Writers Anonymous
Writers, come in. Talk about your stories, problems, any advice you need, critique, etc. You don't have to be good, you just need to want to write! Fanfic or original fic writers, all are welcome. Read the rules before posting or risk Rhea's displeasure.
New Follow Forum Follow Topic

Welcome to WA! Read First: Rules and List of Interesting Topics

Welcome to the index! As you may or may not know, Writers Anonymous is not only the largest general forum on this site, but has been around for quite some time now. Thus we have tons of useful advice... that quickly gets buried in the almost 200 pages of threads we have. Until now! :D

Please feel free to revive a thread on a topic you find interesting - we're happy to have that rather than so many threads with scattered bits of advice. (That said, do pay attention to the dates of the thread and its last post and bear in mind that the original poster may be long gone.)

This project was spun off of thelastpen's Topic Links Clearinghouse and my own updates. However useful it was, it was interspersed by other posts and not always easy to navigate, often because it was so useful everyone wanted it to be pinned. ;) In the mission to get this place organized, Rhea and I had a conversation and decided that a full, cleaned up index of the forum would be a good resource to have, and thus this thread was created.

Hopefully this will be a great starting point for everyone, newcomers and regulars alike; but it's going to be in progress for quite some time. See below for current progress.

Here's the link to the Original Writers Anonymous Topic Links Clearinghouse - please direct all comments about the forum index to the Clearinghouse thread, as we would like to keep the contents of this thread as the index only, i.e. any non-index posts here will be deleted and moved to the Clearinghouse. However, please feel free to point out duplicate links, suggest highlights or improvements, or point out threads you think should be there that I missed; either in the clearinghouse thread or in a PM to me. :)

Any suggestions/advice on organization would be incredibly useful - I'm trying to make things as easy to find as possible. There may or may not be a thread for a potential Index Improvement Project at some point. Probably when I get through the last page of the forum.

Tip: If you have a specific topic in mind, hit CTRL-F (control key plus the F key) and it will bring up a search box if you're using Windows (on a Mac, it's Command-F). In Internet Explorer, the search box will be at the top of the page; in Firefox it will be at the bottom (idk about any others). Type a key word and it will highlight all instances of that string of characters on the webpage. You can then click 'next' to jump to each instance.

This works on any webpage, but unlike traditional search engines it will only search for that exact string of characters (think if you put your search terms in quotes in Google), so single words are usually best. Try a couple key words if you can think of synonyms. I go with what's most obvious to me but that might not be the first thought for someone else.

Note: Highlighted links are ones that I found to have a lot of input, exceptional advice, or just really interesting discussion. Suggestions are welcome, of course. :D

This ties into the use of the forum tags (rather than the categories put in the titles). The tags are intended to pull out "the best of the best" of what WA has to offer: threads that have lots of good advice and are widely useful - similar to what gets them highlighted here. Naturally we want to keep the categories relatively small (otherwise that kind of defeats the purpose!), so as of now I'm periodically removing the tags from most threads that weren't put there specifically by the mods; but if you know of a thread that you think deserves to be there, you can ask Rhea or myself to add it, either in PM or in the original Clearinghouse thread.

Index-building progress:

  • Everything created as of 6-30-23 and last updated 6-1-12 or later has been covered.
  • Everything has been copied from the clearinghouse updates, along with all FAQs/Recs/Plug threads linked to the main ones.
  • 9-24-15: Added reference links for each category in the table of contents section.
  • 7-5-18: I believe that's now five years worth of threads that have been indexed. :)
  • 4-11-19: Small announcement - some of the links formerly under the "Dealing with" list in Traffic/Feedback are now under 'Interacting on this Site' in the Site Discussion post. They were moved because they weren't really story or author 'feedback' (mostly the ones about harassment and similar) and not necessarily limited to reviews. Also, separating them out should hopefully make the former list easier to sift through. Also, I think we have exactly six years of threads indexed. :)
  • Recent Updates: January through June 2023, April through December 2022, April 2021 through March 2022, June & July 2012

Index Categories, by Post:

Writing: The Process Of - Everything about actually getting words on the screen or page. (link)

Writing Techniques and Discussion - "How to Write/Use X"; from Character Development to Commas. (link)

Games and Critique Threads - Self-explanatory. (link)

Research Topics - Threads that are focused more on "what would realistically happen" rather than "how to write it". (link)

