![]() Author has written 108 stories for South Park, Teen Titans, Total Drama series, Phineas and Ferb, House, M.D., Big Time Rush, Supernatural, A Separate Peace, Glee, iCarly, Battle Royale, Outsiders, Saw, Maze Runner Trilogy, It, Raven Cycle, and Hunter X Hunter. Name: Poge or PimpedOutGreenEars. You can also call me Peyton. Age: 30 Sex: Female. She/her pronouns. Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me Tumblr Name: pimpedoutgreenears, formerly at f-da-program AO3: pimpedoutgreenears Deviant Art Name: pimpedoutgreenears Hey, all. I'm PimpedOutGreenEars, and, as stated above, you can call me Poge or Peyton. I'm a lover of fanfiction and stories in general. I mostly write romance, but you'll occasionally see me post something else. I love discussing characters, ships, plots, ect. So if you ever want to talk about that kind of stuff (or anything else really), don't be shy! I'm a terribly slow updater, but I always get there. What's coming next: On the burners right now are Empty Apartment and The Name Wrapped Around My Throat. I'm hoping to update both stories soon. Other things you'll see soon-ish are an update for Fifteen, an update for Four Boys, Two Crowns, and a Prom Campaign to the Death, and an unnamed Battle Royale oneshot featuring Shogo and Keiko that I promised a friend over a year ago. As always, this is just a loose plan. A oneshot or two will probably make its way in here somewhere, but I really am trying to focus on updating and finishing some of the things I have going. Up Coming Story Summaries: South Park '21 Percent' - The dads of South Park hear that 21 percent of all teen aged boys are secretly gay. This of course cannot end well. Lots of pairings. Phineas and Ferb 'Bending Until I break' - He likes to bend me to see if I'll break, to see if I'll deny him what he wants. I won't. I should, but I won't, because I love him even if it is wrong. PhineasxFerb 'Back to The City of Love' Danville's French class takes a trip to Paris. Isabella tries to express her feelings to Phineas, Ferb tries to ignore his feelings in favor of being a ladies man, Buford and Baljeet ignore their feelings completely, and Phineas is just dealing with having romantic feelings at all. On top of that, Adyson wants to kiss Ferb under the Efle Tower, the whole class wants to cock-block Ferb, and Phineas just wants to learn a little French. PhineasxFerb, BufordxBaljeet. One-sided PhineasxIsabella, one-sided(kinda) FerbxAdyson, DjangoxIsabella(?). 'Irving's Friend Fiction' Irving begins to tire of writing fanfiction for his favorite sci-fi movies. He's about to give up writing all together when he learns about 'friend fiction.' He's instantly in love with the idea and begins writing Phineas and Ferb friend fiction. All is well until his private friend fiction journal is read by someone it should have never been read by. Now the whole school knows about it. And Worse? They think it's all reality. Will Irving ever get back his heroes' respect? "Did you seriously think it was okay to write stories about me fucking my brother?" Yeah, probably not. PhineasxFerb. 'For Always, Forever' - Inspired by the song by Every Avenue. The gang has long since stopped hanging out when the high school principal asks, more like tells, Isabella to get the gang to write a song for graduation. Now the group is forced back together for the first time since seventh grade to write an inspirational song. Have they really grown too far apart to do it? PhineasxFerb. 'Summer' - The drugs are destroying his life, but he won't stop. So two brothers watch each other break. "Why do you do it? Honestly?" "Because it feels like summer. And nothing's felt like summer in such a long time." Total Drama 'Addict' People make fun of Tiger Woods because of his sex addiction. People say it's all a hoax, a way for him to redeem himself to his fans and his wife. And maybe it is. Maybe he is a liar and he isn't a sex addict. But to me it doesn't matter if he is or isn't, because I am one, and I can't control it. Hi, my name is Noah, and I'm a sex addict. NoahxCody. Supernatural 'The OOC Fanfiction Club' - When male movie and TV co-stars start dying