is a strength, it is also a weakness of Delphi's. When she is loyal to someone, she may have trouble breaking away from them, even if someone tells her the person is wrong. Sometimes it takes a while to realize she was being used for her magic. Delphi is very trusting, giving it out to others easily. Something her father had tried to teach her so she would not get herself into trouble, or get hurt by it. Trusting easily can be a good thing, but she could fall into the wrong group so to speak.

Physically, Delphi is not strong, and if anything. Is very underweight. Mostly due to her forgetting to eat due to her anxiety.

Strength (Minimum three): Delphi is very optimistic, even throughout her childhood into adulthood. She gets along easily with others. She does trust easily. Delphi is very caring, and understanding. She tries to see the whole picture before she makes a decision.


4/8/2018 . Edited 4/9/2018 #5
Ethreal Wings
Galactatech Darth Bogan needs some weaknesses and strengths. Also maybe a bit more personality. :)
Lone Ranger Please add some more to Frazier personality. Also could you add more strengths and weaknesses to him? :)

Thank you guys!! :)

4/8/2018 #6

Name: Bogan Adas Starkiller

Nickname: Darth Starkiller (self given title)

Species: Sith

Age: 10

Home Planet: Korriban

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Gender: Male

Force Sensitivity: 15,000 (due to selective breeding and the process in which he was created. Coupled with his intense, borderline abusive upbringing.)

Side: Whichever aligns with his agenda

Appearance: Bogan Adas Starkiller is a young, sith child with short, black hair, bone protrusions forming a beard like growth on his chin, Bogan's naturally piercing yellow eyes and four fingers on each hand reflect the purity of his blood. The same height and weight as a human youth the same age, Bogan is athletically built and in the prime condition for his age. In addition, his sith war suit is comprised of Phrik armor on top of an armor weave suit. his mask doubling as the complete collection of knowledge of the Starkiller family.

Personality: Bogan is a young, highly intelligent and perceptive individual with a tremendous amount of potential and he knows it. Because of this, he tends to come off as arrogant, condescending, and uncaring. However, underneath that is a scared child who struggles with the fact that he is no longer in a galaxy he knows or feels like a part of. In addition, he is slow to trust others and will often keep his feelings to himself. As he never had a real childhood, he scoffs at the 'immaturity' of those his own age. Bogan's Pride and honor as a Sith Pureblood are extremely important to him. As such his word is his vow, if He promised he would do something, he will do it, no mater who he has to go through to do it.

Bio: Bogan Adas Starkiller, Heir to the Starkiller family was 'born' on Korriban thousands of years before the the clone wars. Like all the members of his family, Bogan was created by combining sith sorcery, Alchemy and eugenics. Using the genetic blueprint for a baseline sith, housed inside the ancient orb of Adas. Bogan was groomed to one day rule the Sith Empire and restore the true sith to power. However, the Sith empire's dark council mobilized against the Starkiller family. Forced to flee, Bogan escaped aboard a furry class interceptor. However, the damage sustained to his hyperdrive caused the ship to drop out of hyperspace during the clone wars.

Shoehorned into joining the Jedi order, Bogan was initially the padawan to Jedi Blade master Sora Bulq, who taught him Vaapad in hopes of turning his aggression and love for battle and victory into a weapon of the light. Sora Bulq did this without the knowledge or permission of the Jedi High Council, and it worked. Bogan's desire to master Vaapad completely translated into a dedicated and hard working combat student.




Highly intelligent

Bogan isn't just a blunt weapon, he is a tactical fighter by necessity, using the force to throw objects at his opponents to subvert them, and controlling the battlefield to prevent his enemies from leveraging their own advantages against him.

Bogan makes use of the sith Dun Moch technique of psychological warfare to demoralize and distract his opponents, coupled with a tactical use of force abilities. martial skills, unorthodox weapons, and the very environment itself to maximize his combat effectiveness.



Bogan's force abilities are specifically optimized for personal combat. Using Force enhancement to augment his physical abilities to rival a full grown member of his species. However this can be taxing to his force reserves.

Bogan's biggest weakness is his ignorance if the higher mysteries of the force, a weakness intentionally constructed by his mother in order to kep her son under thumb.

Due to the abusive upbringing he endured under his mother, Bogan has next to no knowledge of how to be a normal, fun loving kid, His idea of fun is completely destroying his opponents in every way he can. this obsession with victory and apparent lack of empathy makes connecting with others hard. That's not to say he's antisocial as he is versed in the ways of high society and educate, however he carris himself with the aloofness of a lord. This flaw slowly receded as Bogan formed friendships with Certain Jedi and younglings.

Bogan is still a child, and as such his endurance and hardiness are not as well developed as an older, more mature fighter. He's no glass canon, but he's not a immovable object or unstoppable force either.

Bogan was intentionally trained almost exclusively to be a warrior by his mother. This was done to prevent Bogan from being able to challenge her as a force user. However he does have the potential to overcome this shortcoming.

Other: Bogan HATES Binary.

4/8/2018 . Edited 4/9/2018 #7

((Lol, I'm heeeeeeeeere.))

"Listen, I'm a born predator. Don't blame me for you getting bit when you threaten me." ~ Kaevu

Name: Kaevu

Nickname: Lurker (Codename), Lurk, Snuffles (Doesn't mind.), Kae

Species: Gurlanin

Age: 68 (Young for a Gurlanin.)

Home Planet: Qiilura

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Gender: Male

Force Sensitivity: 13,000-ish (Unlike his sister, he took a test.)

Side: Meh. Loyal to the team. Has no love for the Separatists or the Galactic Republic.

Appearance: Gurlanins are polymorphic. In his normal state, he's a canine with sleek black fur all over his body. Razor sharp teeth follow the entire length of his snout, four double-pointed fangs protruding over his lower lip for doing the most possible damage to whatever meat meets the business end of them. Though intimidating, if he speaks outwardly while in this form, his teeth cause an easily humorous lisp. A Gurlanin's ears are located in their snouts so that they can use a loud snuffling as echolocation in the dark, normally for hunting Gdans back on Qiilura at night or in their tunnels. Out in the field, he's a good, instinctive guard dog. But unlike his sister, he's comfortable with being casual when he feels safe.

