Author has written 6 stories for Supernatural. What do I write: Long tales that focus on the Winchester brothers, the things that they hunt and the things that hunt them. My stories contain action, humor, violence, angst, mystery and, if I’ve done my job well, are woven around a twisting and weaving plot. I am a Sam-girl, but I’m not afraid to mess with Dean as well. What I don’t write: You won’t find any wincest, rape or Mary Sue’s here, and I don’t consider my work to include torture, though some of the things that the boys go through are torturous. I work hard to maintain a psychological basis to my stories and that means that the boys have to have the potential for emotional recovery. Of the categories mentioned, I don’t consider they could recover from any of them -- especially not the Mary Sues. ;-) Why I write: I consider fan fiction to be a forum for aspiring authors, a way to hone skills while receiving encouragement, friendship and advice. I realise that not everyone sees it this way. However, though there is no doubt that fan fiction is different from regular fiction, the difference is in the establishment only. Fan fiction excludes the need to introduce the main characters. But original characters must be created with the same attention to detail as in original fiction. And the techniques – the craft of writing – must be employed across both mediums. As an aspiring author, and an obsessed fan of those two Winchester hotties, fan fiction is absolute heaven! Truly blissful! And, who knows, maybe the closest I'll ever get to getting something published it what I put up here for you to read. If that's the case, I'm not about to complain. Want to print out my stories: Click on the homepage link to go to an external site where you can download PDF versions of all completed stories -- then you can print them out and read them in bed. ;-) And, I’m a proud member of SFTCOL(AR)S - Society of the Continuation of Limp (and Redeemed) Sam. Pimp the Limp at . Come and share the love! |