Author has written 1 story for Avengers. 4/17/09: I wanted to pay a tribute to HakuBaikou, one of the best all-around artists I've ever seen. You made this world a brighter place, and I pray you make the next one even more beautiful. God bless. Picture is from the particularly hilarious (and informative) web-comic, Hark! A Vagrant! I don't own it, unfortunately. 7/17/2013: Chapter Six is up! Here are the Miscellaneous Facts and Notes I promised. Note: I think I have found the perfect place to write. I can't at my house (it's way too distracting), but I think I've figured out a decent method. Let me know if the chapter quality had improved! 1. I tried to write the sheriff with the slur and incomprehensibility that comes from having a broken nose, but I couldn’t make him understandable. Sorry! Also, I love to break noses; have you noticed yet? 2. Percival and Ernest were named after Percival, the Knight of Camelot, and Ernest Hemingway, a middlingly famous author. 3. Human legs are far stronger than human teeth. Or human arms, for that matter. 4. My mental image of a teenage Coulson resembles a friend of mine. Andrew is the most relaxed guy you’ll ever meet. He constantly looks deadpan or sleepy (or both), and is one of the laziest people I know. He also has the reflexes of a trigger-happy Black Ops soldier and a black belt in several different disciplines. In other words, he’ll pluck a projectile right out of the air, but can’t be bothered to move across the room to get out of the sun. 5. The Coulson siblings are based loosely upon my own, unfortunately. I once walked into my living room to find my then-seven year-old brother balancing on the back of the couch and attempting to hang from the ceiling fan. My other brother has broken three light-bulbs, mangled two ceiling fans, and whacked my mother on the head – all with a sword. (My mother was not hurt, by the way; the same can’t be said for my brother). My younger sister is unfailingly persuasive and has the Devil’s sense of humor. My youngest sister is sweet, naïve, and can screech like a Nazgul in heat. (On that note, can Nazgul get pregnant? They're not technically men anymore...) I have seen pencils, pens, couch pillows, couch cushions, action figures, plastic cups, afghans (thankfully not the human kind), cats, dictionaries, and younger siblings all used as projectiles in an unending war to drive my sainted mother to insanity. 6. I have no idea how Army recruitment works, can you tell? 7. I have no real life experience with gymnastics, can you tell? 8. I’ve seen videos of accomplished gymnasts that can use sheer speed, strength, and momentum to make jumps of what look like impossible heights. Those videos were a large part of Clint’s BAMFness from two chapters ago. I have a great amount of respect for people who can hone their bodies like that. Happy Reading! |
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