Greek Mythology Roleplay
We need more roleplayers! A literate roleplay pertaining to Greek Mythology. Anyone is free to join, but please be literate. Synopsis: An epic war between the gods will take place in 2012.
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no, they didnt actually say that, it's not your fault, I know her personally. I instant messaged her. she just doesnt have the forum pulled up right now.

9/11/2010 #61
She Who Shines

Oooooooooooh, phew! *sighs in relief* So I don't feel like that much of an idiot anymore. Will she be RPing anymore today? How about you? And which plan would Ares go for?

9/11/2010 #62

welllll, Ares would probably go for the first one, since it IS more violent, and that way he can try to repopulate with people trained to be warriors. Like Sparta, you know? How about Hades?

9/11/2010 #63
She Who Shines


Sorry. Ahem.

Hades, I think, just wants to go back home. He'll go for the side that would make things over with as fast as possible.

9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #64

Oh, hey. Hi guys. :D

But yeah, like Tarame had said, the roleplay is in the late summer/ early fall (like our time).

I want it to go somewhat in our time, (they're gonna need time to train and learn to fight before the big war, and to form alliances and such).

We'll (hopefully) finish by 2010, but for now I would prefer for the RP to go in our time.

We can speed things up as the RP progresses, if y'all want.

9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #65

Do I sense a fellow MLIAer?

9/11/2010 #66
She Who Shines

I think speeding up as we continue is a good idea. And yes, they'll need a lot of training. Or at least Aletheia will XD Good thing Maisha will teach her.


9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #67

My Life Is Average? I guess not... -feels stoopid-

9/11/2010 #68
She Who Shines

Oh, I've heard of that! Don't feel stupid. I know that feeling and it suuuuuuuucks. You can't help what you do or don't know, right? Well, not always.

Hey, do you both think we'll be able to make it to Mount Olympus tonight? Did you want to RP a little more? I really want to goof around with the gods XD

9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #69

Well, Calvin just put his foot on the mountain, so they can begin their ascent now...


Yeah... Odd sensations again!

And more Calvin/Lanthanon fanservice! :D

9/11/2010 #70
She Who Shines

Yippy! It'll be fun, I know it. Lots of bickering gods. I love bickering gods XD

9/11/2010 #71

We're very close to the 300 post mark...


I have a feeling we can make it by tomorrow night, don't you guys think so?

9/11/2010 #72
She Who Shines

Most definitely - we're moving at quite a nice pace, I think. When we reach five hundred we should throw an online party ;-)

9/11/2010 #73

We should do that, and when we hit like 300 in the Field, we should do something of the sort, too.

That'll be close, though, I'm sure of it.


9/11/2010 #74
She Who Shines

Oh, sure! Let's throw a wondrous online party for our 300th post. I'll write a oneshot and sketch something with our characters for it.

9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #75

urgh, parental units are forcing me to volunteer for the MS society tomorrow, so I don't know how much I'll be able to post... yay for getting up at five am...

9/11/2010 #76

OH! that would be awesome! I would love to see how you imagine my character! I have a sketch of her too, so we can compare! XD

9/11/2010 #77
She Who Shines

Oh dear, such early hours! Do you have you get off right now, or will you just be around scarcely tomorrow? Either way, thanks for playing. And we're so so close to Olympus! It's exciting!

9/11/2010 #78
She Who Shines

Oh, FUN! Maybe you could sketch Allie too and we could 'trade' XD I'd love to see your Maisha, right after I'm done drawing mine so we can, as you said, compare.

And do any of you mind me hijacking your characters for a quick story? I might give up, but I think I've got a good feel for their voices at this point.

9/11/2010 #79

I have to go to sleep now, but go ahead and use Maisha, I love her, but you can have her too. How about this- we share! 3.

lol, goodnight.

9/11/2010 #80
She Who Shines

Aw, shame. I'll see you soon - and yes, let's share! You can use Aletheia, too - just be melodramatic and wispy -) Sleep well!

Still around, Uchiha?

9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #81
She Who Shines

Maaaaaaaaaaarco...? *glances around hopefully*

9/11/2010 #82

I think I'll draw Calvin, he would be fun to draw.


9/12/2010 #83

Oh yeah, just so you guys know, I based Calvin's personality off my own.

He's like my blond male-counterpart.


9/12/2010 #84

Haha, apparently Lanthanon is a more outgoing and naive, guy version of me, according to Uchiha.

9/12/2010 #85
She Who Shines

*feels a little awkward* Do all of you know each other in person besides me?

Aletheia is a little like a big time, really really amplified version of me. I'm not quite so grandiose nor half as fickle, and I don't look a thing like her. Though I guess we have a similar nose. And I have the same sunny disposition. XD

By the way, I really do like your characters. Lanthanon's so sweet, and Calvin's so intriguing. I especially liked that bit where he said "I don't give a damn which side are parents are on." I would have blushed my head off in the demigods' position. Aletheia just cheered him on.

9/12/2010 . Edited 9/12/2010 #86

Well, Hayashi and Tarame are two of my best friends in real life.


No need to feel awkward, though.

And the funny thing is, if I got riled enough, I would talk the same way as Calvin. LOL.

9/12/2010 #87
She Who Shines

Well, it must be awesome fun to do this with them, then. And good for you!

Btw, I'm doing that thing with Hades. Because I like the guy for some strange reason.

9/12/2010 #88

I was supposed to go and draw Calvin, but I didn't.


If anything, I'll do so at night or tomorrow or sometime this week or something.


But he's gonna be hawt, so look out.


9/12/2010 #89

Haha. I'm not drawing might take forever.

Well, maybe his true form. That's easier. (since it does have a model, after all...)

9/12/2010 #90
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