Recommendations, Self-Plugs, and FAQs - Most are pinned or linked to a pinned thread, but for completion's sake, and the occasional troubleshooting thread that takes off... (link)

Traffic Stats: Views, Visitors, Favorites, Follows, and Reviews - Anything and everything about feedback on this site. (link)

Site Discussion - This site, its community, and its rules. (link)

Rating Troubles - Gets its own section since it's so common. Where (we think) the lines are, and other things related to the ratings. (link)

Plagiarism, Story Theft, Copyright Infringement, and Other Legal Stuff - Exactly what it sounds like. (link)

General Discussion - Basically, for the stuff that doesn't really fit elsewhere. Various get-to-know-you threads, this forum's history, chat threads, the fanfic community... (link)

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/30 #1

Writing, The Process Of

The Multi-chapter Fic Support Group

Getting Started (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19) (link 20) (link 21) (link 22) (link 23) (link 24) (link 25) (link 26) (link 27) (link 28) (link 29) (link 30) (link 31) (link 32) (link 33) (link 34) (link 35) (link 36) (link 37) (link 38) (link 39) (link 40) (link 41) (link 42) (link 43) (link 44) (link 45) (link 46) (link 47) (link 48) (link 49) (link 50) (link 51) (link 52) (link 53) (link 54)

Avoiding Headache/Eyestrain when Writing (link 2) (link 3)

Bad Habits (link 2)

Branching Out/Trying New Genres Etc.

Chapter Length

Classifying Stories

Co-Authoring (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19) (link 20) (link 21)

Connecting With Your Writing (link 2)

Continuity or Over-Analyzing?

Controlling the Urge to Over-Write

Deciding on a Fandom

Deciding What to Write Next

Drabbles, Flashfics, Vignettes, and Oneshots



Frustrations when Writing

Getting Back Into a Story (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Getting Back Into Writing (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Getting Out of Corners (link 2)

Getting Stuck in a Certain Style?

How Long Does It Take? (link 2)

How Much Canon Do You Expect People to Know? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

How to Improve (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Interconnecting Stories (link 2)

Losing Writing Skills? (link 2) (link 3)

Middle Section Blues

Mood Influencing Writing


Multi-Chapter Fics

Multiple Chapters In Progress at Once

Multiple Projects (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12)

New Chapter or New Story? (link 2)

One Piece of Advice (link 2)

Planning, Outlines, and Drafts (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11)

Plots and Plot Ideas

Posting Logistics



Routines and Habits (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Seeking Help

Skipping Chapters

Story Length

Stuff Not Working

Stupid Mistakes You've Made (link 2)

Summaries (link 2)

The Process is Not Always a Straight Line

Titles (link 2)

Too-Big Ideas

Too Eager to Get to the "Good Parts" (link 2) (link 3)

Transforming Script to Narrative

Unused/Unfinished Ideas

Visual Aids for Writing

Visualizing Scenes (link 2)

What Next, After Completion?

Worldbuilding (link 2)

Writer's Block (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19) (link 20) (link 21) (link 22) (link 23) (link 24) (link 25) (link 26) (link 27) (link 28) (link 29)

Writing Fluency

Writing in English as a Foreign Language (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Writing On the Go (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Writing Pace

Writing Programs/Methods (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Writing to a Target Audience

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/28 #2

Writing Techniques and Discussion

In General

Brainstorm/Idea Bounce

General/Multi-topic Writing Advice (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19) (link 20) (link 21) (link 22) (link 23) (link 24) (link 25) (link 26) (link 27) (link 28) (link 29) (link 30) (link 31) (link 32) (link 33) (link 34) (link 35) (link 36) (link 37) (link 38) (link 39) (link 40) (link 41) (link 42)


General Characterization (link 2)

Antiheroes (link 2) (link 3)

Avoiding Bashing Characters You Dislike

Boring or Flat Characters (link 2)

Character Agency

Character Chemistry/Interaction

Character Development

Character Flaws

Characters Older or Younger than You

Characters That Always Ask Questions

Corrupt Characters

Criminal Protagonists

Cruel Authority Figures

Defining Character Traits

Dense Characters

Disabled Characters

Developing Distinctive Character Voices


Emotionless Characters

False Protagonists

Gender and Race in Fantasy Fiction

Geniuses/Superhuman Intelligence

Godlike Entities and Dealing with Them

"Good" vs "Evil" Spectrum

Groups of Main Characters

Hive Minds

Humans as Aliens


Important Bit-Part Characters

In Character or Out of Character

Introducing a Character (link 2)

Injured Amnesiacs

Insanity (link 2)

Likeable Characters (link 2)

Lots of Characters (link 2) (link 3)

Main Characters - How Young is Too Young?

