Author has written 25 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Angel. Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic writer since 2001. I'm pretty much all about Spike/Buffy, though I dabble in other pairings/fandoms. I'm removing most of my fic from this site, because I've learned they still have a policy against erotica. I won't support a platform that supports the censorship of perfectly legal artistic works. If you're interested, most of my fanfiction now lives at AO3 (ArchiveofOurOwn dot org) - search for NautiBitz. 2024 Update: I published a book! If you remember my old AU fic, Crave, I've adapted it into an original two-part duet called SLAP/BANG, and it slaps. And bangs. There is much slapping and banging. Book One, Start With A Slap, by Sirena Wise is available now on Amåzøn, on K¡ndle and K¡ndle Unl¡m¡ted. |
treacle-antlers (28) | Troll Princess (33) |