Author has written 16 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, xxxHOLiC, Gundam Wing/AC, Harry Potter, and Teen Wolf. Hi there! 8D Welcome to my fanfiction page! Feel free to look through what I’ve got posted, or look through my favourites – I guarantee you, there’s some great stuff in there! Just be aware that it’s pretty much 100% boys smoochin' other boys around here, so if that’s not your thing... well... sorry! Also feel free to check out my deviantART account if you wish (it's set as my homepage) - that’s where I post my art, and occasional short stories that either aren't fanfiction, or just don't make the cut to get posted here! XD ...And one last thing - I LOVE FEEDBACK. Seriously. Reviews and PM's and favourites and such make my day! I try to be really good about replies, too, so if you send me a comment/review or a PM, chances are you'll hear back from me! 8D Name: Quirk (I mean not really, but duh. Internet nickname) D.O.B. 02.23.88 (Sign: Pisces) Gender: Female. Not sure why it matters or if you care, but there ya go. I am: chronically confused, easily excitable, obsessive compulsive, friendly, loyal, silly, unashamedly lame and nerdy! Likes: Yaoi/slash/shonen-ai/boyxboy, drawing, reading, writing, friends, animals, rainbows, love, music, unusual words and names, mythical/made-up creatures, randomness, teh internetz. Dislikes: close-minded ignorance, being alone, deep water, spiders (exceptions: daddy long-legs and tarantulas), the dark, cheese, things living in other things omfg no. Favourite fandoms: Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Star Trek, Sherlock, South Park, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Death Note, xxxHOLiC, Pokémon Favourite pairings: (Harry Potter:) Harry/Draco, Sirius/Remus, Albus Severus/Scorpius, Fred/George, Pansy/Luna (Kingdom Hearts:) Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas, Seifer/Hayner, Leon/Cloud, Zexion/Demyx (Star Trek:) Kirk/Spock, Sulu/Chekov (Sherlock:) Sherlock/John (South Park:) Stan/Kyle, Craig/Tweek, Kenny/Butters (Merlin:) Arthur/Merlin (Supernatural:) Dean/Sam (Inception:) Eames/Arthur (Avatar: The Last Airbender:) Zuko/Sokka (Death Note:) Raito/L, Mello/Near (Gundam Wing:) Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre (FAKE:) Dee/Ryo, Drake/JJ, (xxxHOLiC:) Doumeki/Watanuki (Legal Drug:) Rikuo/Kazahaya (Saiyuki:) Gojyo/Hakkai, Sanzo/Goku (Naruto:) Sasuke/Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka (One Piece:) Zoro/Sanji (Trigun:) Wolfwood/Vash (Loveless:) Soubi/Ritsuka (Pokémon:) Gary/Ash or Ash/Richie (Digimon:) Matt/Tai THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY! HAVE A NICE DAY! :D |
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