Greek mythology roleplay
A roleplay about Ancient Greece and Greek mythology, for both devotees and newbies :
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Liam looked more confused than before, "And you're not mortal enemies with them because..?"

1/28/2013 #721
The Kaddur

"Their only warring with the Greek Pantheon. Their leader's father was an immortal who was betrayed by the greeks and was exiled, so he started a war. He died recently, and now his son takes his place." he explained.

1/28/2013 #722

Liam nodded, "Huh.." was all he said in reply. "So, are you helping them?"

1/28/2013 #723
The Kaddur

Acheron shook his head. "No, I want nothing to do with their war." he said.

1/28/2013 #724
Awsome Dude 94

David andhis men stood their listening.

(his men wear uniforms like this along with a belt of bullets.)

1/29/2013 #725

Liam noticed their "audience" and refrained from asking any more questions, "Well..?" He grunted irritably.

1/29/2013 #726
The Kaddur

Acheron frowned at the soldiers and sighed. "Are you going to order anything?" he asked the men.

1/29/2013 #727

((Hey Wise ))

1/29/2013 #728
The Kaddur

(Hello, Jill :D Something wrong?)

1/29/2013 #729
Awsome Dude 94

"A whiskey would be nice." siad a soldier politely and respectful.

1/30/2013 #730

((No, I keep forgetting those smileys disappear, so it looks like in grumpy all the time :P))

1/30/2013 #731
The Kaddur

Several whiskeys appeared to the ones who wanted one, and several other drinks to those didn't. "There, now leave me be. I'm having a conversation with someone." he said to the soldiers and faced Liam once more.

2/18/2013 #732

Liam rolled his eyes at Ash's curt behavior, "We'll aren't you a curtious host.." He commented with a sly smirk.

2/19/2013 #733
Awsome Dude 94

David and his men wait outside.

3/30/2013 #734
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