Greek Mythology Roleplay
We need more roleplayers! A literate roleplay pertaining to Greek Mythology. Anyone is free to join, but please be literate. Synopsis: An epic war between the gods will take place in 2012.
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On this topic, I will put up all the gods that are up for grabs in the roleplay. Anyone who wants to take a god can request him or her, and then play as him or her during the roleplay later on when the heros get to Mount Olympus. Also, we can discuss what sides they will be on in the Agora. This forum is only for god requests, so no discussions here. I'll put your name down next to whoever you've requested. Have fun!


Zeus - UchihaKamename

Hera - L.T.Taramay

Poseidon - Tikime

Hades - She Who Shines

Apollo - UchihaKamename

Artemis - L.T.TaraMay

Athena - L.T.TaraMay

Ares - L.T.TaraMay

Eris - She Who Shines

Aphrodite - She Who Shines

Hephaestus - Scopius

Demeter - UchihaKamename

Hermes - ShinyMudkip95

Nike - ShinyMudkip95


If you want to play as a god who is not on here, just say so, and I'll add him or her.

9/10/2010 . Edited 11/8/2010 #1
She Who Shines

I'd still really love to play Eris (destruction) and Aphrodite (love and beauty), if no one minds. Maybe Hades too.

9/10/2010 #2

So, wait. Eris is not the same person as Ares?


Wow, fail on my part. XD

Is that a maybe or a definitely for Hades?

9/10/2010 . Edited 9/10/2010 #3
She Who Shines

You know that Helen of Troy story? Eris was the one who gave Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena the apple reading 'for the fairest' to make them fight (she wasn't invited to Zeus and Hera's wedding, which kind of urked her) and the Goddess of Chaos. But my, her name does sound a lot like 'Ares' - I never noticed that. And... yes! I'd like Hades. He should be fun. Almost feel sorry for the guy- the Underworld can't be much fun.

9/10/2010 . Edited 9/10/2010 #4

True, true. xD I just saw the movie, and I knew the basic story of the Trojan War, but I forgot that detail. Alright, I'll put you down for that. :D

Edit: Wow, another fail. I forgot Athena. LOOOOL.

9/10/2010 . Edited 9/10/2010 #5

My claims will be Hera, Apollo, and Demeter. :D

Just putting that out there, lol.

9/11/2010 #6
She Who Shines

Ooo, Demeter! She's Persephone's mom, right? And Persephone is Queen of the Dead, being Hades' wife. Bet you Hades and Demeter don't get on too well XD And ikes, Hera! That woman scares me, Uchiha. She SCARES me, she's so unnecessarily vengeful. Apollo, I think, will be grand to have around - it's nice to know another parent is played. If I've got Aphrodite, all we need is Hermes, Artemis, and Poseidon for all our favorite demigods to have their respective god parents. Um, as in parents that are gods. Not like Godfather. Heheh. XD

9/11/2010 #7

That'll be fun. :D I actually partially did that so that she and Hades could get pissed at each other. XD Apollo'll be cool, too, and Hera... I dunno why I chose her, but I like having a mix of personalities, you know?

9/11/2010 #8
She Who Shines

*grins deviously* Oh, goody. I love a well role-played argument; Demeter was an excellent idea. I can just imagine all the other gods rolling their eyes 'Oh dear... they're on it again!' XD Despite my fear, I'm actually glad that you've got Hera; she'll spice things up and add some excitement and animosity, I think.

9/11/2010 #9

I CALL ATHENA AND ARES!!!!! (yesssss!!!! XD)

9/11/2010 #10

No Artemis, Tarame? xD

And I put both of you down on the list.


9/11/2010 #11
She Who Shines

Fantastic! I'm really excited about Hades. Can he have drawn the short end of the stick again and have to escort our demigods to the main room of Olympus? Or would that not make sense? Maybe it'd be more logical if Hermes did that, him being the messenger god and all.

9/11/2010 . Edited 9/11/2010 #12

Oh, wow, forgot about Hermes, too...


You can do that with Hades, though, if you want.


9/11/2010 #13


9/12/2010 #14

Okay, I now have Zeus, Demeter, and Apollo.


9/13/2010 #15

Well, it's not a coincidence that Ares and Eris are similar, they're closely related. Siblings or cousins, something like that(brain fart)

9/13/2010 #16
She Who Shines

Um, since we kind of need her for this, does anyone want to take Persephone? I'll play her if no one else will, but I'd rather not.

9/16/2010 . Edited 9/17/2010 #17

May I please be Hermes and Nike?

9/17/2010 #18
She Who Shines

Oh, hooray! Someone's taking Hermes! Allie will jump for joy :XD:

9/17/2010 #19

Okay, I put you down for both, Shiny.


9/18/2010 #20

Awesome, thank you~ =3

9/18/2010 #21

Can I be Hephaestus?

11/8/2010 #22

Of course you can be Hephaestus, Scopius. :D

All though in all honesty, this rp is quite dead at the moment...

Perhaps we could resurrect it.

11/8/2010 . Edited 11/8/2010 #23
She Who Shines

This really is one of my favorite forums ever. Can't we please keep it going? I'm not even sure what made it stop.

11/8/2010 #24

hey, can some one be claimed by some one else than already written up there?

1/18/2011 #25
May I rp Nyx(night) and Selene(moon)
7/10/2013 #26
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