Making a Distressed Character Still Seem Competent

Male vs Female Characters

Mary Sue Guide/Discussion - All Mary Sue threads have previously been compiled into this one.


Names (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)

'Normal'/Neurotypical Characters

Original Characters (OCs) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11)

Over-the-Top Characters

Passive Protagonists

Personality Typing

Physical Appearance Effects on Character Interpretation

Planning, Using, and Portraying Characters (link 2) (link 3)

POC Characters


Precognitive Characters

Prideful Characters

Rebellious Teens/Kids

Responsible Characters

Seductive Characters

Self-Inserts (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Silent Characters (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Split Personalities (link 2)

Trans Characters

Untruthful Groups

Using Sexuality to Flesh Out a Character

Vampires (link 2)

Villains (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Writers (link 2)

Genres and Scenes

In General

Action/Fight Scenes (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13)


AU (Alternate Universe) (link 2)

Crime (link 2)

Crossovers (link 2)

Dark/Violent Scenes (link 2) (link 3)

Death Scenes (link 2)

Deconstructions (link 2) (link 3)


Fix Fics


Historical Setting (link 2)

Holiday Fic

Horror and/or Suspense (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9)

Humor (link 2)

Hurt/Comfort (link 2)

Modernized Retelling

Musicals (link 2)

Mysteries (link 2)

Next-Gen Fics

Novelizations and Retelling Canon (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Parody and Satire (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Riches to Rags

Romance and Pairings (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13)

Science Fiction

Sex Scenes (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9)



War Stories

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar (SPaG)

SPaG Tips/Lessons (link 2)

Grammar Questions


Alternate Punctuation Systems and When to Use Them (link 2)


Commas (link 2) (link 3)

Dashes/Hyphens in Dialogue

Ellipses (link 2)

Exclamation Points!


Numbers (link 2) (also: Time)

Punctuating Dialogue (link 2)

Quote Marks


Sentence Structure/Syntax


Verbs, Adjectives, and Tenses

Adverbs (link 2) (link 3)

Alternate Story Formats (link 2) (link 3)

Ambiguous Writing

Artificially Withholding Information from the Reader

Author-Character Conversations

Avoiding Plot Tangents (link 2)


Bad Grammar - Using it Deliberately

Beginner Mistakes (link 2) (link 3)

Beginnings (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15)

Being Mean/Evil to the Characters

Body Language and Facial Expression

Breaking the Fourth Wall (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)

Canon and Working with It

Carrying the Initial Feeling from Brain to Page

Changing Tense and POV

Character Knowledge vs. Writer Knowledge

Characters Reading/Watching Canon

Character vs. Plot



Concise vs. Verbose Writing

Cutting Away to Other Characters

Deceiving/Misdirecting Readers

Deductive Reasoning

Depth (link 2)

Description and Details (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10)

Dialogue (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12)

Dreams (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Emotions (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8)

Endings (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)


Epithets (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)


Figurative Language

"Filler"/Less Plot-Heavy Chapters (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Flashbacks (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Foreign Languages In-Story (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8)

Foreshadowing (link 2) (link3)

Getting an Emotional Response (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)

Going Against the Typical in a Fandom


Interconnected Stories (link 2)

Literary Devices (link 2)


Name Suggestions (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Narration vs. Dialogue (link 2)

Onomatopoeia/Sound Effects (link 2) (link 3)

Pacing (link 2) (link 3)

Paragraphs (link 2)

Plain/Repetitive Writing (link 2)


Plot Elements


Point of View (POV)

Pop Culture References

Pretentious Purple Prose (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Prologues (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)


Recapitulating Scenes with Different POVs

Rhyming Magic


Scene Breaks/Transitions

Sentences that Mention Several Characters


Show vs. Tell (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Side Character Scene Time

Slang/Colloquialisms - Yours vs the Fandom's

Style and Tone

Subtlety (link 2)

Swearing (and Offensive Terms)


Tense (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)


Text/Writing In-Story (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)


Thesaurus Usage

Thoughts/Internal Dialogue



Transferring Mediums

Views - Character's vs. Author's


What Makes a Story Boring?

