They awake to find themselves lost in the twists and turns of a Labyrinth, with nothing to help escape but each other. An RPG with danger around every corner-literally.
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She Who Shines

Write up your totally awesome characters here! This is a general sheet, feel free to elaborate on it:






Special Powers (if any):



Clothing and Gear:

9/2/2010 . Edited 9/3/2010 #1
She Who Shines

Gee, I was not expecting this to be so long... o.O I guess that's what happens when you fill out a character sheet for a character you've spent hours thinking about, obsessing over, and drawing. Anyhow, I know this gal really well and she's a ton of fun. Please jump on in and bring your awesome chars!


Name: Emily "Phoenix" Shifter

Age: Nearly nineteen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Phoenix is a very petite person, not even five feet tall and just tiny in general. She has a very very rosy complexion, a flat chest, and a round face that is absolutely adorable in a childish fashion. Her eyes are small, round, and bright blue.She has a long neck, and a thick lower lip. Her hair is her most distinguishing feature by far, being long, thick, red and vibrant with all different shades of orange and red streaking it, like fire. It's thick, bouncy and springy beyond belief - almost unnaturally so.

Personality: She's awfully spunky but very very sweet, kind, and thoughtful. She's sharp as a tack with an unhealthy lust for destruction. Phoenix has a slightly volatile temper, but can't hold a grudge for more than a day.She forms strong attachments far too quickly and is too honest for her own good.

Special Powers (if any): Phoenix can spout fire at will - she doesn't know how or why, but would very much like to learn. She finds this power absolutely wonderful, and though with it she can adore and survive any heat as well as have acid only tickle, it comes with a few problems: A, when she is excited, afraid, angry, elated, etc, it's near impossible to hold her fire in and not burst into flames. B, the cold either vanishes or fights with a vengeance whenever she's around, and when it wins she grows stiff and uncomfortable. C, water is her worst enemy - it makes her feel sickly, makes it hard for her to use her fire, and puts her in a foul mood. D, though her skin can withstand acid and any heat, she bruises very easily.

Biography: Phoenix grew up in Lancre (from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett) with her loving family, who was always a little weirded out by her bizarre ability. Eventually she was caught up in a wild fray of adventure resulting in her running away, facing off vampires, finding a best friend, and having her first romance (sadly her short-lived-boyfriend's soul was shattered by an evil blobby monster shortly after their - and her - first kiss. She's still hoping he'll come back around, but it's probably unhealthy for a young girl to date a Vampire Assassin anyhow, and so far he's not in the Labyrinth).

Notes: She's skilled in martial arts as long as her opponent doesn't have super strength, as she isn't particularly strong herself.She can use a sword with slight skill (her many hours of practicing with her father's half-finished ones – he's a blacksmith – paid off). Phoenix can play the flute very nicely (though she hasn't in a long while), but she has a horrible singing voice. She loves to read but hasn't had much opportunity to do so, as she grew up as a poor country girl and books are a luxury her family couldn't afford much of. Her grandfather taught her acrobatics; thusly she is very nimble and light on her feet. She's learning German, but learning it slowly, and calls it 'Uberwaldian' because that's what it's known as in the Discworld. She is one of the best cooks in the world, and can make indisputably perfect chocolate chip cookies. Phoenix suffers from a subconscious death-wish, an insatiable curiosity, and slight claustraphobia when surrounded in a crowd and the sky is blocked out by a roof.

Clothing and Gear: She wears a pale-blue tanktop with a brown vest and tan pants. She stopped using dresses after meeting a few interesting girls who refused to. Also so she can perform cartwheels without worry.

Phoenix always carries a tan satchel with her everywhere she goes, with a tiny short sword her father started making and she finished, a dagger, a sewing kit, a letter from her parents, a vile of blood (long story), and a small bag of silver (her best friend is an alchemist who can turn base metals into silver) she keeps around for a rainy day.

9/2/2010 . Edited 9/3/2010 #2

Name: Cassandra Larimar

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Slender, long dark hair, hazel eyes, extremely pale complexion, pointy nose. Visible scarring on her neck from the vampire bite. Generally dresses in black. On the short side of average height.

Personality: Tendency to react inappropriately to danger, short-tempered, often sullen, slightly warped sense of humour and quite probably mad. Fiercely loyal to friends, just plain fierce to enemies. There is a very real possibility that she is in love with destruction, as she seems to seek it given half a chance.

Special Powers (if any): Usual vampire traits of exaggerated strength and speed.

Biography: Turned into a vampire by "Lord" Pan, ended up in the Alchemists' Guild to serve her obsession with chemicals, however was expelled for almost biting the head of said Guild. Like Phoenix she's from the Discworld series.

Notes: Whilst okay at out-and-out brawling she possesses very little skill with swords, generally going for a point and hack approach. Skilled with acids due to being an alchemist.

9/3/2010 #3
((Ah, the old familiar faces in a fresh setting... LOL I'm not putting char refs up until the minute I introduce them.))
9/3/2010 #4
She Who Shines

((Oh yes, our dear old friends in somewhere entirely different. It'll be fun.

Awwww, Sylph, I'm really curious now!))

9/3/2010 #5

((It shall. And you will remain curious. Although these guys are nowhere near as BAMF as Bonnie and Akhemi.))

9/3/2010 #6

((I'm intrigued already. Shines I was thinking of involving Aeiphzell-what do you think?))

