The Clone Wars A New Story
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Ethreal Wings

In a galaxy far, far away resides a small planet, not loyal to The Separatists air the Republic. A neutral planet, that welcomes those escaping the war.

Run by the Queen Rose, assisted by the the King Vincent. The two wish to remain neutral, to be a safe haven for those fleeing war torn planets.

But with war edging closer from every corner of the galaxy, they may soon be unable to remain neutral.

The republic is sending one of their own on a diplomatic mission to Wondlu, to convince the Queen to join them, before the separatists arrive...

4/8/2018 #1

Accompying the delegation was Jedi master Sora Bulq and his new Padawan, Bogan Adas Starkiller.

4/10/2018 #2
Anakin Skywalker adjusted the collar of his tunic as he walked out of his starship.He was unsure why the council assigned him to this mission..this was mostly Padmé's thing.He bit his bottom lip as he approached the palace."I'm a representative from the Republic..."he began to a guard.
4/10/2018 #3
Lone Ranger1994

Ambassador Gilmore stepped off the republic ship he looked around him as saw the Jedi walking out beside him . He looked at the clone trooper beside him " seven you stay with thejedi Ill call if I need your assistance" he said as he walked over beside anakian .fraizer looked at the guard " I'm ambassador Gilmore of Alderaan I'm here to speak to the king on the behalf of the republic" he said trying to hide his 2 blasters from sight of the guard using his trench coat

seven listened to fraizer and went and stood beside the Jedi master and his youngling whitch seemed about 10 years of age to young to be a padalwn whitch was typically 13 years of age to about 26 years of age but what did he know he was just a old clone trooper

4/11/2018 #4
Ethreal Wings
"welcome to Wondlu!! The Queen has been awaiting your arrival!!!" the Guard said cheerfully to Anakin, and the others.

"Ambassador, before we enter, I should probably in form you, along with the others that Wondlu is actually run by a Queen. For some reason other worlds think it odd, but it is just natural here." the Guard (names Cis) said. Cid, usually not such a cheerful person, (more grumpy...) but he knew if they thought he was a cheerful baffoon that should there be any attack or attempted assassination. The guests may be dumb enough to spill the intelligence in his presence.

Noting mentally the weapons. He was no fool, he, Cid trained the army, and the other guards. He found it amusing how the ambassador tried to hide them. He was being a little too obvious. And Cid knew this group could be dangerous. He didn't trust them jedi. But The Queen agreed to meet with them so he could not just shut the door on them like he wanted. But then again. It was his distrust and suspicion that Queen Rose sent him to be the greeter. She knew he would not fail her.

"if this is all that shall be arriving, I shall take you to the tea room where the meeting shall commence." Cid said, turning around to lead them inside.

4/12/2018 #5

"you are wise not to trust the Jedi." Bogan replied, sensing the guard's mistrust. "Bogan." Sora Bulq scolded. "Apologises, my Padawan speaks when he should be listiening." Sora replied.

4/12/2018 #6

"Alright..."Anakin said before gesturing to the ambassador to lead the way...he was only here to guard the senator after all before looking down at the child. "And I thought my padawan was troublesome" he chuckled.

4/12/2018 . Edited 4/12/2018 #7
Lone Ranger1994

Fraizer knodded and started to follow the royal guard to the door to the throne room . Fraizer checked around and observed his surrondings then turned to skywalker " general we can have the troops and supply's here in what 2 days ?"

Seven looked at the young paldawan and shook his head at the boy . If that was one of his cadets he would smack him but it wasn't his place . He just looked at the other clones and then at the palace guards

4/12/2018 . Edited 4/12/2018 #8
Ethreal Wings
"are you not a jedi in in training? Strange you would speak so poorly of your religion." Cid replied not showing his mistrust. The child and now master were definitely on his suspicious list. Anyone who spoke poorly of their own like that....well who knows if they will turn...he himself has had to deal with soldiers who thought that way.

The man turned and lead them down elegantly decorated halls, the floors were checker boarded. Almost like a chess board. Every room looked different, odd even. There were spiral stair cases, and stained glass windows.