When to Use Bold/Italics/Underline

Word Choice Help

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/29 #3

Games and Critique Threads


The Review Games

OC Character Development

10-Minute Prompts

Get That Scene on the Screen (and it's companion comment thread)


Review Exchange

Show and Tell

Word Sprint

The Challenge Thread [also: Challenge Thread Entries]

The Super Silly Summary Spectacular Game

Character Sketch for a Song

Make a Story


Alphabet Story


Action Scenes

Character Introduction


Concrit Request

Death Scenes





Emotion/Emotional Expression (link 2)

Evoking Emotion


Opening Lines

Original Work



Romance/Love (link 2)

SPaG, Syntax, and Other Technical Issues

Story Pitches


7/23/2015 . Edited 7/7/2020 #4

Research Topics

Areas of Expertise

Research Sites

Share What You've Learned (link 2)

Languages, Dialects, and Speech Patterns

Merging Languages

Questions for Native English Speakers

Translation Sites

Dialects, Local Lingo, Clichés, and Speech Patterns Around the World


Afrikaans Terms of Endearment

American English

Australian Slang

Brazilian Portugese

Chinese Pronouns



Native American Names


Culture/Faith-Based Reactions

Historical Language

Pilot Slang

Royalty Speech

'05 Music

'40s Hair Coloring

'80s Kids Grown Up

'90s Jeans Labels


Acrylic Uses


Alcohol and Drunk Characters (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Animal Behavior

Arab Greetings and Welcome Customs

Aristocracy and Status-Seekers

Aromanticism and Asexuality

Asian Mythology


Ballet Lifts

Beach Crowds

Bilingual Characters


Boats and Ships (link 2)

Building a City

Building a Log Cabin


Burned House

Business Trips


Castles and Royalty


Climbing Out a Bedroom Window

Cold War and the UN

Common Desires

Complex/Intellectual Hobbies

Cooking Over Wood

Crime Scenes in a Home

Desert Survival

Disabilities, Mental Illness, and Other Psychological Topics

Diseases and Other Medical Problems


Domestic Violence Shelters

Dreams/Nightmares (link 2)

Drugs, Toxins, Chemical Effects, Etc.


Edwardian Era Attitudes towards Homosexuality

Effects Over Time

Electronic Locks

Embassies in Hostile Countries

Emotional Expressions

English Army in the 15th Century

Environmentally Friendly Cooking Oil Disposal



Explosive Decompression

Fabric Texture


Fashion Designers (link 2)

Finding Someone Without Internet

Fire in a Locked Room

Fishing Towns in Winter

Food and Drinks

Framing Someone for a Crime

Gangsters and Mafia (link 2)

Gender Identity Issues/Gender Fluidity (link 2)

Genetic Matching


Going to a Third Party for a "Friend's" Problem

Guns and Firearms (link 2)

Hand-to-Hand Combat in Low Gravity

High School

Historical Armor and Melee Weapons (link 2)

History of Computers and the Internet

Homeless Life

Human Running Speed

Humans Helping Whales Give Birth

Hydraulic Tech


Illegal Gambling Money

Injuries (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Investigation Methodology



Lack of Ambition

Laws of War

Learning to Play an Instrument

Legal Processes

Lightning Strikes

Louisiana Voodoo

Magic/The Supernatural

Mail During the Renaissance

Marriage at a Courthouse

Mass-Casualty Incidents

Medical School

Medieval Logic, Mindset, and Theories

Meteorite Apocalypse


Mixed-Race Ethnicity

Money: Value through the Decades

Music Description

Parent-Child Connections

Photography/Photographic Processing

Pirates in the 18th Century

Playing a Sport

Police Forces


Populations Issues, Isolation, and Evolution

Prank Feasibility




Regency Women and Skilled Art

Reuniting with a Lost Relative

Riches to Rags



School Baseball Team Tryouts

Schoolgirl Hockey

Scientific Discovery/Invention

Search and Rescue

Secret Hideouts and Facilities

Secret Societies

Shell Companies

Siberian Winter



Slums of India

Space Alien Response

Special Moments in Life

Star Visibility/Astronomical Observation

Stink Bombs

"Tame" Wolves?

Teaching English as a Second Language

Teenage Girl Sleepovers

Terrorist Plots

Time Travel

Too Many Alibis

Tracing Mobile/Cell Phones

Trading Diamonds for Cash

Travel Times, Speeds, and Distances

The United Kingdom

The United States

Urban Legends

Vehicles and Maintenance

Weather and Climate

Wedding Ceremonies

What Americans get Wrong about Europe

Widow Last Names and Titles

World War II

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/28 #5

FAQs, Recommendations, and Self-Plugs

FAQ Threads

Main FAQ (If you have any question about why something isn't working, please post it here! Don't make a new thread!)

