Greek mythology roleplay
A roleplay about Ancient Greece and Greek mythology, for both devotees and newbies :
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Rules: No God-modding

No killing other characters without their permission

If going OOC use (()), {} or any other variation.

I'm not restricting the maturity of the content (Because the ancient gods didn't :P)

Only in character fighting, respect other RPers

Have fun! :D

9/4/2011 #1
Hecate had just returned from the mortal world. She felt more tired than ever before, all day she'd been down there, watching crossroads, helping sorceresses, helping Hermes with the dead.. And soon she would have to get the moon in place for Selene was sick. "Ugh, when does it end?" she asked the dog at her feet with a sigh. The dog just looked up at her expectantly. "Oh right, you can't talk.."
9/6/2011 #2
Sakai The Demon

(To make it awesome, the mortal world is in Ancient Greek times x3)

Little Alpha Omega was sitting on his mother lap, sleeping silently cuddling his little teddy bear called, Mimi.

9/6/2011 #3
((Of course! I absolutely loathe when they're set in modern times! :O)) Hecate stood in The Throne Room, Zeus and Hera were on their thrones in front of her with their son on Hera's lap, Athena and Ares were having a heated disscusion in the corner of the room and Hestia was tending the fire. Otherwise the room was empty. Hecate smiled at Alpha as he cuddled with his teddy bear and proceeded to give her report to her king.
9/6/2011 #4
Sakai The Demon

Alpha Omega smiled in his sleep, cuddling ever closer to hera. Hemes walked in and knelt before Hera, looking at the baby. "Awwwww isn't he adorable." (Sorry, can I control Hermes? xD)

9/6/2011 #5
((Sure! Just so you know, he's Hecate's boyfriend :D you should also make a character thingie for him :) Oh, and also they have a daughter together ^^)) "Hello, love." Hecate said with a smile as she bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek. Turning back to Zeus she finished her report and went to talk to Hestia while Hermes made his report.
9/6/2011 #6
Sakai The Demon

"Hey there sweetie." Hermes smiled, winking at his wife. hermes gave his report in to Zeus. "So Zeus, what do you think we should do? As you can see.." Hermes looked over to his right, seeing Athena and Ares argueing. "Those two are gonna go to war, arn't they?"

Alpha Omega slowly woke up, his adorable little grey eyes looked up and smiled at Hera, "Morning mummy..."

9/6/2011 #7
Hecate kept one ear in Hermes direction and when she heard the remark about Athena and Ares she sauntered over and snorted: "Those two have been bickering for centuries, ((Literally! :D)) and their soldiers are already at war." She looked over as her daughter, Caecilia walked in, still looking at Hermes and the fight in the corner, all at the same time.
9/6/2011 #8
Sakai The Demon

(Don't forget to control mummy hera and daddy Zeus x3)

"True I suppose." Hermes sighed and saw his little girl walk in, "Hey there Caecilia, how is my little sunshine today?" The messenger of the Gods smiled, kneeling down and hugging his daughter. Alpha omega saw Athena and Ares argueing and it began to scare him, he made a whimpering noise, cuddling close to his mother. (awwwwww x3)

9/6/2011 #9
Caecilia hugged both her parents and bowed before Zeus and Hera. "Ooh, how cute! Is he ticklish?" she asked innocently when she saw Alpha. Hecate looked up worriedly at Hera, she tended to be a bit over-protective. "Is it okay, my queen?" she asked, her gray eyes looking up at Hera.
9/6/2011 #10
Sakai The Demon

Hermes looked at Athena and Ares, "Hey you two stop fighting, your scaring Alpha!" baby Alpha Omega got scared of Caecilia and tried to cuddle more to Hera. (you control hera and Zeus, since its your rp xD)

9/6/2011 #11
((How about I control Hera and you take Zeus?)) Hera nodded absentmindedly and Caecilia stapped forward, cooing. "It's ok, I won't hurt you," she said with a smile. "Im Caecilia, whats your name?" Meanwhile Hecate was fiddling with her angry mask, afraid that Caecilia would step out of line and Hera would get angry.
9/6/2011 #12
Sakai The Demon

"A-Alpha Omega..." The Youngest Son of Hera and Zeus replied looking at Caecilia, he was shy and scared when it comes to meeting other Gods. Zeus looked over and saw his son and Hera, he smiled at his wife and looked serious at Athena and Ares.

