They awake to find themselves lost in the twists and turns of a Labyrinth, with nothing to help escape but each other. An RPG with danger around every corner-literally.
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She Who Shines

"Well. That was odd," Phoenix blinked, tugging at her hair in confusion.

Suddenly, in the center square, a circle appeared in the space just above Rob's X.

"Any idea what's going on, Gunnlaug? Cass? Rincewind? Siobhan? Bryan?" she added.

12/22/2010 . Edited 12/22/2010 #91

Gunnlaug glared, stepping back. More magic. He was beginning to like it less and less.

12/23/2010 #92
She Who Shines

And then, as Gunnlaug stepped backwards onto the space to the right of Rob's, another X appeared.

((C'mon, you guys! Figure out what's going on :D))

12/23/2010 #93
((We have to decide? *mutters* Is it, uh... like tic-tac-toe or something?))
12/23/2010 #94
She Who Shines

((Oh, I already know what it is-- I was just hoping your characters could figure it out. Yip, you've got it. The Labyrinth is playing tic tac toe. Outside the other end of the maze you'll find where it learned the game ;D))

Suddenly all passages closed, so all of the magicals and partly humans were locked up within the box like hedge square around the tic tac toe board as a great, big O burned above Gunnleag's X.

12/23/2010 #95

((I got it? Phew!))

Gunnlaug growled under his breath. The spirits were taunting him, that much was plain. He glanced at Rob directly to his right. Seeing the griffin fascinated by the burning circles and not looking as if he were ready to leap into action, he stepped to his left; away from the great flaming O.

A third X flashed into place.

12/23/2010 #96

Siobhan smacked herself in the forehead with considerable force and both palms. "Jesus H. Christ it's Tic Tac Toe from hell!" She groaned. This was beyond ridiculous. She blamed Rob (Who was currently staying very still lest something be singed) and to a lesser extent Bryan. She glared at the griffin. "You're supposed to be sensible." She growled. He gave her an offended look.

1/2/2011 #97

Gunnlaug glared and motioned the others to start moving. He wasn't sure what this 'tic-tac-toe' was, but if it got them out of the maze, the sooner they got it over with the better.

1/2/2011 #98
She Who Shines

Phoenix followed up behind him as the maze took its turn. "Tic-tac-toe? Gosh-- tic tac toe! This is the weirdest thing that's happened to me ever. And I've been through a lot of weird things."

Cass scratched his head and caught up to Gunnlaug. "You know, I've never actually played this game before. What's the goal?"

"To get three in a row," Phoenix explained. "See, its got to block us now." It did. "We're up."

1/2/2011 #99

Gunnlaug hopped to another square, prompting another O of fire. Whatever demons were controlling this maze, they weren't very original, he thought.

Suddenly a rubbery flapping sound filled the air. A cloud of greenish winged... things were descending, making strange cackling noises as they came.

1/7/2011 #100

Siobhan hadn't realized exactly how lame adventuring could be until this moment. "Are you serious?" She almost laughed with sarcastic incredulity. Tic tac toe and rejects from a horror/supernatural flick. Somehow she'd expected other dimensions to be a little more... Serious. Or something. Not that she'd ever really though about it, almost half her laugh had been geared towards getting her to the next party or into a club.

4/8/2011 #101
She Who Shines

"I don't think this weird maze thing is joking," Phoenix put in with a shrug.

Cass, putting a hand above his eyes to block the nonexistent blinding sunlight, pointed across the board.

"There," he declared. "If we move there, we can tie. How shall we reach it?"

4/18/2011 #102
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