Author has written 1 story for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. A/N 10/16/17 I'm sorry I had to delete all my fics for personal reasons, but I kept my account open because I'm sure you'll find something decent to read in my links and favorites. It's been fun while it lasted though. Bye! My comms! My X Men First Class:alexcharlesfics, livejournal comm. For fans of the Alex Summers/Charles Xavier pairing. Apocalypse 2016 so made this rare shipper of the pair's day, but then it had to break my heart by the end! Feel free to pimp the comm on your livejournal, or profile. My Avengers: Spangled Banner , livejournal comm. For fans of the Bruce Banner/Steve Rogers pairing. I plan on touching it up more ASAP. Feel free to pimp the comm on your livejournal or profiles. This lovely ship desperately needs more lovin' in the fandom if you ask me. X-Men 1st Class: A List Of My Charles/Erik favs! Of the SLASH kind. A/N 10/16/2012:The Janeway/Paris icon now being used for my profile icon, and for my Star Trek Voyager Through The Looking Glass community was a photoshop gift to me from captjamieway. I think she goes by another name now. I still so love her for it! Click here if you want to check out the most awesome communities on that I am following. |