In his human form (which is his most common alternative), he often takes up more intimidating faces. It's mostly just because he wants to blend with the group but keep close to some of his original gurlanin characteristics. He's decided his main alternative is to stand at 6'0" with a muscular form (though not of the freakishly big variety.) His skin is dark, his hair is its original black, but coarse enough to feel human. He has facial hair but keeps it trimmed, being told it adds something to the character. His lips have sort of a permanent smirk and his brows are subtly furrowed at most points. Kaevu also prefers keeping his eyes their original orange to unsettle those whose gazes meet his if he's not wearing any visors. To keep up his theme, his wardrobe is almost completely made up of dark shades if it's not completely black. On missions, he dons the armor provided for him by his team, which tends to be light and easy to shed in case he needs to morph again, being the polymorph that he is. Otherwise, it's usually monocolor shirts, leather jackets, pants and boots.

(Facial features may vary, but I'd like to give a face claim as a general idea for anyone that would like to have one: Chadwick Boseman )

Personality: Kaevu is a compassionate soul, but his behavior differs greatly depending on the situation. When on a mission, due to his preference to appear intimidating, he acts far more stoic and serious than he would in the company of just the crew or his sister. Even then, he's quick to smile and laugh, but he tries not to use his voice due to it being more recognizable as anything but human. If he does need to use it with anyone but the crew, it's usually with very few words and/or in a growl. He's a fierce protector, a good-hearted guy with a talent for infiltrating and lying. And although he enjoys the hunt, he's more likely to harm another only out of necessity rather than a bad temper. Kaevu is actually very well-tempered and patient, likely to happily join his friends for a drink and a game, all the while practicing self-restraint in hopes that his sister will pick something up from it. Oh yeah, when Kaevu cares about someone, he does everything in his power to help them any way he can, constantly trying to improve their lives or their state of being. Don't let him know you haven't eaten, haven't slept, have been abducted, etc. because he's liable to get himself killed caring for everyone. It's the one thing he has trouble calming down about sometimes.

Bio: Kaevu and Zawzun were born in the same litter, two of five pups, and the only two out of a family of seven that survived the arrival of the separatists when they more recently took up residence on Qiilura. Gurlanins are known for their natural connection to each other through the force, their ability to communicate with one another through a psychic link. But these pups were discovered to have a stronger connection to the force than most. As time passed and Separatist activity on the planet increased, some believed it was because of the conflicts going on throughout the galaxy. Of course, they had years of growing up, hunting, avoiding the Republic settlers, being treated more like rats than the intelligent beings that they were. Now, the Clone Wars have broken out. The sibling's parents were part of a team that went to infiltrate the Separatist base of control to monitor the situation there, discover how to best get rid of them. Instead, they were discovered. Of course they were, it's the main reason Kaevu and Zawzun left Qiilura. Their siblings were killed trying to take the base down in a furied revenge while Kaevu and Zawzun were busy stalking a settler's herd of Merlies. The only reason they were alive was because they were busy with the bigger problem of the threatening starvation of their pack and family. But, when they returned with fresh kills to learn of the slaughter of their family, it was Kaevu that kept Zawzun from taking the life of their alpha for letting her siblings go to their deaths. The other Gurlanins had always been wary of them for their attachment to the force, but the fact that they'd let them go on their own was infuriating to Zawzun. It was also upsetting to Kaevu, of course, but he knew there was nothing they could do about it now without ending up dead, themselves.

When knowledge reached them that the Gurlanins were planning to join the Republicans against the Separatists for the sole purpose of getting them off of Qiilura, the sibling's paths were decided. They didn't want to fight against their enemies alongside other enemies for a planet that mistrusted them anyway. They were tired of it. In the end, it was Kaevu's planning and Zawzun's rage that aided their escape from Qiilura and the incoming battles, and no one else. Of course, not long after the escape, things went sideways for the two shapeshifters. Honestly, the coming days would be the most chaotic they'd experienced yet. Space pirates. That's what Zawzun called them when they boarded the ship and took everything they had, even put them in cages and tried to brand them. But it quickly became apparent that it wouldn't happen without some of the crew losing their lives, so they remained untouched except for the magnetic collars meant to keep them in their cages.

It's safe to say that they took advantage of the next event with great, enraged prejudice. The next event? Mercenaries. The captain of the crew had a price on his head big enough to catch the attention of a merc. Kaevu and Zawzun bluntly ignored the attacking mercenaries and, when they broke from their captivity, eliminated the rest of their captors with great prejudice. This is how they met the team they work with and are so attached to today. They do whatever it is the crew needs of them, mainly having to do with protecting the crew, the ship, and sometimes getting into places that the others normally would be incapable of getting into.

Weakness: Because he generally trusts his tell in people, he can sometimes be too ready to trust them with too much. The thing is, he's always been far more optimistic than his sister, to the point that he's always looking for the good in people. While it may be a strength, it may cause a few problems in such a time of danger. While strong and perfectly capable of killing, his hopeful leanings towards pacifism sometimes have him hesitating to fight if he thinks there's a chance to talk things out. The more complicated the morph, the more time and energy it takes, the more painful it also is. It may be natural for him to change, doesn't mean completely changing a body is pretty by any means. If anything, he's kind of self-conscious about the change, especially when it makes others uncomfortable. Despite his force sensitivity, he's never bothered practicing with it, he's only ever practiced making sure he won't accidentally do any damage with it in the case of panic or rage. He's done a pretty good job so far.

Strengths: He's kind and sensitive to the needs of others, protective of his team, great with recon, better in a fight, best at diplomacy. He prefers to try talking things through over spilling blood. He's also generally taking fairly muscled forms so he's often strong. He's nicknamed 'Lurker' by the team because of just how skilled he is at sneaking around and getting past enemy lines without detection. He enjoys being the secret agent type. Unknowingly, he uses his connection with the force to mask his presence beyond what his natural Gurlanin state already does, another reason for being called 'Lurker'. It's like he melts into the shadows and his being is out of the reach of sound, sometimes. More useful for recon or backing-the-team-for-shady-meets type of situations though, and honestly more likely to use brute force when fighting.

Other: N/A

"If you tell me to sit one more time, you'll find yourself woefully incapable of sitting painlessly for the rest of your pesterous life!"

