![]() Author has written 221 stories for Star Ocean, Fullmetal Alchemist, X-overs, Fruits Basket, Death Note, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIII, .hack/SIGN, Avengers, Captain America, Thor, Supernatural, and Captain Marvel. Aloha and hello from sunny southern California! Welcome to my humble homepage. Please feel free to PM me at any time to give me story ideas, tell me about your stories, or just plain chat...I'm always up to talk. XD All About Yours Truly Favorite music: Atreyu, Fear Factory, From First to Last, Sum-41, Green Day, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Trivium, and occasionally very lively dance tunes. XD Favorite t.v. shows: well, I don't watch much t.v...usually I catch up with shows on youtube and there i watch Criminal Minds, Azumanga Daioh, Fruits basket, Naruto, Death Note, Gravitation, Bleach, Yami no Matsuei, and Fullmetal Alchemist Favorite movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Princess Bride, Howl's Moving Castle Favorite videogames: Dynasty Warriors 4,5, and Empires, Star Ocean 3, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy XII and XIII Favorite characters: Albel, Fayt &Cliff (star ocean 3), Jack,&Will (POTC), Ed, Al & Roy (FMA), Aragorn & Legolas (LOTR), Itachi, Sasuke, Kiba, Kakashi & Naruto (naruto), Zhao Yun, Lu Xun, Sun Ce, Zhou Tai, & Jiang Wei (dynasty warriors), Inigo, Westley, Buttercup (princess bride), Hero, Jessica & Angelo (Dragon Quest),haru, yuki, shigure& kyo (Fruits Basket), Yuki, Ryuichi & Shuichi (Gravitation), Muraki, Tsuzuki, and Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei), Renji, Ichigo& Hanataro (Bleach), L, Light, & Matsuda (Death Note) Favorite pairings: AlbelxFayt, SasukexNaruto, HarryxDraco, AragornxLegolas, JackxWill, RoyxEd, Haruxyuki, Yukixshuichi, Renjix Ichigo,MurakixTsuzuki, LightxL (yeah...i'm a yaoi fan, couldn't you tell? XD) Current obsessions: Trivium, Albel, L plushies, Howl, Hanataro aka "Hamster Man", the fast food song, videos of people that sound like chipmunks Stories in the works Star Ocean A Slightly Tender Scream: Fayt is an angel, Albel is a demon. Can there be love between the two, or is Albel just interested in raping Fayt? Status: After Alabella: Alabella and Fayt are best friends in childhood, but after a terrible tragedy befalls the Nox family, Fayt is left to cope with her brother Albel. Status: Close Encounters: Fayt and most of the other characters are onboard the Eagle when there is a strange engine failure. Fayt goes back to check when he is attacked by an blob-like alien. After the problem is resolved, the crew head to a nearby plnatet to get repairs and pick up a homeless, biploar, mostly humanoid alien named Albel. Status: Death by Desire: Fayt finds himself trapped in the clutches of a vicious serial killer, but strangely he finds himself going along with Albel's bloody plans and actually falling in love via Stockholm's Syndrome. Status: Filmmaker's Fantasy Gone Wrong: Albel and Fayt are supposed to act in a movie together, but they really don't get along. Can they control themselves long enough to make a decent movie, or will they make too many outtakes? Status: I Love You Over and Over Again: Fayt and Albel have been trapped in a cycle of reincarnation, but this time something went wrong and the reincarnated lovers aren't falling in love like they should. Status: In Your Service, Pain is Pleasure: Fayt, the son of a poor farmer, is sent to work at the castle. Life as a servant isn't so bad, except when it turns out that the king has a particular interest in him... Status: Live by the Sword: King Vox has brought home a beautiful, exotic princess. But this "princess" may be more than he can handle, especially when Fayt's involved. Status: Neko, Neko, Neko-ness: Albel becomes a kitteh (so cute! XD) and Fayt has to take care of him, but Albel doesn't want to make it easy. He isn't very cuddly and he likes sharpening his claws on fayt's legs. Poor fayt...but he'll get his revenge later! I'm more in the mood to set cobras on albel than laugh at him...terror comes first! XD staus: On The Edge: Fayt's a relatively normal student with a masochistic streak and Albel is the school's bully. Together they form an unlikely partnership to try and cure Fayt's self-destructive behavior. Status: Resigned to Your Fate: King Albel has captured two intersting sorcerers. Fayt is his particular favorite since the boy lets Albel do whatever he wants, even to his body. Status: Revenge of the Wench: Sophia has come up with the perfect plan to seperate Albel and Fayt: turn Albel into a strange creature. But her plan backfires when Fayt pledges to take care of this new Albel. Status: Sweet Surrender: Fayt and Albel were once friends but Fayt begins backing away when he realizes that Albel has changed. However, Albel has his ways of keeping Fayt with him. Status: The Attack of the OOCs: I have plenty of really random ideas that'll only work in this context. Hooray for scarily random Maria and scaredy-cat Albel! However, I'm taking a slight break because my reviewers are mad...and i want to write other stories that they'll like so i can face this one again. status: The Forgotten Mansion: Fayt seeks shelter in a crumbling mansion with its two