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Ethreal Wings










4/8/2018 #1
Ethreal Wings

Name: Vincent Faust

Age: 38

Gender: male


Appearance: Chris Pine

Personality: Vincent gives off the impression of being a serious, stoic man, at least to those he doesn't know very well. He is strong willed, and determined. He is protective of his family. When with his family or close guards, he is visibly relaxed and smiles more, granted its more soft spoken.

Affiliation: to Rose

Occupation: King

History/Other: Vincent was a Duke in the kingdom. He was betrothed to the future Queen, Rosaline Valentine ever since he was a child, and Rosaline was born. As they grew older, they spent days together so they would know each other. As they grew older, Vincent would constantly sneak out of his home to visit Rose at night. Not to do anything inappropriate. But to talk and visit.

Once Rose came of age at 18, Vincent and Rose were wed. As per Wondlu tradition, he took the wife's name. Nine months later they had a baby girl. They named Delphyne. As she was born at Dawn.

Other : whenever Vincent vents about Delphi sneaking out, Rose calmly reminds him of how he was the same way at her age.

Name:Rosaline "Rose" Valentine

Age: 36



Appearance: julianne hough

Personality: Rose is easy going, laid back and kind. She is the understanding, and definitely more approachable of the two. She likes to walk outside in the gardens. Or visit the villages around her palace and help the families

Affiliation: neutral

Occupation: Queen

History/Other: Rose was born the future Queen of Wondlu. She grew up learning all there was to ruling a kingdom, and when she wasn't learning or spending time with Vincent, she was listening to the gossip from the plants, or learning different herbal remedies.

When she was 18 she was Wed to Vincent, and nine months later Delphyne was born. Few months later she was crowned queen of Wondlu.

Name: Toto Fey

Age: 20

Gender: male

Species: human

Appearance: young Alex Pettyfer

Personality: laid back, and chill. Easy to get along with, and openly friendly. But don't let his charm fool you, he truly is all that, but he is also a royal guard for the Princess of Wondlu. And he is extremely loyal to her. Do not cross him, or the princess.

Affiliation: the Princess

Occupation: Royal guard.

History/Other: grew up like the average Wondlu kid. Running around, getting into trouble, the usual. Until one day he snuck into the palace, for no other reason than because he was dared to. And was caught.... By the king and queen on a walk with little 6 year old Delphi, who spotted the 8 year old boy. The king and queen had been sitting there talking, when Delphi ran off.

It was several minutes later they noticed she had run off, and in a panicked search for her, they found little Delphi sitting in the flowers with Toto. Toto appearing to help the little girl make a bouquet. Upon realizing that they were just playing, Rose insisted on observing how the two got along... After all. Delphi could use a playmate, and they were close to the same age. Vincent on the other hand was not to sure, but after watching the two play together, he agreed. But the boy would have to protect her as well. Maybe become one of her guards.. Rose rolled her eyes claiming he needs to relax, even though she knew with this kid running off every two seconds, she would need the guards.

Soon the king and queen approached the kids. Delphi squealed about her new bestest friend forever. And a young boy who looked like he was gonna faint.

But to be fair, Vincent was naturally looking overly serious and intimidating, as usual. Rose elbowed Vincent. And invited the boy in for tea. They had a lovely tea party. Where they got Toto to talk, and explain how he got in. And soon the boys parents were called in.

The situation was explained. They wished for Toto to become Delphi's playmate, and a future body guard for the young princess. The family would be moved on to palace premises, as both King and Queen would never dare separate a family. The family said it was Toto's, decision. Toto happily agreed. He thought it was awesome that he would learn to fight and do awesome things.

So over the next few years, the boy trained hard to learn his role as a body guard. And has become best friends with the Princess.

He is really talented marksman

Name: Alec Mead

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: human

Appearance: Andrew Garfield

Personality: Serious, and always trying to keep a schedule (one which the princess constantly breaks). He is easily stressed out, constantly drinking coffee. Always on the move. He can be very sassy when he wants to be.

Affiliation: The Princess

Occupation: Royal Guard, advisor

History/Other: grew up on the palace grounds, the son of one of the aristocrats. He was rather smart, for his age, and was picked out early to be a guard, but mainly an adviser. He studied hard, and has more knowledge of the galaxy than most.

Name: Eli Dome

Age: 24

Gender: male

Species: human

Appearance: Chris Hemsworth dark hair

Personality:appears easy going, but comes off as the tough guy. He knows his weapons, knows how to defend himself and his group. Always trustworthy. (Delphi is convinced he's a softy)

Affiliation: The Royal family.

Occupation: royal guard

History/Other: grew up an average kid, went to school, stood up for those who could not stand up for themselves, took care of his family. His family was on the poor side so the moment he was able to work. He got a job. As he was older, when he was 16 he joined the guard. Soon he made it too the top, and the king was impressed. The king had him assigned to guard Delphi. A task he was honored to have, that the king and queen trusted him with protection of the princess. He thought it would be easy, but soon realized that she.... Along with Toto would be getting into trouble together. So Eli has had his hands full, as he keeps everyone together and safe.

Name: Ayden Carson

Age: 17

Gender: male

Species: human

Appearance: Booboo Stewart

Personality: pretty much a cat. Seriously. He can nap Anywhere. (How did he make it as a guard.) But Ayden is actually very observant. He notices the small details, and has gotten them out of trouble before.

Ayden is also really quick, and a fast runner. With quick reflexes.

Affiliation: the princess

Occupation: Royal Guard

History/Other: grew up the quiet kid in school. He was the best runner in school though. He knew Toto. They were friends in school, and when he suddenly disappeared, and was told that Toto got to live in the place, well Ayden knew where he had to go. So he grew older, training himself, before joining the guard in hopes of seeing his friend again. And he did. Toto introduced him to the princess, Eli, and Alec, and all pretty much adopted him soon after, to the point were he was an honorary fourth guard to The Princess. As he was always with them when he wasn't training. The queen noticed immediately, and after watching him train, had him assigned to the royal guard. After of course discussing with Vincent and the trainee trainer Cid.

4/8/2018 #2
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