Author has written 13 stories for Fruits Basket, Pokémon, Inuyasha, Shugo Chara!, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age. Yes I finally posted an avatar pic, shocker I'm not being lazy for once. Here are somethings about me: Name: Kit Suna Ryuu Gender: female Age: 23 Where I live: If you really want to know you are a stalker Fav things: MMORPGs, video games (has nintendo 64, gamecube, wii, and xbox360), the invention of the internet, my laptop (when its not pissing me off), anime, most all music but boy bands and oldies, writing (mainly with my best friends Rena, read Half Sisters its one of ours), grape amps (or as i call it grape soda on crack), boys (is flirt but surprisingly still a virgin), sugary substances, drawing, and some other random stuff I'm to lazy to type of. Dislikes: Liars, cheaters, r@pists, guys who force themselves on people but it doesn't get to the point of r@pe, school mornings, my parents, make up (never wear it, don't need it), anime bashers, noobs, pkers in MMORPGs (pker stands for player killer), homework... or rather work period, my many pet peeves, ect... Fav animals: wild native: foxes wild nonnative: cheetahs domisticated: dog farm: goats Fav mythical creature: kitsune (aka ninetailed fox, man's desire, trickster of the night, scorcher of land, whatever you want to call them and no not naruto you idiots, go read some actually lore.) Fav food: Alfredo Fav candy: Reece Ethnicity: Most everything Future plans: Teacher Personality: Short temper. Will be more likely to bite your head off than be nice, that is until I consider you a friend, then I will defend you to the end. I'm not nice, but I am loyal. Religion: Close to wiccan, but not quite, mainly I believe mother earth is the one who will look after us in death. for she gives us sustenance while we are alive, embraces us in death, and allows us rebirth. |
Aiko Ryuu (1) Ampersan (2) | Black Lilys (5) jambajunkie (4) |