Percy Jackson Renewed
The lives of Percy Jackson redone
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Ethreal Wings

Hey guys, just like in every forum, here are some guidelines for everyone to follow! :D

1.) Don't be a Mary Sue or Gary Sue. Let's keep the Roleplay logical people. Not everyone's perfect, and honestly we need defects in our lives to make our lives better. :)

2.) No Godmodding. Like unless told to by the owner of the character, please don't touch them. Although I don't have to tell you guys, since we're all going to be in an agreement, and if we're making our characters too great and utterly GODLY then I'm sure someone's bound to point it out.

3.) No Meta Gaming. When your character has knowledge they shouldn't have. Basically, when the player, has information that the character does not and your character reacts to that information or helps them, when they could be hundreds of miles away and it's illogical for them to be there or get there. Just don't do this, period. It's very annoying.

4.) I don't have to tell you guys to be respectful, right? It will just happen naturally? Please tell me it will sweatdrops? Lol no but seriously, no racism, discrimination, or bullying will be allowed here. I mean I get it, sometimes people could get on your nerves and you just have to point out how you feel no matter what because life or death might depend on it. But seriously do it through PM. If you can't, then I'll politely ask you, and if you still can't then...well I hope we don't get to that point.:) Let's just be polite to all y'all!:3

5.) If you're gonna leave, then please let us know of your absence and who will be controlling your character(s) until then. Yeah, I get it, life happens, and you won't be able to stick around often, shoot life happens to me too. But it would be so awesome for the other RPers if they could continue on, because—when impatient—even I can't stand waiting, and I'm just miserable looking at my screen until I get a reply (when I have no life, and nothing to do.-.- Don't judge me. You know you've been there, bored out of your minds...). Anyway, just give use a heads up, okay? Okay. Geez! I can't believe I had to answer myself. How sad.

6.) Also, please avoid one-liners. I mean, I get it, but sometimes I don't. We're trying to create a story with one another, and honestly one-liners can be hard to respond to if you're not giving us something to work with here. I don't expect big whole paragraphs (although I don't discriminate against them, since I'm a paragraph type of gal, and I could go forever if I wasn't think about those that are reading it), but keep it literate, or in a sense as literate that we can understand it, and long enough that we won't be like "how do we reply to that?"

7.) This is a Group RP. So if you got any ideas, don't shy away in the corner, TELL US WHAT YOU GOT IN THAT BEAUTIFUL-ASS MIND! I want to hear it, and we could most likely use it, or else we'll never know, UNLESS you open up! This is a group effort, so let's keep it that way. I mean, we are going to be sharing the RP together, so might as well get used to it.;D

8.) Lastly, it is NOT mandatory to claim a canon character before making an Oc. Is encouraged, but not required It doesn't have to be more than one. Just one canon character.

9.) Alright, I think that's it. Did my job, now you guys do yours, and have fun, will you? If you've read and understood the rules please write, "I agree" down below

12/3/2019 #1

I agree!

12/4/2019 #2
I agree!
12/4/2019 #3
Forum Moderators: Ethreal Wings OblivionIsOnlyInevitable
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