The Clone Wars A New Story
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Ethreal Wings

Where you can talk and chill

4/8/2018 #1

So is Bogan approved?

4/8/2018 #2
Ethreal Wings
Yeah. I forgot to say anyone from my last forum who's character was approved there is automatically approved here.
4/8/2018 #3
Ethreal Wings
Wait can I get some more strength and weaknesses for him?
4/8/2018 #4

can we have a canon claim?

4/9/2018 #5
Ethreal Wings

Sorrry! I'll get that set up right away!

4/9/2018 #6
Ethreal Wings

Also i'm letting everyone keep the characters they claimed/auditioned for in the topic

4/9/2018 #7
Lone Ranger1994

Awesome do I need to transfer them here or is 7 just automatic lol

4/9/2018 #8
Ethreal Wings

Just paste 7 in the character charts. and he should be good

4/9/2018 #9
Ethreal Wings

How is everyone tonight

4/9/2018 #10
Lone Ranger1994


4/11/2018 #11


4/14/2018 #12
Lone Ranger1994


4/17/2018 #13
Teutonic Terror


4/17/2018 #14
Lone Ranger1994

What's going on

4/17/2018 #15
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