9/4/2010 #7
She Who Shines

((Aeiphzell sounds great to me. Will Pan be joining us?))

9/4/2010 #8

((Probably not. Aeiphzell will make a nice chance really-he's supposed to be sane and reasonable. Maybe. I'll stick his profile up when I've actually finished it-I'm still figuring him out.))

Name: Aeiphzell (surname abandoned due to lack of god).

Age: Physically about 19, actually 83. Doesn't act his age.

Appearance: Dark brown hair, gold eyes, average height and build. In other words he looks exceeding normal, bar the eyes. Always dresses in a shade of blue or black, preferably navy.

Personality: Tries to be the voice of reason, also tries to keep his temper. Suceeds more often than he expects to. Would also like to consider himself as being kind, however the kindness has a sarcastic edge. Has annoying habit of being logical, reasonable and secretive when questioned.

Special Powers (if any): Can fly. That's about it, other than having two images-the normal and human one described above, and the "angel" one which is the same but winged and his face becomes something similar to a white china mask, and which he tries very hard not to display.

Biography: Has had the misfortune (in his mind) to be an angel, and abandoned his god (or possibly was cast out for asking too many questions). Having ended up back on earth, but still angelic he is a self-proclaimed "unofficial angel" and has been keeping a low profile. Until he ended up in the labyrinth, presumably.

Notes: Has an unfortunate disregard for authority. Still clings to some of his old angelic ways and will at least start out trying to be kind, or at least no more than irritatingly smug to new people. Sooner or later he tends to forget to be so understanding however. Has a weakness for coffee.

9/5/2010 . Edited 9/6/2010 #9
She Who Shines

Name: Cass

Age: Early twenties

Gender: Male

Appearance: Handsome in a pretty way, blue eyed, pale skinned. In excellent shape, tall and skinny. Sparkly teeth (seriously, literally sparkly teeth). He has blonde hair, but it's shaved down to a buzz-cut and he wears a long hat to keep the sun off his head and shoulders, so you can't really see it.

Personality: Cass is extremely vain and very conscientious of his appearance. He is noble, but power hungry, and though he makes an effort to stick to the code of chivalry his greed often does psychological battle with his morality. He's a by-the-books kind of guy, with a lust for adventure and a near unmatchable bravery. Not exactly the cleverest bloke out there, but he gives his all.

Special Powers (if any): None, though he is especially skilled in war.

Biography: He comes from Kaleed, a rough equivalent to ancient Egypt. Cass was always a little confused at being so much paler than the rest, but he didn't let that get in the way of his patriotism and wish to be a knight. He has completed his training, but must slay and flay a great beast before he can be officially so.


Clothing and Gear: A nasty kopesh for a weapon, a long hat that drapes over his back and shoulders, no shirt but skale bands down his arms and white canvas pants with more bands of scaleskin to serve as armor. He also has a round shield, metallic on one side and covered with leather on the other. He also has a little book explaining the Kaleedish knight code, which he follows to the letter.

12/19/2010 . Edited 12/19/2010 #10

Name: Gunnlaug Sigurdsson

Age: between 15 and 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'9", average build. Longish, straight dark blond hair, green eyes,

Personality: Generally somber, even dour, and unrelenting; but has a quiet, rarely-seen sense of humor and can be gentle to those he finds appealing.

Special Powers (if any): This is human-form Gunnlaug (as opposed to the Disc Gunnlaug, who's supposed to be a converted vampire), so none. Unless you count mad fighting skills.

Biography: Noble's son who went traveling to secure himself a position in a foreign court and somewhere along the way ended up keeping himself alive by fighting as a mercenary.

Notes: Got his tongue cut off as a child while being held for ransom by a rival clan, so can't speak.

Clothing and Gear: Green tunic with silver belt, brown breeches and tan boots. Two battle-axes strapped across back.

12/19/2010 #11
She Who Shines

Coooooool. I like this guy! So we've got Cass, Phoenix, Gunnlaug, and Rincewind so far. I'm lovin' it *nods emphatically. Again*

12/19/2010 #12

You put Cass in! I'm so excited. Now I get to learn more about him.

12/19/2010 #13
She Who Shines

You want to learn more about my character! *is totally psyched* Yip, he's joining us, mostly because I want to learn more about him, too. He doesn't come into the as-of-yet-unnamed-story until a third of the way through, and I want to get to know Cass better. His bio's just above Gunni's.

12/19/2010 #14

Name: Rob Thebin

Species: Sphinx

Height: 3' at the shoulder

Appearance: He's the one on the left.

Personal traits: An utter coward. Admittedly an utter coward that could technically rip a man apart with his bare hands… Tends to run away a lot.

Occupation: College student/ Lead guitar in the band Sugar Rush!

Name: Bryan

Species: Griffin

Height: 5'6" at the shoulder

Appearance: He's the one in the middle.

Personal traits: Utterly philosophic, sardonic and platonic.

Occupation: Philosophy major and bass guitarist for Sugar Rush!

Name: Siobhan

Species: Half sphinx, half bohemian lion

Appearance: She's the one on the right.

Personal traits: She loves to have fun but knows how to be serious. A really cool gal.

Occupation: Currently assisting her friend Rhoda doing tech for Sugar Rush! and babysitting Rob for her, too.

12/19/2010 #15
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