Name: Zawzun

Nickname: Trapjaw (Codename), Jaws, Zaw(z)

Species: Gurlanin

Age: 68

Home Planet: Qiilura

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Gender: Female

Force Sensitivity: Has refused testing and is untrained, guestimated to be about 14,000-17,000.

Side: Neutral/Grey, loyal to her team, dislikes both the Galactic Republic and the Separatists due to the treatment of Gurlanins on Qiilura and the Separatist's established base of control there.

Appearance: As would be expected, similar to her brother. Well, okay, more than similar. Gurlanins don't tend to have the kind of physical differences that humans have besides scars, voices, personalities, and possibly size. In her born form, Zawz is actually a bit larger than her brother, but it's not that noticeable unless you've got them standing next to each other. Also, as a female, her Gurlanin form has a pouch on her belly for carrying young if she ever conceives (but you'd have to feel along her stomach to find it, and she's likely to bite if such an interaction isn't invited.) And unless she's mimicking her brother, she nigh always carries herself like a guard dog. Alert, confident, and investigative, even in casual situations.

Her human form is much more unassuming and, funnily enough, completely different for Kaevu's. Unless you know of them being Gurlanin's, it'd never be guessed that they were of the same litter. She enjoys having the advantage of surprise, tricking others into underestimating her. She takes on a human form that stands at about 5'5", hiding a slim but fit build under light clothes, refusing to wear armor unless she knows it's a must-have for a certain situation. But, being capable as she is, she rarely takes armor. She keeps her hair blonde, usually dirty with "natural" sun-bleached highlights so that it's light enough to attract, but it's not like it sticks out like a sore thumb from a group of humans. Her skin is fair, her brows dark, lashes long, eyes enhanced with just the tiniest bit of make-up. She's learned that the face is the most important tool of manipulation alongside the body language and the voice, because that's where most attention is focused in a proper conversation. Zawzun makes herself attractive and approachable despite the fact that anyone that knows her would assume she'd have an approach more like Kaevu's. Her eyes are always bright, whether it be a light brown, a deep green, a green-blue, light blue, she tends to avoid darker colors, and always keeps a thin ring of their original orange just around the pupil. While it makes her eyes intriguing to look at up close, she'll tend to make the orange expand and over-take the irises when she wants to make others uneasy. Her lips are most often full and either pouty or subtly smiling. Zawzun rather enjoys using more feminine charms to her advantage, but she's liable to change her appearance up simply for the hell of it, especially to escape the attention of whatever local authority is in the area.

(General idea, again: Imogen Poots)

Personality: Zawzun could be considered somewhat troubled if not straight-out twisted if someone doesn't spend more time observing her. Unlike her brother, she doesn't shy away from getting her hands dirty at all. Kaevu would prefer to try for more peaceful ways to get through some situations, but Zawzun would rather tear the throats out of her enemies before they have the chance to get in the first sucker-punch. The only individuals really capable of keeping her from doing so would be her brother and some of the team, namely Adarian. Unlike Kaevu, who is openly caring and more sunny than Zawzun, this Gurlanin is far more prone to a stubborn stoic state. Her self-control seems to be lacking, her fight-or-flight will always end in fight without someone to pull her away, and her care for the team is more often than not shown through how fiercely she protects them. Though she enjoys a good fight, she enjoys manipulating the enemy as much as she can if she has the chance. The possibility of getting caught, the chance to stand at arm's reach from the enemy without them knowing, the thrill of the whole "game", it would have her grinning if she weren't so great at acting and lying. It might seem cruel, but she's just so... actually, that's for the RP to flesh out. She has reasons, excuses, secrets, but she doesn't like to share her feelings. It'll take a lot to pry anything out of her. Her brother is lucky to have grown up with her, he knows who she is and how to read her, but most of the mercenary team still likely consider her more of a gargoyle than a living thing.

She's a chameleon in the field and a gargoyle with the team. Zawzun is only ever her true, raw self in the brief moments alone, with and without her brother, despite always claiming to be herself. In short, if one wants to be blunt, Zawzun is like one whole, dangerous lie.

Bio: She shares Kaevu's history, except that Zawzun was always blatantly honest to the point of getting into trouble with even the most respected of her pack. She was always more open with her emotions, her thoughts, her opinions, and always quicker to act in bad situations. Even though she'd gotten her and Kaevu out of more scraps than she can count, it'd be a lie to say she hadn't caused more than half of them. But she's always enjoyed chaos... as well as the simpler things. Zawzun has a tender side that absolutely wonders at nature and music and beauty. There are things that fascinate her that she'd never admit now. Without giving up too much, the girl's got issues that her brother hasn't been able to help with.

Weakness: Her passions can overwhelm her. While she does her best to remain in control of her actions, a major spike in emotion can throw her into a complete rage. Being without shame in drawing blood, she will kill anything that moves and isn't familiar, but children are more often safe due to being so discernable from most others. Even then, there have been some close calls. When she cares for someone, she will do absolutely anything to protect them. Although she'll act aloof and uncaring, she'll always do her best in dire situations. Any other situation is unlikely to merit much more than a glance and a grunt for her. Zawzun is all extremes. She loves with all her heart (whether she shows it or not), hates with all of her anger, fights with all of her fire, and she's always ready to lie with all of her being. While maybe a strength in some fashions, it's usually what gets her into trouble. She'll have to much fun messing around behind enemy lines, make her lies to real, use her assets so well she could probably move up in the enemy's ranks. Her mind and imagination is so strong at times, she's almost made herself believe her stories and personas. Thankfully, all it usually takes is a familiar person to break her out of it.

As for her force-sensitivity... it's a touchy subject. She doesn't like the idea of it, doesn't want anything to do with it, but practicing control of it so it doesn't do any damage is far too boring/time-consuming for her chaotic mind to handle. Just don't bring it up and most conversations with her should go perfectly smoothly.

