The Kaddur Oh my god, can't believe I didn't see this ;-; 8/8/2012 #121 |
Goode-for-Nothing No worries, it gave me some time to completely change her appearance ;P 8/9/2012 #122 |
Tony-J-The-Dorthos Name: Dorthos Title: God of fallen warriors Gender:male Age: Was born before the titan war. Is the last child of Gaia and Uranus. Domain: Army graveyards. Powers: Normal god abilities and can use the powers of any dead or defeated warriors. Can bring them back to life for a while to do what he says. Symbol: A bloody sword, a male lion. Appearance: Long reddish black hair. Solid black eyes and shark like teeth. Looks mostly human and muscular until he opens his eyes and mouth. Personality: Evil, rude, cares about no one but himself. Bio: Was the last child of Uranus and Gaia. Made interuptions in the titan war against the gods and the titans. Is known for killing for fun. Weapon: A sword and war hammer. Home: Sparta 11/10/2012 #123 |
Goode-for-Nothing Accepted, welcome aboard. Which RP do you want to join? :) 11/10/2012 #124 |
Tony-J-The-Dorthos 2012 Rp 11/13/2012 #125 |
Tony-J-The-Dorthos 2012 Rp 11/13/2012 #126 |
Goode-for-Nothing Sorry, hope you're still here, do you want help getting into the rp? :) 11/18/2012 #127 |
Evanescence853 Is this still active? 2/9/2013 #128 |
Goode-for-Nothing Pretty much, yeah :3 Having a bit of trouble getting my RP'ers motivated but your very welcome to join ;) 2/10/2013 #129 |
MiniMinccino Is it too late to join? 3/29/2013 #130 |
Thepeacefulspartan12 Name: Ares Title: God of War Gender: Male Age: Unkown, but looks middle aged Powers: No specific powers Symbols: Dogs, Vultures, Boars and a bloody spear. Domain: War, Murder and Blood-lust Personality: Like his mother, Hera, he is a very difficult character to deal with , he has a bad temper and a bit of a bell end but loyal and fierce to his Enemies. Bio: One of Hera's and Zues' 2 sons, he was a fierce warrior, he would usually clash with his half-sister, Athena, notably during the Trojan war. Weapons: A fiery hammer made by his brother Hesphateus, but Prefers a spear and shield Home: Mount Olympus, on a throne made out of human skin. 8/2/2014 #131 |
Forum Moderators: Goode-for-Nothing Awsome Dude 94 |
Membership Length: 2+ years 1 year 6+ months 1 month 2+ weeks new member |