Hi there, I do not know how you got here since I have not uploaded anything but welcome come I said it is a bit empty here but that will maybe change one day, and that day will be very soon. I have at last decided to start getting some of my story ideas on paper although my upload schedule might be as stable as a Jenga tower strapped to a firework rocket I can at least say I will try. I have had enough ideas to make fanfics or just original stories for a long time already, but my spelling and grammar always stood in my way for it but after several lessons and practice I am convinced I can at least deliver something from decent quality. I do take requests and am always open for discussion about some of my favourite communities like My hero academia, FoZ, Dark souls and Bloodborne. I do enjoy some aspects of Undertale like trying to build up a prequel to the actual story. There is a good base for a solid magic system and a good story since not a lot is explained within the game meaning authors can make everything up without it technically being wrong. For the later parts of Undertale I am more reserved but I for the prequel I am almost always open for discussion. Making the prequel to Undertale has been a pet project of mine for a while so if your interested just send me a pm. Now I am at the end of my little chit chat and welcome you to the vast void of my profile best of luck and may the odds be ever within your favour. Stories currently in the woodworks; Of heroes and shifting sands; Painted as an outcast by society the young, quirkless aspiring hero Izuku Midoriya was on the verge of losing hope and abandoning his dreams. Untill he by fate stumbled upon an intricate golden staff buried in forrest sand. How will the world react as the legacy of an ancient and technologically advanced resurfaces. Villians be warned for your emperor has returned. An unwanted hero Heroes come in all shapes and sizes in this case it comes in the form of an small bundle of light traveling around the world trying to understand what is happening around itself. As it seems to realise it cannot understand the people around itself he begins seeking an suitable host. So that they might live together and grow through teamwork an preservance. A generals story An odd collection of tales about an prequel to Undertale. No need to wrestle with all those monster for they wont be around. This just focuses on the potential undertales story has with the established magic system. Now to crank it up to 11 while showing the world what being a mage truly entails. As always if your interested in any of my work just send me a message as i haven't posted anything yet but i am willing to share my story board and snippets when asked. Now an good day or night to you my dear reader! |
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