Greek Mythology Roleplay
We need more roleplayers! A literate roleplay pertaining to Greek Mythology. Anyone is free to join, but please be literate. Synopsis: An epic war between the gods will take place in 2012.
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She Who Shines

Ahhh, well, all of us need that. XD

I've added a filler, too - partly just so I could get Allie back in the picture, partly for the same reason as your yaoi. How many others are we waiting for?

9/14/2010 #121

I believe it will just be one person joining us.


Yaaaaay, filllers~

9/14/2010 #122
She Who Shines

Which god is she a child of?

Thought it'd be fun ;-) Hey, can you play at all, Uchiha?

9/14/2010 . Edited 9/14/2010 #123

I'm not sure yet, we'll see when she posts.

I'll post in a moment, once I type up my post...

9/14/2010 #124
She Who Shines

Fantastic! I'll sketch whilst I wait.

9/14/2010 #125


And I think I'll draw Calvin today~


9/14/2010 #126

And I just edited my post in the Field, I hadn't noticed that you posted.


9/14/2010 #127

Yay, quests!



9/14/2010 #128
She Who Shines

She's so melodramatic. xD

I have as well! And I edited that big one a bit ago, so that Aletheia knows who she's searching for. o_O I kind of mess up there, heheh.

So does anyone know where Persephone is? Is she just idle by the hearth, or is she actually in trouble, or is she busy with something else?

9/14/2010 #129

I don't know, whatever you'd like.


9/14/2010 #130

Oh no!

I forgot the unsaid but implied "One makeout session per night between Lanthanon and Calvin" rule!


9/14/2010 #131
She Who Shines

Oh, don't worry about it. That one's easy to forget. Gets me every time ;-)

9/14/2010 . Edited 9/14/2010 #132
She Who Shines

I was just thinking - Ryan's kind of a gladiator, isn't he? Fighting for his life in an 'arena', getting scarred, being tall, gruff and strong. Btw, Locotaco, that last post was a knock out.

9/14/2010 . Edited 9/14/2010 #133

Yeah. omg, Ryan totally called Aphrodite on her s***!!! LOOOOOVE it!

omg, locotaco is the only guy here.... lol!!!

9/15/2010 #134
She Who Shines

Things are really getting exciting now, aren't they? I mean, Hera coming into play (go, Hera, GOOOO!), Zeus-Hades rivalry, Aphrodite getting the lecture of her life, budding romances, forging friendships, Artemis being so wise and good - it's brilliant!

And gee, I guess Locotaco is. Funny that, how chance works.

9/15/2010 . Edited 9/15/2010 #135
She Who Shines

L.T. Mara? Are you still around?

9/15/2010 . Edited 9/15/2010 #136
She Who Shines

Yay, more characters! Lucia sounds fantastic - I can't wait to meet her!

9/17/2010 #137
She Who Shines

Oh, and I've drawn a quick sketch of Maisha, Ryan, Lanthanon, and Calvin. I haven't finished the actual picture I promised, but I'm using this as a reference for that:

9/17/2010 #138

Yay, the new person is finally on her way to Olympus! (sorry I took so long to get here)

That picture is adorible, I like the way you draw noses =3 (and yay, someone likes my character!)

9/18/2010 . Edited 9/18/2010 #139
She Who Shines

Yippy, again! All that could have happened a while before, too, so you could just make her pop up on Olympus anytime you like.

*beams in pride* Thanks Shiny! (Ikes, someone who has a nickname like mine!!! Lots of people called my Shiney XD) I had tons of fun drawing it. I'll try sketching out your character after I get to know her a little.

9/18/2010 #140

Sweet! Thank you! That's cool that we have similar nicnames =). Things that shine (and sparkle, yay sparkles) are awesome~

If I draw anything of our people, I'll give it to Uchiha to post on photobucket or something, I have a phobia of Devart... (So many Trojen horse viruses...)

9/18/2010 #141
She Who Shines

Sure is - perhaps a little confusing, but cool nevertheless XD We'll just have to be careful. And I totally agree about shiny things.

Please do. I'd love to see other people's visions of Aletheia (she's quite a fun one, I think – so vivid and wild) and all the rest of our characters.

Btw, I've almost finished a full-body picture of Maisha, Lanthanon, Ryan, Calvin, and Allie all posing to celebrate 300 posts that I'll be putting up on dA soon; I just need to touch it up.

On another note, we should probably talk about Aphrodite's Curse. I don't think she'd let Ryan get away with a rant like that without some sort of punishment. Really, none of the gods would, but I'm focusing on Aphro right now XD The only things I could think of were him being forced to always tell the absolute truth (it would be annoying for game-play, it doesn't really seem like a horrible enough of a curse, and it doesn't seem like something that specific to Aphrodite, though it could result in a lot of comedy, that's for sure) or, another idea, that the first person he falls in love with will die a horrible death (that one seems much more like something Aphrodite – being the goddess of love – could do, and seeing as Ryan probably won't fall in love in this RP, it could make things easier for us. If he did we could always find some special way around it somehow – there are always loopholes). In the end I guess it's up to Locotaco, but this is something I think we're going to have to talk about at least a little.

9/18/2010 #142
She Who Shines

I finished it at last! HaHA!

Happy 300th post, Demigod Forum!

Here's the pic I promised. Kind of sloppy, but hey:

9/18/2010 #143

The Greek lettering was a nice touch =)

Since I'm in a very coloring mood lately, may I color that picture? (In Corel Painter, because my Photoshop is evvvvilllllllllll)

I think that Locotaco should come up with the curse himself, becasue he'll be the one playing the cursed character. (and that could be annoying if you have the 'wrong' curse.) I do like the idea of a love curse though.

9/19/2010 #144

Oh, and before I forget: (sorry about the double post)

Today is national talk like a pirate day!!!!


9/19/2010 #145
She Who Shines

Why thank you, Shiny. It was loads of fun translating the names, even if Calvin is now 'Calphin' (the Ancient Greek alphabet doesn't have a V).

*gapes at you gleefully* Yes, yes, yes! Please please color it, I would be so so happy if you did. I'd SQUEEL. Just so long as I get to see it in its full grandeur, go right ahead.

Of course; I just know that sometimes stuff like that is hard to think of.

Oh, and -

Argh, have ya a happy un where y'ar spake luk the pirates!

9/19/2010 . Edited 9/19/2010 #146

That sounds like fun =)

And if you PM me your e-mail address, I can probably e-mail it to you once I finish it (if you dont wanna give it to me, that's kk, I could always give it to Uchiha and she could put it on Photobucket =3)

9/19/2010 #147

I actually drew a picture of Calvin on my tablet.

It's a quick sketch, but it looks alright.

And it's drawn in my signature "pretty-boy" style.


9/20/2010 #148
She Who Shines

Cool picture, but if I didn't know any better I'd think he was a girl. I love the hair.

Do we have everyone? Because I think we can commence with the meeting of the gods at last!

9/20/2010 . Edited 9/20/2010 #149
She Who Shines

Ikes, I FAILED. Eris is a titan.

9/20/2010 #150
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