Strength: When she cares for someone, she will do absolutely anything to protect them. Although she'll act aloof and uncaring, she'll always do her best in dire situations. Any other situation is unlikely to merit much more than a glance and a grunt for her. Every once in a while, she'll do a little thing or two for someone. If she hears that she's thirsty, she'll get them a drink, but she's much more likely to bring them a snack when they're hungry. She'll sneak a blanket over a sleeping crewmate or sit in the same room with them, silent and pretending to read or distract herself when someone seems upset or lonely. But, if it's mentioned or brought up, she'll be plenty happy to knock the drink out of their hands or steal the blanket for herself. She's like the asshole cat that wants you to think it doesn't care. Zawzun is certainly the asshole cat that'll knock things off surfaces for no reason other than petty amusement.

Her team-given nickname is 'Trapjaw', Jaws for short, because when she locks onto something, it's unlikely she'll ever let go. Whether she's actually sunk her teeth into something or made up her mind on a matter/target/objective, she's stubborn in standing her ground and being almost overly determined in reaching her goal. Let's just say, it's not a good idea to try taking her food or her loved ones. This is why she's so great at passing herself off as a friend to foes when asked to do so, setting and keeping to a goal is the very least she's capable of.

Other: N/A

4/9/2018 . Edited 4/14/2018 #8
Lone Ranger1994

I fixed it

4/9/2018 #9
The Dagger Ixur

"I'm that friend you have to explain to people before you introduce me, and apologize about afterward." - Adarian Cabarro

Name: Adarian Cabarro

Nickname: Rian, Adi, Ghost Gadget, or GG for short. Former youngest Kirovarian Prince.

Species: Human.

Age: Twenty -Three Years Old.

Home Planet: Kirovar.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.

Gender: Male.

Force Sensitivity: Nada, Zilch.

Side: Neutral, and whoever Sharps decides to work for. But he's mainly loyal to Sharps.

Appearance: Adarian looks worse for wear when someone takes a good look at him. He has bags and dark circles under his tired looking eyes which are a vivid pale azure. He's bit on the lean but muscular side and a tad thin from a bit too many missed meals, which is from his days on the run and forgetting to eat. He wears loose clothing most of the time, which is a far cry from the rich garments he used to wear when he was a prince but he isn't complaining. When he does venture out from the ship, he usually wears a set of light armor that is colored with grey and black.

His hair is a pitch black mess of curls when he keeps it long so he tends to keep it short most of the time, and often has a months growth of beard he tries keep trimmed. Adarian is undeniably handsome, to say the least, with the sharpest jawline you ever saw once he shaves and a piercing stare that never misses a single detail. He is definitely of aristocratic descent.

Personality: Adarian isn't what you expect of a prince, most would expect him to be snobbish and uptight with a stick up his ass. Spoiled and has never done a single moments worth of work in his life. They would be surprised to find the prince to be so...outgoing. Born with his father's sharp tongue, and his mother's shrewdness, he is a force to be reckoned within the political world. And he is oh so charming, most people can't help but be drawn to him. How did you expect him to be in so many scandals in his young age?

But he loves his family, following his older three siblings like an eager puppy, and trying best to behave for his parents. His mother was his greatest supporter and was so protective of him. When he announced he was joining the military at the age of sixteen, she nearly shot him to prevent him from doing so but she couldn't deny him the path he chose once she had been reasoned with.

Adarian is a dare-devil and a thrill seeker to the extreme, often diving headfirst into danger. He is often the distraction that keeps the enemy focused on him while his teammates handle the more delicate issues like rescuing their target or taking them out. He sees what must be done, and will do it, consequence be damned as long as he helps another person.

A huge part of him died with his family that night and he was marked Ravin. He had spent three years surviving ambushes and assassinations, hardly having any time to rest and mourn. He lived like an animal and that's what he became in order to survive. He had lost any nativity he had before the betrayal, becoming feral and downright cold. He roamed from planet to planet, eating any scraps he could get and waiting for his chance to take back what was stolen from him.


The youngest and most spoiled and beloved son of the Kirovarian emperor, Bastien had one goal in life: to be the screw up playboy who gave his family something interesting to talk about at cocktail parties. It was a role he relished until the day his family was overthrown in a violent military coup. Framed for their murders, he was marked as a Ravin by his people and cast out to be hunted as a prize trophy by assassins and bounty hunters with a staggering price. The bloodier his death, the better.

Most Ravins don't survive a month with a special chip placed within their spine that gives the exact location of where they are at. So it was a lot of running, killing and living off of scraps for nearly five years until he finally hit that stroke of luck. He was saved by a merc with a wit as sharp as his, and ironically his name was Sharps. They met when Sharps took the contract on Rian's head and found the former prince dying in an alleyway on a backwater planet. He had been poisoned by a blade from another bounty hunter and was waiting for his painful death. He expected the hunter to finish him off, even after breaking his nose before passing out from the pain. He awoke to find himself in an abandoned building, his wounded tended and food beside him. He doesn't know why Sharps saved his life, or how he ended up in his crew but he's now in charge of keeping Sharps's ship in good shape.

He has a home to claim as his own now, and he wants nothing to do with anyone and if he had his way, he'd never lay eyes on another sentient creature, and aside from his fellow crewmates, he trusts no one, not even himself. The only thing he lives for is a chance to extract revenge on the one person who cost him everything.

And he's counting down those days . . .


  • He hates his uncle with a passion and will stop at nothing to exact vengeance for his family. He will jump at any chance to get a shot at the bastard.

  • He has severe PTSD and often had night terrors. Varying from reliving his family's murder to dreams of being brutally killed before he can get his revenge. He terrified of dying.

  • And due to having PTSD, he has insomnia and is often found working like a zombie within their ship to the point he will pass out anywhere comfortable to get those few hours of sleep before getting back to work. Sharps often has to bring down meals and remind him to eat.

  • He has lost his ability to trust anyone, Sharps being that extremely rare exception. He will be openly hostile, and downright harsh to new people, it's much easier to be an asshole and not have his trust shattered to little pieces by people he loves once more.

  • He became a recluse once he had a safe place to live once Sharps took him in, living in the bowels of their ship. He keeps the ship in tip-top shape and upgrades his fellow crew member's weaponry and armor, and rarely ventures out of the ship. If he's outside, it's because either Doc or Sharps dragged him out.


  • He is military trained, and was part of the Gyron Force Squad, a Kirovarian special ops and was one of the best. He is efficiently trained in hand to hand combat and knowledgeable in most weaponry and modes of transportation. He is an adequate pilot as well. Basically a jack of all trades.

