They awake to find themselves lost in the twists and turns of a Labyrinth, with nothing to help escape but each other. An RPG with danger around every corner-literally.
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She Who Shines

…A.K.A. the freaky inhabitants of this Labyrinth. Here's where you can write a quick description of some creepy things we could have jump out at our characters and post 'em here, so we'll have something to work with.

9/9/2010 #1

Spibear coming up soooon.

9/13/2010 #2
She Who Shines

Thank ye, thank ye. We need as many monsters as we can get. And more XD

9/13/2010 #3

How do you feel about poisonous flying Venus Flytraps? Like Great, only with venus-flytrap heads.

12/20/2010 . Edited 12/20/2010 #4
She Who Shines

*jaw drops* I LOVE IT. Maybe they squirt acid, and have lots of vine-like-tentacles.

12/20/2010 #5

Sounds brilliant to me too.

12/20/2010 #6

I'm glad you like! I could probably come up with all sorts of horrors, as long as you don't expect drawings.

12/21/2010 #7

LOL feel free to create sans drawings.

4/8/2011 #8
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