Finally, they arrived in a tea room. Well it looked more like an elegant lounge. Where the Queen was waiting.

The queen nodded to Cid. Before addressing the others. "hello welcome to Wondlu. Please have a seat! And make yourself comfortable. My husband and daughter should be here shortly" The tea shall be here shortly!

4/12/2018 #9

Bogan nodded, turning to Cid. He removed his helmet, revealing his species. "I am sith, Jedi only by necessity." Bogan explained.

4/13/2018 #10
"Aren't you a little ball of sunshine? And thank you your Majesty.."Anakin said first to Bogan and then to Rose.
4/13/2018 #11
Lone Ranger1994

Fraizer walked over to the queen and bowed " I'm senator fraizer Gilmore of Alderaan nice to meet your aquitance " fraizer said as he looked around at the others in the room . " we have much to discuss madam we can wait for your husband but as we speak a sepatist invasion force is on its way here " fraizer said as he laid a holo projector on the table

seven was standing outside with Rex and the small clone ""sercuity"" force of about 100 clone troopers . Seven watched as serval clones watched WondluIan montiores . Seven had to step away from the Jedi he couldn't stand undisplined children but it wasn't his place so he just decided to stay with his brothers.

4/13/2018 #12

Bogan placed his mask back on, and through the force, began to subtly probe the Queen's mind, trying to find something that could be leveraged to get her to cooperate with the republic. Her will was strong, but her love for her people was stronger. Her desire to be neutral was one born from what she deemed would be best for her people. In addition to her own moral principals.

"Your majesty, I believe that you should see these recordings." Bogan said, approaching her. Bogan presented Holi images detailing CIS Atrocities, as well as the typical martial law they impossed on.. difficult systems. "In addition, the Trade Federation, headed by Viceroy Nute Gunray, a noted war criminal responsible for the Naboo crisis, sits upon the CIS council." He said as the death count from the naboo crisis, as well as the brutal occupation of Naboo, all of which Gunray over saw. "In addition their military is led by General Grevious, a War Criminal and noted Jedi killer. His cruelty and ruthlessness are without question." He said, showing horrible images of the Kaleesh cyborg intentionally torturing Jedi he captured, before killing them. "In addition to him, Count Dooku, the fallen Jedi turned Sith lord has gathered a group of dark Jedi known as the Dark Acolytes to serve as Jedi hunters and assassin's. Chief among them is Assajj Ventress, a Ratataki female who is a troubled psychopathic killer and currently the reigning ruler of her home world of Ratatak, a world infamous for it's Perpetual conflict." Bogan concluded. In short, the CIS is a Rouge regeim state that must be destroyed in order to bring peace to the Galaxy." Bogan said.

4/14/2018 #13
Ethreal Wings

The pleasure is mine. Please have a seat." Rose said a frown on her face as she felt a child try to probe her mind. Rude. She blocked her mind to it, as she has delt with the jedi before. This is why she never joined and never let Delphyne become one. They were rude, and entitled. And they didn't believe in love. Thinking it a weakness, rather than a strength. But she Humerd the child. And allowed him a little site.

When he immediately showed her the holo clips,she snatched it away and turned it off. "Do you think that I am a fool? That I know nothing of what is going on in the galaxy around me? Do you think I do not feel the pain of those people? My planet is a refuge for those who have lost their homes. My planet was hidden until your kind started to travel here to make a neutral planet choose a side in your war. We have been making defenses for this planet. And have had to speed up production.

And how dare you come to my home, my Palace, accept my hospitality, and then probe my mind? That is beyond rude. I only allowed you to see what I wanted you to see, I know how to block you out. I gave all the benefit of the doubt but I can see the jedi are still not to be trusted. You, boy have a lot to learn about delegations. Your master should show you." Rose replied curtly.

4/14/2018 #14

Anakin sighed. "Sorry...he doesn't seem to have learned his manners yet...We're here because we care about the safety of you and your people...the sepertists are getting closer and closer to your world; trust me we would respect your neutrality if it wasn't an emergency" he said to the queen trying to be respectful as possible.