decrepit occupants. However, the building may contain more secrets than Fayt originally thought. Status: The Pretty One: Fayt is forced to work as a whore to repay his father's debt to a whorehouse. Albel is the only client he tolerates. Status: Virtually Reality: Fayt has created a virtual Albel, a kind and gentle lover. However, when Albel rebels against his programming, fayt could find himself in deep trouble. Status: Death Note Death Doll: L is a Death Doll, dropped to Earth by the shinigamis. Light is originally not too thrilled about this doll, but he may change his mind later, especially when he realizes L isn't the only Death Doll. Status: Friends with Fangs: Grayville is home to several supernatural creatures like vampires and werewolves. Poor L finds himself in the middle of it all. Status: Izanagi High: Izanagi High is known for two things. First of all, no fights have broken out since the arrival of the new guidance counselor. Secondly, everyone who meets with the new guidance counselor ends up gay. Hmn, could these things be related? Status: Separation Anxiety: Light wishes to be closer to L, but he didn't mean that close. Status: The Candy Palace: Light has been kidnapped and forced into crossdressing for L at his hotel called the Candy Palce. Light suspects that something relaly weird and perverted is going on. Status: The Trouble with L: After L is found to be raped, Light tries everything he can to identify L's attacker even if L won't tell him who it is. Status: You're My Dream Girl: Light spends his nights dreaming about a beautiful dark-haired girl that seems oddly familiar. L only wants to analyze Light's dreams for evidence that he is Kira. Status: Misc. FMT: Fullmetal Troublemaker: Ed is furious after Roy makes him come in on the weekend to redo a report and he has a extra special revenge planned for him. Status: Stabbed to death with Someone Else's angst: a bunch of really random stuff that satisfies all the people who want to be in my story or want things to be in my story. XD Status: Future Story Ideas And Then They Went Boom: Yup, it's almost as funny as it sounds. It's a gameshow type thing where i capture characters I dislike and that my reviewers dislike and tie them to a chair with dynamite strapped to it and ask them tough questions and if they answer too many questions wrong i get to blow them up. Who wants to be a Villian-aire: Whoo..i get to gather a bunch of villians from anime and t.v shows and games...etc..etc...PM for who you would like to suggest on the show! Anyway, I put the villians on this show, they answer questions for points, and then they do villian-y games and then, they get to choose to vote someone off...well, actually the reviewers get to help with that part. A Heaping Helping of Trouble: Fayt tries to introduce Albel to several yummy earth foods like ice cream and gum...and chaos insues. XD Yeah...I can just picture albel with gum stuck in his hair...not a pretty sight. Conversations with he who would kill me: Just some random conversations i have with albel, fayt and various other starocean characters in my head...but mostly with albel since he has a lot to say and most of it isn't very nice. 0_o The Whipping Boy: Albel supposedly loves fayt, but he has a strange way of showing it! Is he cruel to be kind, or just cruel? Yes, Your Wickedness: Fayt loses a bet to Albel and has to agree with whatever he says for the whole week. What devius things will Albel force Fayt to say? Dead in the Water: Albel, Cliff, and Fayt are a detective team investigating the death of a drowned girl. The problem is, Fayt seems to be the prime suspect! A Wish Come True: Fayt has always been a tomboy, but what she really wants is to be a boy. Fayt's boyfriend, Albel, puts up with fayt pretending to be a boy, but what will he do when her wish is granted? The New Girl The Musical: Albel and Fayt go to see a movie that is kinda like Bye-bye Birdie...but there are some weird things happening with some of the characters.. To End on a Slightly Vampiric Note: Fayt lives in the city of Ender, which is on a vampire killing spree. What will Fayt do when he meets Albel, a friendly vampire? A Tough Act to Follow: Romeo and Juliet Edition:The star ocean characters are supposed to be putting on a play, but the problem is, none of them know how to act. Things get a little wilder when the producer decides that Albel shall play the part of Juliet. Will anyone survive Albel's wrath? Mentally Unstable:Fayt has recently been admitted into a mental hospital because of his hallucinations. Fayt often lives each day believing he is surrounded by monsters so he has taken to cutting himself. Fayt is therefore chained to the walls in his room so he can't cut himself. That makes Fayt quite helpless when he is visited by a mute albel, the resident pervert. Whispers From the Past: Fayt and Albel are partners on a mission to bring down a crazed criminal. Fayt is captured and held prisoner for a few days, but when he is released the world around him has changed and he's the only one who seems to have noticed. Albel has no memory of him and Fayt realizes that Albel's past has been altered and his memory erased. fayt will have to regain Albel's friendship and try to reverse the change. |