Greek Mythology Roleplay
We need more roleplayers! A literate roleplay pertaining to Greek Mythology. Anyone is free to join, but please be literate. Synopsis: An epic war between the gods will take place in 2012.
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Behold! Yaoi!


I hope everyone's alright with that...

I mean, seriously, they were asking for it...

9/12/2010 . Edited 9/12/2010 #91
She Who Shines

Well, I'm okay with it. I rather liked them as friends, but if that's where both of you want to go that's where we'll go!

9/12/2010 #92

Now they have an excuse to be touchy-feely.

I mean, seriously. They kept hugging and cuddling and stuff, so why not?


And I think Calvin got the "liking boys" from Apollo...

9/12/2010 . Edited 9/12/2010 #93

Ah, Apollo...He likes to turn his lovers into plants.

9/12/2010 #94

... why plants?

9/12/2010 #95

... why plants?

9/12/2010 #96

We're so close to having 300 posts.


9/12/2010 #97

She Who Shines, I love your last post.


I'll reply later when I get home from school.

9/13/2010 #98
She Who Shines

*swells with pride* Why thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write, despite its dismal qualities.

On technical notes, I'll probably be out for most of today (it's a little brother's birthday), but I think I can squeeze a few posts in. It'd be nice if someone claimed Hermes, for poor Aletheia's sake. Though he could be off on business now.

9/13/2010 #99

Hi guys! :D I'm new around here, and Uchiha got me to join. :D What have I missed? XD BTW: You guys can call me Tiki.

9/13/2010 #100

Tikime! :D Hi, how's it going?

What do you think of the recent posts in the roleplay?

9/13/2010 #101
She Who Shines

Hiya, Tiki! Now, I'm not the moderator or anything, but I thought I'd give you a quick welcome. Annipe sounds like tons of fun; I just love her name. She looks a lot like my character, too (skinny, black hair, gorgeous cobalt blue eyes). I look forwards to meeting her on Mount Olympus!

9/13/2010 #102

Yay, more people! Welcome!

*edit* We hit 300 posts. Yay!

9/13/2010 . Edited 9/13/2010 #103

Whooo, you're right!


AND we got a new member!

Yay! I think I'll go post in a bit.

9/13/2010 #104
She Who Shines

Yippy! Hooray! Yaaaaaaaay!

I'll sketch that picture I promised with all our lovely chars to celebrate, then, and see if I can write us a fic.

You're gonna post? Fabulous!

9/13/2010 #105

Awesome. Makes me want to draw too...Maybe I will this weekend, I have to for school anyways.

9/13/2010 #106

My now not-ex-friend and I are doing an art exchange.

And I posted.

Also, question.

Who's gonna play Zeus?

I think I will, but then who would want to play Hera?

9/13/2010 #107

Cool, art exhange...

9/13/2010 #108
She Who Shines

Yes, a grand art exchange! Do you all have deviantART pages where we could share our drawings? I hope to have mine done within the next three days. Any requests for the fic?

I saw, just lovely. As for Hera, I've already got three gods - I think I should stick with that unless we get desperate; I don't want to hog divine powers! Btw, Uchiha, I love your Zeus. He's just perfect.

9/13/2010 #109

I don't have a deviantART, I'll just upload mine of photobucket or something.

And thank you. :D

9/13/2010 #110

I have a deviantart. I'll find you! My username's the same as on here. :D I mostly write, but yeah, I draw day I'll upload more stuff.

Have fun with the fic! I can't wait to see what you make of it.

I don't really want a god- don't really know why...

9/13/2010 #111
She Who Shines

Maybe you should get one, Uchiha - it's really a great site. But photo bucket will work if you aren't up to it!

Fantastic! I'm the same there as here as well; 'She Who Shines'. I've drawn a lot of Aletheia recently, so if you just look up 'Aletheia Pierce' in the search section you should get to my drawings and me. I'll look for you too; I'm more of a writer than an artist as well, but I don't post most of my literary endeavors.

You don't want a god? Aw. They're actually really fun - just bicker, bicker, bicker, revenge, revenge, revenge, 'I'm in love!', 'I'm in love!', 'I'm in love!' XD

9/13/2010 . Edited 9/13/2010 #112

I would go on deviantART on my desktop and it got a lot of viruses, so I don't really go on anymore.


It's nice sometimes, but I don't feel the need to make an account.

And I love your description of the gods... Right on target. XD

9/13/2010 #113

Yes, a very accurate despcription of the gods...Funny how the Greek gods are the most like humans out of many other mythologies and religions.

9/13/2010 #114
She Who Shines

Thanks XD I spend a lot of time thinking about them and such. Is Demeter going to say anything? What about Apollo? And Calvin and Lanthanon are sweeeeeet.

9/13/2010 #115

I just posted my first post. I hope it's alright. (:

I might play an open god if you guys would like. Poseidon, if he's open. :D

9/13/2010 #116

I'll put you down for Poseidon. :D

PS, you could have posted that in the "God Claim", but it's fine on here, too. xD

9/13/2010 #117

Oh, and She Who Shines, what time is it where you are?


9/13/2010 #118
She Who Shines

Um, now it's mid evening where I'm at. Are you still around, Uchiha? Sorry for vanishing.

9/13/2010 #119

Oh, I see.

I was asleep. xD

And yay for fillers!

So you're not wondering why there is so much yaoi, Hayashi and I are just putting in the yaoi to waste time until the last member joins and gets to Olympus.

9/14/2010 #120
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