  • He was an engineer, expert in both ships and weaponry. He can make a fighter from scratch and make almost any weapon work better once he gets his hands on it.

  • His call sign was Ghost Gadget, or GG for short because he always seemed to have the right tool for any situation his squad was in.

Other: N/A

4/9/2018 #10

same here

4/9/2018 #11
Ethreal Wings

Lone Ranger: Frazer is accepted

Galatetech: Please lower Bogan's Force sensetivity. Then he will be accepted! :3

4/9/2018 #12
Ethreal Wings

Random and Dagger: your characters are accepted

4/9/2018 #13

by how much, I mean he was created by his family to compete with God tier force users.

4/9/2018 #14

Name: Kaleb Rickard Jaruis

Nickname: Kal

Species: Human(Courasauti/Blind)

Age: 27(almost 28)

Home Planet: Courasaut

Sexual Orientation:Bisexual


Force Sensitivity: 14,500

Side: Used to be a doesn't really give a heck

Appearance: Kaleb does resemble Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars Rebels with brown hair that is usually tied back in a ponytail or a bun to keep the messy strands out of his face...He used to have teal green eyes until he got blinded after a battle in the clone wars at only 14 so now they are a cloudy gray color with a scar that crosses both of them in a somewhat sideways line.His eyelashes and some of his eyebrows where permanently burnt off because of the saber that went to his eyes during a mission.He does wear some kind of mask to keep the scar hidden from view feeling somewhat self conscious about it.

He does have a liking towards the color Green wearing it everywhere from his boots and t-shirt...well he was told all this was green...he isn't completely sure...maybe he should ask or something...someday. He can't completely take anyone at the cantina at their word in actuality. He does have his old lightsaber hidden in his bag(which is purple) that he keeps very close to his side. He does have a padawan braid hidden amongst his ponytail. He wears tied up boots that's shoe laces are tucked into the boot...cause he seriously can't see squat...even with force sight that he is still trying to figure out.

Personality: Kaleb doesn't really give a heck about anything anymore....he has lost his hope and a lot of his self esteem a long time ago...when his master died and when he got blinded.He's basically a depressed shell at the moment...but he does have some compassion to him and will help out someone on a moment's notice if they are in trouble.He does have a bit of a alcohol problem...admittedly that he is trying to get over even now. He would rather be left alone than anyone bother him...thinking anyone who gets too close always ends up dying on him and he's not taking any chances. He did use to have a passion for reading and has old Jedi texts and holocrons scattered all over his apartment(He didn't steal them he swears). He is a quick learner and does know somewhat about force sight. He's a very inquistive person and does ask a lot of questions.

Bio: Kaleb barely remembers his family having been tooken in by the Jedi at a very young age...he does remember that his mother was always very kind and didn't give him up without a fight but the Jedi recruiter gave her little choice handing over her 2 year old son along with a necklace which was a good luck charm that happened to be a kyber that Kal eventually used in his lightsaber. He was a pretty mischievous young boy at the temple always getting into more than his share of trouble when he was youngling surprising he was picked up by a Jedi master when he turned exactly 13...his master was named Tara Blayke and she was almost like a mother to Kal...they had a very stemless years...then disaster struck.

They ended up on planet with a Sith on it...where they were significantly outmatched...his master died saving the boy but he still had a fatal wound struck agianst him in the form of his eyes permanently taking his sight...Not even force healing could heal it...Kal felt he was unworthy to be a Jedi so he snuck out in the middle of the night not even turning over his lightsaber or anything else Jedi related. He didn't have the heart to cut off his padawan braid so he hides it amonst his messy brown hair in the form of a short pony tail cause he doesn't really trust himself with scissors.

Kaleb soon gave into his depression...drinking his sorrows away saying "Go away" if anyone even mentions his past as a Jedi it just reminds him of more painful times and he can't really bare the thought of ever going back to the temple after what happened.

Weakness (Minimum four):

  • Kaleb is a hopeless alcoholic...he is really addicted to it and really can't kick the habit no matter how hard he tries.
  • He is blind and hasn't really fully figured out force sight.
  • He has some PTSD because of what happened to his master
  • Kal tends not to give a heck about his own wellbeing

Strength (Minimum three):

  • He is extremely strong in the force and has mastered force sight at least somewhat.
  • He's very kind and compassionate despite everything
  • Kaleb does have a strong will...even though he's a alcoholic.

Other: N/A

4/9/2018 #15
Ethreal Wings

Galatetch: Maybe lower it to 15,000. Thats still really powerful :3

4/9/2018 . Edited 4/9/2018 #16


4/9/2018 #17
Ethreal Wings

BlueJadedSkies: Kal is accepted

4/9/2018 #18
Ethreal Wings

Galactetech: Accepted! :D Thank you for your patience :)

4/9/2018 #19
Ethreal Wings

Name: Odette Lark


Species: Human

Age: 19

Home Planet: Corescant

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Force Sensitivity: 14000

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral): Republic.

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph): Face Claim: Emily Rudd. Odette is average height. She has a round face, with pouty pink lips. Her eyes are a sea blue. Her hair is long, and dark brown. Usually pulled into a ponytail or a braid. She carries a warn book with her at all times. Her clothing style, is whatever she can find. Or steal.

Personality (Minimum one paragraph): Odette is a bookworm. She prefers to sit in a room by herself and read. She can plow through a book in a day, if not disturbed. But as she is currently Living with Kal to help him, she is usually busy keeping him from over drinking. Odette is a bit snarky, and sarcastic, but does genuinely care for those she knows.

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs): Odette grew up in the slums of Corescant. Her family did not have much. Odette was homeschooled to the best of her mother's ability. When Odette was born, her father abandoned them, leaving her mother, Cosette to raise an infant alone. Cosette did her best, but they had no money. She had to resort to thievery and trade to earn money. Cosette did not like it, but she had to get food to feed Odette. Eventually as Odette grew, she began to pick pocket,as well. For her it was easy. She didn't realize she was using the force to aid her.

Soon she easily stole from houses…(well only the rich and powerful) using the force to unlock the doors. Or to make things come her way. It was just easier. Her mother found out and told her that was not what she should do.

So Odette went out to find a job, but instead found an ex jedi...who was blind. The girl pestured him until he agreed to let her help him out. So she now works for him. When she isnt, she is generally living at the library.

