![]() Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Many thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, favorited, or followed Past Imperfect and its sequels Present Imperfect and Future Imperfect. I am humbled and grateful that Past Imperfect now has more than a thousand favorite ratings. I initially started writing Past Imperfect because I wasn't working on my novel and hoped that having reviews to spur me along would get me back in the swing of daily writing again. Did it ever! I practically did NaNoWriMo with this story, writing more than 40,000 words in less than a month, and the momentum carried over to my original fiction. I finished the novel I had stalled out on before starting to write here, revised it, wrote another one, and revised that. I'm currently querying agents. Until late 2020, I thought the time-turning trilogy was going to be it for me in terms of fan fiction writing, but the train wreck that was 2020 required some radical self-care, and since writing fanfic is cheaper than therapy, Glamourous was born, and the floodgates reopened. I'm almost finished writing Bound and Determined, only a couple of chapters to go. Next will be a short epistolary comedy called A Parliament of Owls. The rough draft of that one is finished; it just needs beta reading and revision. The one after that, if I can figure out whether it's a Lumione or a Dramione (I know--gasp--abandoning my OTP???) will be a postwar romcom called Parents Behaving Badly, but I've barely started writing it. One unexpected reward that came from writing here was making two writer friends who started as beta readers on this site (they read mine and I read theirs) but have since become critique partners for our original fiction as well. Both turtlewexler and Fragilereality are wonderful writers and their stories will not disappoint. Though she's stopped publishing here, turtlewexler is publishing on AO3, where I also publish, and is still beta reading for me. Thank you to all who share your writing here, both those whose writing is already polished and lovely, and those who are just beginning the writer's journey and using this site to hone their craft. |