They awake to find themselves lost in the twists and turns of a Labyrinth, with nothing to help escape but each other. An RPG with danger around every corner-literally.
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She Who Shines

Where we plan all the fun. Because that's necessary sometimes.

9/2/2010 #1

Very necessary.

So, this is a Labyrinth thread or what?

9/3/2010 #2
She Who Shines

I think it's more on the 'what' side of things.


Just kidding, of course XD

As you've probably guessed, I haven't put much thought into this beyond 'riddles, monsters, illusions, and other such attrocities around every corner that we don't have to think up an excuse to bring in because the characters are in a Labyrinth'. Do you have any ideas to add to that?

9/3/2010 #3

XD I was just thinkin' of drawing some 'nique monsters so that we don't have to make 'em up as we go. And so everyone knows what they look like....

So, should the "exit point" be at the end of the maze or in the middle?

9/3/2010 #4
She Who Shines

Totally, do that. I'll see if I can think up some out-there monsters too. This'll be fun.

Now THAT'S a good question. The center or the end... hmm, I like the idea of them having to reach the center - thus getting themselves trapped even deeper in the danger - to get out... the chars don't have to know that's the way out, though XD. Do you have a preference?

9/3/2010 #5

I was thinking center because I think in this particular maze, it'll be harder to get to. It's MAGIC. XB

Oh, in order to keep flying chars from just getting the heck out of Dodge, I thought of something more creative than the "glass ceiling" spell. How about when they fly up, reality just alters so that they wind up flying into the ground? And I was also thinking that it should look perfectly innocuous up until you go through the gate, like one of those pathetically simple garden mazes. I also want to design a gate for it, the appearance of which will also change after entering.

9/3/2010 #6
She Who Shines

Woh, you sound as totally into this as I am. That makes me extremely excited!

Design the gate, oh yes. And I like the idea of it looking perfectly innocent from the outside. Perhaps the not only that changes once you enter, but maybe the maze rearranges itself around you as you make your way through? Just to make it extra hard for our poor characters. And maybe once you reach the center, you go to an even more difficult maze with a different theme (perhaps each maze should have a new theme?). That way we can keep going and going until we get bored with this premice. That reality-altering idea sound fantastic to me as well - I could just imagine Akhemi leaping into the air before slamming into the ground... *giggles* Yes, yes, I know he won't be there...

9/3/2010 #7

XD I'm easily enthralled.

Innocent, perhaps even laughable... And then... Wham! It's spooky. Now that would suck.... How about it's just a pretty much endless maze with plenty of layers between the outside and the center? Although their frustration would satisfy our sadism.... Akhemi would swear up a blue streak and find something to kill.

9/3/2010 #8
She Who Shines

Me too. Or rather, easily entertained in general. I'm usually laughing in hysterics while everyone else goes, 'huh?'. This, of course, means I make very bad jokes that I think are spectacular.

It'd be awful to walk into this lovely little maze and them - POW! - find a labyrinth. Which is why it must be, because, as you've said, authors are sadistic. But sure, a virtually endless maze sounds fine to me. They could be trapped for in-game years if we wanted! I will miss their potential frustration at 'finally reaching the end' and them coming right back to a new beginning, though.

9/3/2010 #9

Me too! *squeee*

We move so slow that a month of their time could equal YEARS of our time, Shines. I wouldn't attempt it. It's soooo tempting. Is the Labyrinth an entity or a creation?

9/3/2010 #10

I'm goin' offline for the night now. See ya manana with some sketches of our Diabolic Labyrinth.

9/3/2010 #11
She Who Shines

*more squeeing!* Wow, despite you being a pessimist and me an optimist we've got a lot in common! (exempli gratia, pointy teeth, a love for fantasy, a love for music, a love for horrible things happening to our characters... et cetera)

True, true *pouts* But as for the Labyrinth, I think it's both: a dungeon given sentience so it could adjust itself to keep whatever it's hiding thoroughly trapped, but then it came more alive than anyone intended. And then it got bored – that's when it started sucking up innocent passersby, I think.

Well, that's something I just came up with. What do you think?

9/3/2010 #12
She Who Shines

Aw, bye Sylph! See you tomorrow.

9/3/2010 #13

How innocent can our passersby actually claim to be, do you think? It's a great idea though. I've been trying to remember all day how old I was when I first saw Labyrinth-because since then I've always loved fictional mazes.

9/4/2010 #14
She Who Shines

*gapes* You've seen Labyrinth too?! I adore that movie. But yes, our passersby are quite unique. XD

9/4/2010 #15

Yep-I was so young I didn't even know who David Bowie was. Sadly I even have it on DVD, for nostalgia purposes, or so I keep telling myself.

9/5/2010 #16

Fffff I don't need a reason other than that I am totally in love with Jareth to have it on DVD... I have the CD for the soundtrack even...

But anyway when are we gonna get to the actual ROLEPLAY!!!!???? I wanna play with this place.

I say the first three levels should be as follows:

Hedge Maze with Monsters In

Water where the barriers are canals full of toothy things that jump out at you if you try and jump/fly over them and the walkway is just pretty much a sidewalk.

Forest where the barriers are thick hedges of thorny patches and trees grown too close together to get through, the monsters would be typical woodsy stuff.

12/19/2010 #17
She Who Shines

I love that movie :D

Sure! I've been thinking about this a lot recently. I'd love to get started. Only, I'd almost rather use another character than Phoenix at this point, or perhaps her and another. So I might add another profile soon.

I LOVE IT. This shall be fantastic! Perhaps after that it's snowy mountains, with ice and caves and ditches between unclimbable terrain.

12/19/2010 #18


This looks like fun. If I wanted to join, could I?

12/19/2010 #19

LOL for me that'd be an understatement...

Sounds cool... I'm using three OC's and Rincewind.


12/19/2010 #20

Would you believe I've only seen like half of Labyrinth, and that only last month? (nods sagely)

So... may I join? :D

12/19/2010 #21
She Who Shines

I can't wait to meet these OCs of yours, Sylph. I know they'll be lots of fun!

WATCH THE REST OF IT. It's a great movie *nods emphatically*

Please yes do, Candy! I'd love to have you in here too. It'll be great.

12/19/2010 . Edited 12/19/2010 #22

Okay! :D I'll go sign up now, then. Hey, what if I bring in Gunnlaug? It'd be fun to have a silent character.

12/19/2010 #23
She Who Shines

Sure, sounds great to me! Bring in whoever you like.

12/19/2010 #24

It'll be like a video game, only better!

12/20/2010 #25
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