Weakness (Minimum four): Odette can get a bit bossy or bitter if she's interrupted from her book. She also has things set a certain way, and does not like it when they get messed up. She has a temper, and is not afraid to use it when she gets riled up. Odette is rash.

Strength (Minimum three):Odette has a photographic memory. When ever she sees something she really likes or finishes a good book. She holds her hands out like she is going to take a picture, and makes the sound of a picture being taken). Odette is somewhat of a quick learner, and her nose is always in a book. When she can get her hands on them. Odette is a pretty dececnt thief.


4/9/2018 #20
Teutonic Terror

Name: Huntelis Van Creel

Nickname: Doc

Species: human

Age: 27

Home Planet: Coruscant

Sexual Orientation: straight

Gender: male

Force Sensitivity (Cannot exceed 20,000 midichlorian [Anakin level]; even that is abnormally high): 0

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral): Neutral, but works for Separatists

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph): Doc wears a modified version of replica Mandolorian armor. The armor is lighter weight to allow greater mobility and flexibility, however this comes at the cost of the armor's overall protectiveness. The armor itself is a pristine white color, with straight blue markings and a blue cross, adorning the side of the helmet, a nod to his medical capacity. There are many additions of pouches and pockets to the armor to allow the carrying of medical supplies and equipment. There is a black holster located on the back of the armor to hold his DC-15C blaster. Doc himself has a rather average build. In terms of physical prowess he is nothing special. He is a light blonde, his hair being an almost white color, with icy blue eyes. His face is an intelligent, one can almost see the compassion in it. It is very kind and gentle, not at all a face that one would expect to see in the mercenary business.

Personality (Minimum one paragraph): Doc is a true humanitarian. He has extream compassion towards human suffering, and will do anything he can to ease it in any way possable. He is a very principled man very entrenched in his beliefs, and devoutly loyal to his moral code and conciounce. He's not a total pacifist however, he does realize that sometimes the only way to save a life is to take one. He has extensive medical knowledge and uses it for what he views as the betterment of the galaxy. He has a distastaste for the republic and in particular, the Jedi. He views their use of the clone army as an atrocity, essentially breeding a warrior race of slaves to do the republic's dirty work. As a result, he empithises as clones heavily.

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs): Doc grew up in a well off family on the upper levels of Coruscant. The Van Creel family was known for their prestigious private medical practice, taking on the wealthiest of Coruscant's senitors and officials as clients. During his early years his father began teaching him everything about the world of medicine, in the hopes of one day having Huntelis take over the family business. A part of doc always had a terrible need to serve others. The idea of using his medical skills for profit did not interest him at all. At the age of 19 Huntelis joined the republic in a humanitarian capacity. He traveled to every corner of the galaxy providing aid to those the republic deemed needed it. Huntelis always despises the red tape of it all however. Often times he was forced to deny aid to those who needed it because they were not "friends of The Republic". At the outbrake of the Clone Wars, Doc was transferred to kamino to oversee, and train the medical personnel there. His experience there shook him to the core. Thousands of clones were shipped out a day, only for more to come back in body bags, only to be unceremoniously disposed of. The republic was raising an army of slaves, made to do nothing but fight and die. They were effectively robbed of all potential dreams and aspirations, in the name of military necessity. This caused him too truly take an honest look at the republic, and the Jedi. What he saw was a deeply corrupt institution, the cause of much of the galaxy's suffering. Huntelis was disenchanted with it all. He abandoned his post, and deserted Kameno. He bought some basic gear and put himself to work as a vigilante, a mercenary with a conciounce.

Weakness (Minimum four): Doc's kindness can easily be used against him, at times he can be a bit too trusting. Although he can shoot decently, when it comes to the inner workings of a blaster or any sort of mechanical or electronic device he is utterly hopeless. Simply put, if it does not have a pulse, he should not really be allowed to attempt to fix it. Being of a more upper class origin he is often ignorant of the inner workings of the underworld, a huge problem for a mercenary. Lastly, he is far from physically imposing, and in a hand to hand fight he would be disadvantaged, he is better at healing, not hurting.

Strength (Minimum three): His extensive knowledge of medical knowledge is an asset to any team. He is simply the best in the business, and there is no injury which he cannot fix. He is extremely intelligent due to his privileged upbringing and education. He speaks many languages and can act as an interpreter no problem. When he left the republic he also took a good amount of his wealth with him, meaning he is not hurting for money.



Name: Brago Sharp

Nickname: "Sharps"

Species: human

Age: 28

Home Planet: Naboo

Sexual Orientation: straight

Gender: male

Force Sensitivity (Cannot exceed 20,000 midichlorian [Anakin level]; even that is abnormally high): 0

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral): Neutral (works for the separatists.)

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph): Sharps has a very defined face, his skin is pale, but usually covered in some sort of face paint, acting as camouflage. He wears a eye patch over his left eye, covering a wound he sustained years ago. His remaining eye is an icy blue, capable of destroying one's confidence with one glance. His hair is black and always kept short. He utterly refuses to wear armor, as he believes it impeads his mobility, and that if he ever takes a blaster bolt, that he had it coming. Instated he wears a specialized suit, with advanced stealth technology, capable of changing color, and hiding his heat signature. Throw in some native obgects, such as dirt and brush, and he can become all but invisible when lying still. His face is almost always covered by a face cloth, and the suit's hood. He also carries on himself his equipment, and his trusty blaster rifle.

Personality (Minimum one paragraph): Sharps is the embodiment of a true hunter. A predator no matter what environment he is in. Experienced and highly leathal He is fairly reserved, and frankly an asshole, but behind this venire lies a man who has an extreme eye for detail and endless patience, not much exites or surprised him. In his early days, he always worked alone, he beloved working with amitures would get him killed, however, he surprised even himself when he ended up finding himself working in a team. Dispite him acting apathetic to his "friends" he genuinely does care. He will never admit it though. He loves his work and the freedom it brings, unlike the others he works by himself on most missions, offering the role of the scout or assassin. He never holds anything against those on the other end of his scope, but he does genuinely despise high society, and dislikes Jedi, be living them to be cheaters. He is very knowledgeable in his trade, especially in setting traps. He has a hidden love of nature, an has recently taken up painting natural scenes, a craft he is not half bad at, but he still hides it. But make no mistake, Sharps is a killer by trade, and his demeanor reflects that.

