Author has written 2 stories for Legend of Zelda. I've decided to move onto Ao3 under a different name. You can find me by searching for my stories' names, as I don't want to associate these accounts. I'll continue to post stories there, and possibly, possibly update my older ones-- turns out I only posted the most recent chapter of Villain Crack Comp as a draft there, which honestly I'm glad of. Shouldn't post any arcs until I have them fully written, I found. I really enjoyed the time I spent here, and I'm so, so grateful to everyone who decided to read my fics-- some of you even favouriting! Seriously, thank you all so, so much, you have no idea what it means to me. I'll admit, it'll be bittersweet leaving this place behind, but I'll link my stories here so you can find me! Raijin: https:///works/15298164/chapters/35491368 Crackfic Comp: https:///works/15439875/chapters/35838294 Story Updates: Raijin: Discontinued. I like the overall story idea, and I know how it ends, but I don't like how I wrote some of it. Can't say if I'll end up rewriting it, considering that writer's block is my default state and everything I write feels so... stiff. Villain Crackfic Comp: I'm late-midway through writing the next chapter, but as Bon from nearly a year ago didn't leave any notes for what the response to a piece of dialogue was, so I'm stumped. I don't intend this plotline to be around for more than three-four chapters; honestly, it might've been a mistake starting the arc in the first place seeing as the comp was my way to just write goofy shit without having to worry much about the constructing a continuous plot. Story Ideas: 1- You know those fics where Link finds Ghirahim's blade and they go on some fantastical journey together and all that whatnot? That, but with Groose instead of good ol' Master Shortpants. |
A Perplexing Puzzle (12) |