How to Upload Documents, Post and Edit Stories

Account FAQ

Review FAQ

Site FAQ

Story FAQ

Other Useful Question Threads

Recommendation Threads

Books or Sites on Writing (link 2)

Communities (C2s)

Favorite Fanfiction (link 2)

Help Finding Something Interesting to Read (link 2)

Published Authors/Books

Stories with Original Characters

Self-Plug Threads

Promote Your Story: the Main Self-Plug Thread

Fanfic Without Many Readers (now closed for redundancy)


Original Fiction/Poetry

Promote Your Story: Find a Beta Reader

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/29 #6

Traffic Stats: Views, Visitors, Favorites, Follows, and Reviews

In General

Difference Between Reviews, Follows, and Favorites

How Stats are Recorded (link 2)

Interpreting Stats


What Are Good Stats? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)

What are Your Stats? (link 2) (link 3)

Which is Better? (link 2) (link 3)

Dealing with Low Counts (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19)

Favoriting/Following Authors

Playing Favorites Among Your Own Stories

Influences on Traffic and Feedback

Factors that Influence Traffic

Figuring Out Where Views Are Coming From?

How do You Find the Stories You Read?

How to Get More Views/Reviews (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19) (link 20) (link 21) (link 22) (link 23) (link 24) (link 25) (link 26) (link 27) (link 28) (link 29) (link 30) (link 31) (link 32) (link 33) (link 34) (link 35) (link 36) (link 37) (link 38) (link 39) [Trust me, you are not alone!!]


Spikes in Views/Visitors on Random Chapters (link 2)

Why Do People Skip to the End?

Why People Review/Follow/Fave (or Not) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Writers with Popular Stories, When did Yours get Popular?

Reviews and Other Feedback

Advice on Giving Reviews (link 2) (link 3)

Best/Worst Reviews Given and Received (currently closed)

Building a Writer's Self-Esteem

Dealing With...

Deleting a Story Due to a Review

Deleting Reviews (link 2) (link 3)

Do You Read Reviews of Others' Stories?

Fandom-Blind Reviewing

Favorite Kind of Reader Response? (link 2)

Flames, Concrit, and Sugarcoating

General Reviewing Discussion (link 2)

How Many Reviews Have You Given?

How Reviews Affect Your Writing (link 2)

Ideas, Opinions, and Discussion of Mechanics

Informing the Author of Why You Stopped Reading? (link 2)

Is Criticism an Indicator of Whether to Continue Posting?

Likelihood of Getting a Negative Review

Replying to Reviews (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

Reporting Reviews

Retaliating Against a Reviewer/Flamer/Troll

Reviewers Reading for the Wrong Reasons

Reviewing From Multiple Accounts [Part 2]

Reviews on Completed Stories

Signed vs. Unsigned Reviews

The Critic's Perspective

The Importance of Reviews

Writing a Story You Think is Likely to P*** Off the Fandom (link 2)

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/29 #7

Site Discussion

Site Guidelines

In General: Things That Might Get Your Story Removed (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

"Entries Not Allowed: Non-Stories"

"Entries Not Allowed: One/Two-Liners"

"Entries Not Allowed: Inserting Comments/MST-ing" (link 2)

"Entries Not Allowed: Real-Person Fiction (RPF)" (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

"Entries Not Allowed: Interactive Stories" (link 2) (link 3)

"Entries Not Allowed: Script Format" (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8)

"Actions Not Allowed: Multiple Entries of the Same Material"

"Actions Not Allowed: Lyrics in Stories" (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8)

Ratings: are in the next post

"General Rule: Entry Title and Summary Must be Rated K for All Audiences"

"General Rule: Entry Must Be Placed in the Proper Category"

"General Rule: Chapters of the Same Story are Not Allowed to be Submitted as Separate Entries"


The FFN Community

A Multi-Topic Intro to the Site

"Adopting" Fanfics (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15)

Archive or Portfolio - What Do You Put on This Site?

Author's Notes (link 2) (link 3)

Avatars and Cover Images (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Beta Readers

Blocking Users (link 2)

Cancelling/Abandoning a Story: Have You and Why?

