Author has written 27 stories for Babylon 5, X-Files, Lois and Clark, Bible, Due South, Highlander, Superman, Hairspray, Downton Abbey, Captain America, Into the Storm, Ever After, Chuck, Misc. Plays/Musicals, and Bridgerton. I welcome all kinds of feedback, especially critique and suggestions for improvement, so feel free to be brutally honest! I won't be the least bit offended, I promise. :) The stories that have an asterisk (*) in their summary are stories that can be read fandom-blind: you can understand and enjoy them even if you don't know anything about the work they're based on. Remove the spaces from all these web addresses to get them to work: I also have additional fanfiction at Archive Of Our Own (archiveofourown . org / users / reveilles / works) My blog is Random Thoughts & Musings (reveilles . livejournal . com). Feel free to say hello! You can find me on: - Facebook (facebook . com / rachelsmithcobleigh) - LinkedIn (linkedin . com / in / rcobleigh) - Twitter @reveilles (twitter . com / reveilles) - Reddit rcobleigh (reddit . com / user / rcobleigh /) I also have several Tumblr blogs: She Loves Me (rellic-slm . tumblr . com), Chuck (rellic-chuck . tumblr . com), Downton Abbey (rellic-downton . tumblr . com), Captain America (rellic-cap . tumblr . com), Richard Armitage fandom (rellic-richardarmitage . tumblr . com), The X-Files (rellic-xfiles . tumblr . com) I've made a video series (at youtube . com / channel / UC9UfZzGOyy99A5X6BrV1DnQ) on how to publish your fanfiction, so if you're a burgeoning author and you want to know how to get started, check it out! I'm nonbinary and my pronouns are "they/them". I formerly published as "Rachel Smith Cobleigh". I grant blanket permission to anyone to create transformative works of any kind based on my fanfiction, including podfics. All of my fanfiction is released under the GPL/CC BY: verbatim copying and distribution of the entire works are permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided attribution is preserved. If you do create something, please let me know! I'd love to check it out and possibly link to it if you're willing. |
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