Ethreal Wings Hello! So here are the Rules of the Kingdom! As we must have fairness in the land. Even the villain's have their own code. So please be mindful of these rules! :D - Be Respectful. Please show respect for all members. This also means to be nice. If your character is rude/mean in role play that's one thing. But keep it within the Role Play.
- Please keep the cussing to a minimum.
- Please no NSFW here. If you want your characters to get busy please take it to PM.
- No God Modding. That means do not take control of other characters, or kill any off without permission or discussing it with the other person
- No Mary-sue/Gary-stu Characters. Yes, the characters are fairy tale characters, but none are perfect
- Please no One line replies. It makes it difficult for people to respond.
- If you read the rules please reply with I accept, and your favorite fairy tale character or story
12/4/2019 #1 |