4/14/2018 #15
Lone Ranger1994
" get the boy out of here a mere child has no authority to have the authoration or privilege to be here get him out of here or I will have the clones escort him out " fraizer said in a nice but yet firm and stearn manner fraizer then turned to the queen " I apologize your hiness can we get back to business now " he said turning on his holo projector as a ship was displayed " this is the gridiron it's a supply ship if u allow us to atleast set up A small base on your planet to help protect your planet from the separtist "
4/14/2018 #16

"Very Well. However I am no Jedi, I am Sith, My Name is Bogan Adas Starkiller, Darth by right of birth and blood that can Be traced back to the Era of King Adas of Korriban, The first King of the Sith and I am also The Sole survivor of the Sith Empire exterminating my family, I was forced to flee aboard a ship who's Hyperdrive sustained damage to it's Relativity shielding. This caused my ship to travel through time essentially. Though I am Impressed, not any can detect my mental probes." Bogan said. "I assure you I am familer with diplomacy, but I believe that actions speak louder than words." He said, turning to leave. Before Pausing, "You are wrong though, Love is weakness, I am speaking from a Sith's Perspective. love clouds your judgement, and weakens you to where you will seek to sacrifice yourself for another, something no Sith ever would." Bogan said, before leaving the room.

4/14/2018 #17
Ethreal Wings

"Either way, You would do well to be respectful to others. It is after all the best way to earn respect.And you would not be told to leave a meeting otherwise." Rose said irritably. Her face softened for a moment. "I am sorry to hear you lost your family, That had to be tough."

"and that is where you are wrong when it comes to love. It makes you far stronger. It gives you courage, a reason to stand up for something. It can give you a purpose." Rose said defiantly

"If i allow your base here, Can you guarentee that my people will be safe? And if this planet is no longer safe. Will you work to help my people evacuate somewhere safer?" Rose said to the ambassador

4/14/2018 #18
Lone Ranger1994
Fraizer looked at the queen with compassion in his eyes " while I can't guarntee that yourplanet wont be attacked I can guarntee that you will stand a fighting chance with us here and if we have to fall back to the palace we will evacuate it and make sure your people are not harmed I will personally see to it that your people's safety is are number 1 concern ". Fraizer then Showed a picture of Alderaan on the holo projector " this is my home planet of Alderaan if something happens here on your planet we will send your people to my planet for refuge as we rebuild your city after the war on your planet has ended but it won't end up like that I promise your majesty"
4/15/2018 #19

Anakin stayed silent letting the senator do his job. He seemed to be handing this pretty well.

4/15/2018 #20
Ethreal Wings

From the look on the man's face Rose could tell he was honest. And genuinely did care. The woman let out a sigh. Rose knew their time of anonymity was soon to end. And that if Rose wanted to protect her people, she would have to make allies. Otherwise, Wondlu would definitely be in danger of an attack Especially if one is imminent.."if I allow this. My men will work with yours on your base. You share everything with me or my husband. No secrets between us. Is that fair"

"another note. Not all the inhabitants of this planet are Wondlu. We have many who have come here to to avoid the war, or who had escaped their war torn planets from your war. They will not be too pleased with this. So I must be assured you can be trusted"

4/19/2018 #21
"You can trust us...we're just trying to defend this world.."Anakin said brushing some messy blonde hair out of his eyes that always insisted on getting in them ever now.
4/19/2018 #22
Lone Ranger1994

Fraizer smiled as he looked at the queen " we will start putting up defenses right away with your permission I will place some units around the palace and we will scope out a location for the base " he said as he radioed to seven " seven we need you and Rex in the throne room " fraizer said as he pulled up a map of Wondlu on his hologram projector to look for a ideal location for a base whitch they could have built in 4 days

seven and Rex walked slowly into the throne room there helms tucked under there arms . Seven walked next to fraizer and Rex walked up beside anakian. " I am commander seven I will be over seeing the ground patrol here on Wondlu if you have any questions or concerns I can answer them " seven said with a blunt look on his face


not far from Wondlu a Sepratist war fleet laid in wait just Incase the wondluians decided not to join the sepatist cause

4/20/2018 #23
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