9/6/2011 #13
Caecilia smiled brightly, "Why hi there, Alpha. Are you ticklish?" asked as she stepped forward and tickled him. Hecate had to stop herself from shouting, Caecilia needed to back of before Hera got angry. But Hera just smiled at the two, flashing a calming look at Hecate.
9/6/2011 #14
Sakai The Demon

Alpha Omega looked confused, and slowly nod his head.


In the Mortal ancient greek World of Athena, Epsilon, was praying at Athena's temple.

9/6/2011 #15
Hours later, Hecate and Caecilia were taking the day of in Athens, disguised as an old woman and her grand-daughter. "Come child, lets go to the Temple District, I feel something there.." the elder of the two said hoarsly. "Caecilia shook her head, "You said that you'ld stop working for one day.." she whined, tugging at her mothers arm. "Hush child, our day of can wait." she shushed Caecilia as they headed for Athenas temple.
9/6/2011 #16
Sakai The Demon

Epsilon, continued to pray at Athena's temple. "Oh Athena, if only you would grant me the power to see again, but alas I am confined to have this illness of blindness." The Athenian soldier, with his excellent hearing, got out his spear, and into his stance. "Who dares, enter the sacred temple of Athena!!"

9/6/2011 #17
Hecate pulled back, avoiding the spearman, "My old memory seems to remember that the Temple of Athena welcomes not only you.." Hecate said dryly. "Let an old crone and her grand-daughter pray.."
9/6/2011 #18
Sakai The Demon

Epsilon, heard her voice and lowered his spear. "Oh, I am terribly sorry. I had no idea you wanted to pray." The Athenian warrior felt bad, another reason to show that he needs to have sight. "may I feel your face? I am blind, for I can not see you two."

9/6/2011 #19
Hecate smiled at his boldness, "Of course, young warrior." she answered, now smiling. Meanwhile Caecilia wandered the Temple, stopping before the statue of Athena, laughing at the mistakes.
9/6/2011 #20
Sakai The Demon

Epsilon gently placed his hands on Hecate face, "I feel a smooth, and caring face of a lady...Yet I feel something different about you? As if there is more to you, than just touching your face." Epsilon said, having a guess to think she is actually a a God. "Heh, but then yet again, I always think of such stupid ideas."


Alpha Omega cuddling hera, looking at her eyes. "You have pretty eyes, mummy."

9/6/2011 . Edited 9/6/2011 #21
"A fools words.. Why do you pray at the temple of Athena, young warrior?" Hecate asked, pulling her hood up over her face. Meanwhile, on Olympus, Hera looked down at her child with a smile. "Thank you, honey.." she said happily, burying her face in Alpha's tummy, blowing on it while she smiled.
9/6/2011 #22
((Gonna take a shower, be back soon ^.^))
9/6/2011 #23
Sakai The Demon

"I worship Athena, and I owe her greatly for helping me join the Athenian army." Epsilon smiled.

Alpha Omega giggled cutely, "Please mummy,stop your tickling me hehehehehehe." Zeus looked over and smiled warmly.

9/6/2011 #24
((I'm back :D)) Hecate smiled, "I see that Athena has done alot for you." she said as Caecilia came back. "Well, we have to go. Nice to meet you.." she trailed of "I'm sorry, what's your name?"
9/6/2011 #25
((Gotta go, be back tomorrow :P))
9/6/2011 #26
((Or not, I'm back :D)) Hera smiled at her son and her husband. Then bent down and resumed blowing on Alpha's stomach.
9/6/2011 #27
Sakai The Demon

Alpha continued to giggle, and thought it would be his turn to tickle his mother. he jumped into her tunic and blowed her stomach, tickling her instead.

9/6/2011 #28
((You took to long, see ya tomorrow! :D))
9/6/2011 #29
Sakai The Demon

(See ya :D)

9/6/2011 #30
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