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs): Bargo was born to a poor family on the planet of Naboo. His parents were painters, very skilled in their craft, but ultamaly this often times failed to put food on the table, partly due to his father's gambling addiction. At the age of 12, he began doing odd jobs around the city, and by age 13 he had finally had saved up enough of his earnings to afford his first rifle. The weapon fascinated the young Sharpall his life both he and his family were powerless. But now in his possession, was a tool that gave him the power he so craved. He would stay up all night with the contraption, taking it apart, cleaning it, and familiarizing himself with every single little component. Since his family's failed art venture could not feed them. Then this rifle would. By 14 Sharps would disappear for days at a time into the countryside, hunting illegally on the beutiful green plains. His father and him often fought over this, and tensions in the house rose. By the age of 16, his father's debts finally caught up to his family. When they came to finally level his father's debts, blaster shots rang out, both his father and the goon that the debt holder sent lie dead. That was the first time sharps had ever used his rifle in anger.

He didn't mean to hit his own father, but in the scuffle his aim was knocked off. At such a close range the blaster went right through his own father, and made quick work of the goon. Knowing that if he stayed on Naboo he would be subsequently hunted, caught, and killed. And so he left both Naboo, and his heartbroken mother, to pursue a new life in the outer rim. Soon be found himself stuck on Tatooine. He started working as a hired gun, trying to keep local traders safe from the band's of Tuskin Raiders that roamed the desert world. Sharps had always been a decent shot, but his work on Tatooine allowed him to perfect his aim. He became somewhat of a local legend, and stories of his impeccable marksmanship spread across the planet, reaching the ears of some very important people within the Hutt clans. Weeks later he was offered a job as a bounty hunter. Although sharps was hesitant, he saw it as a step up from shooting at raiders, so he cautiously accepted. Over the next three years Sharps had made quite a bit of money for himself, working for the criminal organization. He outfitted himself with the best equipment he could find, buying his suit and other equipment from only the most reputable arms dealers. But his pride and joy had to have been his rifle. This, he trusted no one with. It had to be absolutely prefect, he couldn't trust some slimy arms dealer to give him that.

For months he frequented hardware and surplus shops. It was to be his magnum opius. He would take it apart, reassemble it, test it, and completely rework the design only to find another problem with it. The process took what seemed like an eternity, but in the end it produced one of the finest blasters the galaxy had ever seen. It was long range, capable of eliminating a target miles away, yet it was small and compact perfectly concealed inside of a case or on one's person. The scope was a marvel of optics and digital imaging design, posessing a variable zoom, multiple modes, being able to instantly zero in the blaster, track a targets speed, and detect their heat signature using infrared imaging. A small knob on the stock allowed Sharps to control the power level of the shot. It was his baby.

At about this time, Sharps decided to go into business for himself. So, he left his current employment, making a ton of enemies in the process. He then entered the 5 year long stretch of his life that sharps affectionately refers to as his "golden years". During these years his reputation grew, the jobs were high stakes and the clients were plentiful. Simply put, Sharps had a blast. Every job was a different adventure, and every assassination he pulled off made him richer and richer. He was even able to take out a Jedi Padawan at one point, an action wich cost him his eye, and brought him much unwanted attention from the Jedi order. But his wealth came with a price. He became deathly addicted to deathsticks, a habit which he still struggles with to this day. His vice almost bankrupted him. He was almost broke that day he was sitting at the bar. Until he was approached by some piss poor exiled Prince or somthing, said he had some sort of job for him. And the rest is history.

Weakness (Minimum four): Sharps is way too hard headed for his own good. On many issues, he demands things be done his way. He is fairly anti social, easily annoyed, and a huge jerk. If one does not really know him, they may mistake that for malice or full on hatred. There is a small part of himself that is terribly insecure. Ever since he joined his current team, a small part of himself is terrified of messing up, and losing his newfound "family" somthing he's never really had. He is also very terrible at expressing himself, his desensitization has made it so he can very easily blurt out somthing he really doesn't mean.

Strength (Minimum three): Brago is a world class survivalist, familiar with many planet's wildlife and ecosystems. He is also a natural hunter with an impeccable shot. He is also familiar with the criminal underworld, and as such has quite a few old aquatences and contacts.

Other: The quickest way to annoy him is to call him by his first name. He hates it.


Name: Joklan Asphar WIP

Nickname: "The Fox"

Species: human

Age: 30

Home Planet: Corellia

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Gender: male

Force Sensitivity (Cannot exceed 20,000 midichlorian [Anakin level]; even that is abnormally high): 0

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral): Sepritist.

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph): General Asphar has the appearance that would look more at home in the imperial navy of the later Galactic Empire, than in the Confederacy Of Indapendant Systems. He has the typical appearance of a capable officer of his rank. Wearing a black uniform of the typical general in the droid army. His jackboots come up high on his leg and they are fixed with special clickers on the heel, making his footsteps distinct in sound. His boots are polished to a mirror shine, as it is clear he takes extreme pride in his appearance. With him he carries a similarly black wooden cane with a red jewel at its head. He has no use for this however, as it is more of a status symbol. The left side of his chest is adorned with medals and ribbons, and a red rope snakes its way around his shoulder and is pinned under his collar around the back of the neck. All awards from past victories. His headwear is the typical officer's cap, but it bares his personal insignia in the center, the small image of a golden fox, a proton torpedo held in its jaws. His face is a very fair one, one of intellect. His simple glasses adding to this perception. His hair is a silver color, giving him the appearance of being much older than he actually is. Behind his devilishly green eyes, one can see a cold ruthlessness about him. There is no mercy or compassion in them, only ambition. A black holster hangs off the left side of his belt made of a similar black leather as his gloves are. Contained securely in it is a Westar-34 blster pistol. A weapon that only complements his grand and pompous appearance.