Cast Lists

Changes You Would Make (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9)

Changing Usernames

Communities (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Connecting to Other Social Media (link 2)

Crediting Other Fanfic Authors

Cross-Posting to Other Sites (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Deleting Accounts


"Don't Like, Don't Read"

Fandom Organization

Fanfic of a Fanfic

FFN Slang (link 2)


Glitch of the Day (reviews not showing) [link 2] (uploading through DocX) (uploading stories) [link 2] [link 3] [link 4] (odd traffic stats) [link 2] (captcha issues) (story changes not registering) [link 2] (forum glitches) (image glitches) (PM glitches) (incorrect wordcounts) [link 2] (accessing story properties)

Has Site Traffic Declined? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Help For Disabled Readers

Hosting a Writing Competition

How Have You Changed During Your Time on This Site?

Informing Readers/Announcements

Interacting on This Site (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)

Is the Removal of Stories by the Site a Form of Censorship?

Keeping Favorites Private

Lack of Admin Response (link 2)

Multiple Accounts

Navigating the Site (Search Bar vs Browse Menu)

Net Neutrality

Overall Site Quality (link 2)

Pairings in Summaries (link 2) (link 3)


Referencing and Citations

Reporting Stories (link 2) (link 3)

Reposting a Deleted Story

Restricted by the Rules?

Site Demographics

Site History/Changes

Sneak Peeks?

The Line Between Fanfic and Original Fic (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18)


Trigger or Content Warnings (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Using Other Writers' OCs (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Warning for Spoilers?

What's Right with Fanfiction.Net (link 2)

Word Count Accuracy

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/30 #8

Rating Troubles

Rating Boundaries

Rating Overview (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)

K-Plus Rating

K/Kplus/T Boundaries (link 2)

T-Rating (link 2)

T/M Boundary (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13)

M-Rating (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)

M/MA Boundary (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8)

MA-Rating (link 2)

Other Discussion

Changing Ratings (link 2) (link 3)

Different Chapter Ratings? (link 2)

How/If the Rating System Impacts Your Writing

Loss of the MA Rating (link 2)

M-Rating and the Filters

Rating "for Safety" and Rating Higher than Canon

Restriction/Acceptance Discussion

Second Opinions: Rating Critique

Topic Ratings

Why Are There So Many M/MA Fics? (link 2)

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/29 #9

Plagiarism, Story Theft, Copyright Infringement, and Other Legal Stuff

The Gray Area That Is Fanfic

Common Copyright Misconceptions

Copying from Canon (Copyright Infringement)

Copyrighting Characters

Disclaimers (link 2) (link 3)

Donating Self-Published Fanfiction

Example: Defining Plagiarism

Fanfic of a Fanfic

Films Adapted from Fanfic

Getting Fanfic Published through the Original Creators

A Hollywood Cease and Desist Experience

Image Rights

Is the Bible Copyrighted?

MA-Rated Material Featuring Minors (link 2)

Mass Story Theft

Official Content Stealing from Fan-Made Content

Plagiarism and Story Theft on FFN (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Public Domain Works

Publishing Fanfic for Profit? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Reposting Others' Stories After Deletion (link 2)

Requesting No Fanfiction

Retaining Rights to Your Writing

SOPA 2014 (link 2) (link 3)

Taking Lines for Novelizations (link 2) (link 3)

TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)

Using Similar Ideas (link 2) (link3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12)

When Your Fanfic is Deleted

Writing in Fandoms Based on Actual Events

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/30 #10

General Discussion

Major Threads

Can We Talk? and Can We Talk 2.0

Fanfiction Pet Peeves

About This Forum

Appreciation for WA

Avatars - What They Are and Why We Picked Them

Fandoms of Interest (link 2) (link 3)

Fanfics You Plan to Write

Forum Writing Challenges

Forum History

Getting to Know You

Is the Challenge Thread Working?


Pen Name Meanings (link 2)

Who Looks at the Self-Plug Thread?

Why Are You Here?

Why Do You Write Fanfiction? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11)

Writing: Personal Experience

Author Appeal - Common Elements in Your Stories

Best Memories of Writing or Reading Fanfiction

Best Thing About Posting a New Chapter?

Challenging Scenes/Genres to Write (link 2) (link 3)

Creating Background Material for Others to Read (link 2) (link 3)

Difficulty Finishing What You Start?

Dislike Writing but Love Having Written?

Disassociating from Previous Fics

Do You Censor Language in Your Stories?

Do You Draft by Hand?

