Greek Mythology Roleplay
We need more roleplayers! A literate roleplay pertaining to Greek Mythology. Anyone is free to join, but please be literate. Synopsis: An epic war between the gods will take place in 2012.
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This will be the page with all the rules. HayashiOkami probably knows these by heart. Anyway, here are the rules.

1. Read these rules because I'm going to stick 2 secret words in to make sure you've read. These should go on your character profile.

2. Be respectful towards your fellow roleplayers. Any bashing or cyber bullying will NOT be tolerated and if I see any, you will be immediately blocked from the forum. I don't do 3 strikes; it's once and you're out, so watch yourself.

3. Of course, it goes without saying that there will be NO Godmodding or Powerplaying. You're character is not invincible. Don't control other people's characters. For this I will be lenient, though, because sometimes it's a bit difficult (i.e. battles), so I'll allow 3 strikes for this.

4. No perfect/ Mary-Sue/ Gary-Sue characters. Your character should have flaws! Not even the gods are flawless, and with that said, your character definitely should not be, either.

5. Type Skylla if you've read the above rules.

6. Please be literate. Type properly. Don't use "txt tlk" or any of that other stuff. This is meant to be something a la writing a story, and with stories, you use proper writing. Got it?

7. Try to type a decent sized paragraph as a response. It might be difficult sometimes, but think about it this way: it helps you improve your writing. So write as much as you can. Be creative.

8. Any idle chatting or anything like that will be held in the Agora, not in the Field. Again, 3 strikes and you're out for that one.

9. Character profiles will go on the Topic titled Ancestry. You must wait for me to approve your character, then you may start roleplaying.

10. Please try to post at least once a week. If you are going away for a longer period of time, please say so in the Agora.

11. Type Charybdis to show that you have read the rules.

That's it. Any questions can be directed to me in the Agora.

8/25/2010 . Edited 9/13/2010 #1
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