Personality (Minimum one paragraph): Asphar is an opportunist to his very core. A man centered around pageantry, glory, and power. He is cunning and ruthless, not at all above getting his hands dirty. He is as dangerous in politics as he is leading an army. He is willing to do anything to ensure he gets what he is after, as a result he has overseen many atrocities during the duration of the clone wars, leading to quite a bit of outcry from the Separatist Senate. Some claim him a vile war criminal, while others argue that he is justified. Though dispite this he has a rather large base of support amongst many Sepritist leaders. As a result, he has become a sort of "Sepratist Caesar". Though no one would admit it, there are backroom talks that perhaps General Asphar would make a better commander of the Sepratist military than Count Dooku himself. This puts Aspahr in a very interesting position. He knows that Dooku cannot simply kill him. So for the time being, the two are locked in a metaphorical game of chess.

He is very proud of his military successes, boasting openly about his successful career. To him, honor, glory, and victory are all that matters, and they should be gained at any and all costs. He is a scholar of history, and always keeps an ear to the pulse of the galaxy. If he lacks the particular skills to do somthing, he has absolutely no hang ups about finding somebody who will. He is an aristocrat through and through, and will not stand to be insulted by those he sees as lesser, and will swiftly, and often brutally put them in their place.

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs): The boy known then known as Joklan had a terrible upbringing. His family was fiercely militaristic, and due to their vast influence and wealth, they were able to keep their bizzare practices and initiations hidden from the rest of the galaxy. The Asphar family is a family built on pride and prestige, with a fierce distrust of outsiders. Blood was everything in the family, and practically from birth, the heir to the Asphar name was indoctrinated and drilled on the military sciences. They are taught that defeat is not tolerated no matter how small. It would rob the defeated of their honor ant taint the pristine Asphar name.

As a child Joklan never knew who his father was. His mother was a seasoned military leader, not to mention cruel. Every time he would inquire about his father, he would be scolded and struck. His mother would forge him into the son who would bring honor to his family name. Her strategies were unorthodox and harsh. She would have the young Joklan engage her in contests of whit and strategy. When he would inevitably be defeated by his more experienced mother, he would be beaten. This defined Jokar profoundly throughout his life, making him cruel, ruthless and merciless. Just like his mother. Eventually, he was able to get away from his mother by attending the naval academy on Coruscant. There, he proved himself more than capable, graduating top of his class after six whole years of advanced training.

Weakness (Minimum four):

Strength (Minimum three):


4/10/2018 #21
Lone Ranger1994

Name: Xander cage

Nickname or alias : darth occisor

Species: human

Age: 42

Home Planet: corusant

Sexual Orientation: straight

Gender: male

Force Sensitivity (Cannot exceed 20,000 midichlorian [Anakin level]; even that is abnormally high)(Note: Characters with midichlorian levels as high or close to it,you need a very good reason): 10,000

Side (Sith, Jedi, Seperatist, Republic, Neutral): sith

Appearance (Minimum one paragraph): Xander is a tall man he stand 6,2 and weighs 230lbs . He has jet black hair to his shoulders . His eyes are solid blue . Xander has a scare across his chest from a blade . His nose is slightly hooked.

Armor/ clothing: Xander wears a black robe and a all black clone trooper chest plate over a black tuniche also wears a solid black old clone troopers helmet when he is Darth occisor

Xander wears a all black tunic when he is sepatist ambassador cage

weapon: Xander carries a red bladed light saber as well as a shoto red bladed light saber

Personality (Minimum one paragraph): Xander cage of utapu he is kind and gentle but also stern and blunt he can talk and negiote like no other ambassador. As Darth occisor he is brutal and mean and has no care for others he is a ruthless dark force user that won't at anything to get the job done

Bio (Minimum two paragraphs): born on corusant to a cantina dancer and a star pilot . Xander was raised as a piece of street scum until he became 18 years old when he followed in his fathers foot steps and became a star pilot flying many missions for the danbar crime ring . Until one day when Xander was 26 he was sent on a mission to mustafar he never made it when ship was shot down by a pirate fleet . Xander thought he was dead as he floated in space in a small esacape pod . He had Ben in the pod 6 days when a mysterious ship picked him up . The owner of the ship gave him a oppition die or to train in the ways of the dark side for the owner of ship sensed the darkness and power in the boy .as well as a kind side the mysterious teacher thought to exploit both of these traits . As the years went on Xander used a secrert identity when he led separtist war fleets he was know as Darth occisor and when he wasn't leading war fleets he was ambassador cage of utpau .

Weakness (Minimum four): he cant swim , he is not very good with blasters and he is algect to peanuts

Strength (Minimum three): Xander is a amazing pilot , he is good with his blades and Xander is very smart and cunning

Other: Xander is not a true sith but he known as a dark user of the force and is regonised by other dark users as a true sepatist leaders , no one knows Xander and Darth occisor are the same person .

4/15/2018 . Edited 4/29/2018 #22
Ethreal Wings
Lone Ranger : Xander Cage looks good, Can you explain how his Multiple Personality Disorder works for him? :)
4/16/2018 #23
Lone Ranger1994

I explained it a little in the bio and in other I also made him of 2 personality's in the personality section

4/16/2018 #24
Ethreal Wings
Alright, but it does sound more like he's doing what Darth Sidious did with Senator Palpatine rather than Multiple personality disorder.
4/17/2018 #25
Lone Ranger1994


4/17/2018 . Edited 4/29/2018 #26
Ethreal Wings

Hey sorry for not responding. Been busy.

To be honest I am going to need an explanation for his disorder. Otherwise I cannot accept him. I don't mind people giving their oc disorders. But if so I want to keep it realistic. It would not be fair to give a character a disorder without being able to explain it, or having a full understanding of it. As real people are affected by it.

4/29/2018 #27
Lone Ranger1994


4/29/2018 . Edited 4/29/2018 #28
The Dagger Ixur

Ranger, what we are trying to say is that when you want a character to have a mental illness, especially the type that Xander has. You should do the research to make sure it's realistic and accurate. Not just because you'd think it would be cool.

I know this is fiction, and not real but this mental illness is very real for people who suffer from it.

So, we want you to fill more in about his multiple personality disorder, make sure you know the actual pros and cons and can write an accurate representation in Xander. And not base it off of tv shows, and movies where characters have the disorder as most aren't that accurate.

4/29/2018 #29
Lone Ranger1994

I fixed it he is just doing like palpatine did instead

4/29/2018 #30
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