together with no explanation Sam and Dean decide to investigate. Their search eventually leads them to the OOC Fanfiction Club, a club dedicated to slashing guys in an out of character way. As the guys track down different members they find out that the club is actually slashing together book characters, some just happening to have been made into TV shows and movies. The scary part? Supernatural is the clubs next writing project. DeanxSam. Battle Royale 'He's kind of like Bathsheba' - Have you ever heard that old Bible story about David and Bathsheba? You know, he saw her taking a bath and was really into her? Well, this is kind of like that. Well, minus the whole boy in the shower thing. ShinjixYutaka. 'The Fantasy Book' - The girls of class 3-B discover that they like slash. A lot. This leads them to writing sexualized stories about the boys in their class. They keep the stories in what they dub as 'The Fantasy Book' in the girls locker room, where they can leave comments on each others works and have discussions about their favorite pairings. When the boys find it all hell breaks loose as the boys are forced to learn about every bad fanfiction trope there is. The boys are also forced to take a closer look into some of their strongest friendships and see if friendship is all that's really there. Also, who's the chick calling herself 'Reality Girl' who seems to be so aware of how out of character all of the stories are? Lots of pairings. 'Sadie Hawkins Dance' - Lightly based on the song by Relient K. Yukie plans a Sadie Hawkins dance for the kids of Class 3-B. Instead of being the great dance she hopes, it turns into a mess. Yoshitoki wants to get asked by Noriko, who wants to go with Shuya, who's been asked by so many girls and feels bad rejecting any of them. Hiroki is also dealing with trouble as he debates trying to get Kayoko to ask him or just going with Takako as friends. Meanwhile Shinji is having issues as he struggles with wanting Yutaka to ask him to the dance. 'There Be Lions' - Shuya and Hirono come back from winter break in a relationship that sets the basis for an all out war among class 3-B. It's simple, neutrals and gang kids don't mix. Of course, maybe the kids will come together to find just how wrong they are. Also, Shinji compares it to Romeo and Juliet, not that Yutaka or anyone else knows what he's talking about. ShuyaxHirono, MitsuruxIzumi, RyuheixHirono, ShinjixYutaka, and more onesided pairings than your body can handle. 'The Red String of Fate' - All Yoshitoki really wants to do is find love- and he thinks he has found it in Noriko. But when he wishes people could know who their soul mates are things go haywire. Suddenly pairs are tied together by a red string, one that only he can see. What do you do when one of your friends is with the wrong girl? What do you say when two of your friends are tied together? And most importantly, what do you do when your best friend is tied to the girl you love? Do you learn to accept fate or do you fight it? YoshitokixNorikoxShuya, TakakoxHirokixKayoko, ShinjixYutaka. Saw 'Extra Credit' - High school AU. Mr. Kramer's ethics class has a reputation for being one of the hardest classes in school, so it's no wonder Adam finds himself failing and Lawrence finds himself with his first ever 'B'. But at least Mr. Kramer always offers an end of the year extra credit trip. When Adam and Lawrence get paired up together it's up to them to make the choice; pass or fail? Light AdamxLawrence. -More summaries coming soon! Stay posted! Fanart: (Take the space out from in front of com) Red Rocket Racer: http:///2685/4537696799_2b62431205_b.jpg From Rin Birthday gift: http:// . com/4063/4537571571_a88206bcfe_o.gif Playing Pretend Just Got a lot Gayer: http://acidbolt-06.deviantart. com/art/Playing-Pretend-Just-Got-a-Lot-Gayer-526512842 by AcidicBirds http://acidbolt-06.deviantart. com/art/Playing-Pretend-Ch-1-pg-1-528194784 by AcidicBirds http://acidbolt-06.deviantart. com/art/Playing-Pretend-Ch-1-pg-2-530745830 by AcidicBirds http://acidbolt-06.deviantart. com/art/Playing-Pretend-Ch-1-Pg-3-535423865 by AcidicBird I'll add more stuff later, 'til then. -POGE |