Do You Have an Agenda or Do You Write for Fun?

Do You Like Reading Your Own Fics?

Do You Promote Your Stories?

Do You Write Seriously Outside of Fanfic?

Doubting Your Work (link 2) [Even If You Like It]

Ever Written a Story Knowing Readers Will Hate the Ending?

First Fanfics (link 2)

Funny Things Writing Fanfiction has Done to You (link 2) (link 3)

Hating Everything You Write (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Have You Ever Stopped Working on a Fic?

Headcanon Consistency

How Close Do You Stay to Canon?

How Do You Feel About Writing Characters Not Your Age?

How Do You Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Authors? (link 2)

How Have You Grown as a Writer?

How It Feels to Write Fanfiction

How Long Have You Taken to Finish Posting a Story, and How Long Have You Waited for One?

How Many Words Have You Written?

How Much Do You Read, and How Much Do You Write?

How Much of You Goes Into Your Story?

How Your Writing Has Changed (link 2)

Is it Hard to Write?

Is Writing Worth It?

Looking Back at Old Work

Most Difficult Aspect of Writing for Your Fandom?

New Year's Writing Resolutions

Not Reading in a Fandom While You're Writing in It

Oddball Successes

Personal History as an Author

Personality Affecting Writing

Share a Favorite Excerpt

Stories You Refuse to Read/Write (link 2)

Themes in Your Stories

Things You've Learned from Writing Fanfiction (link 2)

Weirdest Location You've Written In

What Are You Best at Writing: Beginning, Middle, or End?

What Do You Like or Not Like About Writing?

What Role Do You Want Writing to Play in Your Life?

What's the Most Horrible Content You've Written?

What's the Oldest Fic You Have Up?

What the H*ll Did I Just Write?

What You Wish You Knew About Fanfic Sooner

When a Story Chases You

Where Ideas Come From

Why Do You Publish Fanfic Online?

Working Really Hard for Short Results

Writerly Delusions of Grandeur

Writing for a Fandom for the First Time

Writing Habits

Writing Pace

Writing Strengths and Weaknesses

Writing Style

You Know You're a Fanfic Writer When... (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

A Place to Put Ideas/Plot Bunnies for Others (link 2)

AI Writing (link 2)

Alternate Character Interpretation

Amateur Writers that Inspire You

Anime Complaints

Apologizing for Your Own Stories

Are there Other Active Forums?

Article Discussion

Asking Other Writers to Decide What to Write

Atlas of Fake Britain

Audio Readings of Fanfic (link 2)

Bad Stories: What Defines One?

'Bad' Tropes that are Popular?

Being a Fan or a Writer - Which Matters More?

Best Fictional Portrayals of Fan Culture

Can Fanfic be Written Better than Canon?

Cartoons: What Happened to the Good Ones?

Cartoon and Anime Differences

Characters You Can't Like



College Major in Writing


Confused by Fanfic Slang?

Consolidating Original and Fanfic onto One Site

Creating a Comic Counterpart to a Story

Creating a Writing Blog

Creative Freedom vs "The Rules" (of Writing) (link 2)

Critiquing Poetry

Definition of Fanfiction

Difference Between Novice and Pro Writers

Difference Between Supernatural and Horror

Do Canon Authors Read Fanfic of Their Work?

Does Reading A Lot Really Make You a Good Writer?

Do People in Real Life Know You Write Fanfic? (link 2)

Do Stories Belong to the Author or the Reader?

Do You Envision a Time When You Don't Write Fanfic?

Do You Think FFN is a Good Starting Point for Young Writers?

Ever Had a Story You Couldn't Find Again? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)

Executive Meddling


Fanfiction Across Cultures

Fanfiction Facebook Groups

Fanfiction in the News

Fanfiction on Amazon Kindle (link 2)

Fanfiction Pros and Cons

Fanfiction Review Blog

Fanfic vs. Published Fiction



Finding Your Fics Discussed on a Non-Fanfic Site

First Book that Got You Into Reading (link 2)

Fonts - Which Do You Use?

Forced to Choose... and the Character Doesn't Take a Third Option?

Forum Relevance - How is It Determined?

Gender in Writing (link 2)

Getting Words on the Page: Left Brain vs Right Brain

Great Modern Day Literature

Guilty Pleasures (link 2)

Has Twilight Killed Vampire Romance?

Have You Ever Cried from an Emotional Scene in a Fanfic?

History of Team Diversity

How Can a Story be Called Perfect?

How Important is the Fan Community?

How to Find Good Stories on This Site

Humanity as Portrayed in Post-Apocalyptic Stories

Hypothetical Fanfiction Writing Course Syllabus

Inspirational/Writing Quotes

Intelligent Animals as Food

Is Complaining About Works You've Never Seen Hypocritical?

Is Fanfiction Art?

Is First- or Third-Person Easier to Write?

Is [Whatever Idea You Have] Worth Reading/Writing? (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8)

Is What We Write Harmful?

Lies Your Teacher Taught You and Revisionist History

Literary vs. Genre Fiction

Literature and Elitism

Mainstream Success as a Fanfic

Mature Content Written by Younger Authors

Morality in Fiction

Most Offensive Fanfiction You've Read

NaNoWriMo [also: the 2013 thread]

Nominated for a Contest You Had No Idea Existed

Offensive Humor

Oldest Stories on FFN and FictionPress

Opinons on...

Original vs. Fanfiction (link 2)

"Original" Prequels to Fanfic Canon

Originality - Is There Such Thing? (link 2)

Other Writing/Archive Sites

Overdone Storylines/Premises (link 2)

Perfection vs Brilliance

Personal Beliefs/Values/Ideas in Fanfic

PMs Being Publicly Posted on a Blog

Posting Online - Cons (and Pros)


Preferred Genres (link 2) (link 3)

Professional Writers on Fanfiction

Project Metafiction


Public Shaming

Publishing (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)

Quality vs Quantity

Questionable Topics in Fiction (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)


Reading Habits

Representation in Fanfiction

Review Games for Specific Genres or Fandoms


Rules of Grammar/Spelling/Syntax You Find Nonsensical

Sensitivity Readers

Setting a Story Post-Canon

Share the Humor

Sharing Happiness Thread


Similarity to Published Authors in Writing Style

Slash Fic

Songs that Inspire Your Writing

Speech Writing vs. Story Writing - the Differences

Spirituality in Your Fiction

Stigmas of Fanfiction (link 2)

Stories that Made You Stop and Think

Stories You Keep Private

Stories You Wish You Could Write or Want to See More Of

Story Filter Test

Survey on Fanfic and the Fanfiction Community (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15)

Suspension of Disbelief

Swearing in Fanfic: As Bad as Swearing IRL?

Target Audience

That One Trope You Use

The Bechdel Test

The Bulwer-Lytton Contest

The "Eloquence" Thread [part 2] [part 3]

The Future of FFN (link 2)

The Future of Physical Books

The Most Popular Genre in Fanfiction

The 'Summer Lull'

The Value of Fanfic in the 'Real World'

Therapeutic Writing

Things You Wish You Had

This Site's International Community

Tom Swifties

"Too Edgy"?

Too-Simplistic Writing Advice


TVTropes Pages for Your Work

Using Other Mediums to Tell Your Story

Using Your Academic/Professional Specialty in Your Writing?

Venting Thread

Vocabulary Test

Website for Shy Authors

Weird Crossovers (link 2) (link 3) [also: Crossovers Only You Think Work]

Weirdest Character You've Ever Seen?

What Do You Like in a Story? (link 2)

What is the Longest Story Here?

What is the Point of Fanfiction?

What Makes a Scene Iconic?

What Makes a Work Likely to be a Popular Source of Fanfic?

What Supernatural Characteristics Do You Enjoy?

When Someone Writes a Better Version of Your Story

Who Are Some of the Most Popular Writers on This Site?

Who Can Write Fanfic?

Why Do Fanfic Writers Prefer to Write about Male Instead of Female Characters?

Why Do You Like Fanfiction? (link 2)

Why is There So Much Sex in Fanfic?

Why People Read/Write MA-rated Fic (link 2)

Why People Stop Writing

Why We Talk About Writing

Works/Series You Used to Like and Now Dislike

Writers with Disorders/Disabilities (link 2)

Writing as a Measure of Intelligence

Writing Contests (link 2)

Writing for Pleasure vs Writing to Post

Writing Groups, Buddies, and Critique Circles

Writing: Skill or Trait?

Writing vs. Storytelling

7/23/2015 . Edited 11/30 #11
Forum Moderators: Rhea Silverkeys CrystalRei, Ragnelle, LMRaven, Maryilee, cathrl
  • Forums are not to be used to post stories.
  • All forum posts must be suitable for teens.
  • The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area.
  • All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators.
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