Terra Of Genesis
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Joined 06-09-06, id: 1063807, Profile Updated: 02-23-08
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto.

Name - Terra Of Genesis

Age - 18

Sex - Male

I'm currently in full time employment. I'm quite athletic and have been boxing since i was 9 and additionally started Brazillian Jiu Jitsu as well as Muay Thai when i turned 12. Yes, i'm a freak since i find them great for my health and enjoy MMA. I'm a laid back guy and like to joke around and rarely get serious.


I like Training, Football, Games, Anime and MMA.


I dislike stalkers! And i don't really know whether you can count this but the fact that i can't indulge in junk food more often than i do. I mean, whenever i see my girlfriend eating ice cream or something like that and she still manages to keep fit and retain her curves (which is a good thing obviously) i get disheartened since i have to work my ass off (sniffs).


I don't consider myself a hardcore gamer since i only play a few hours a week however i actually do realise quality games. I enjoy the FF (FF7 = BEST GAME EVER!) and MGS series the most. I also like multiplayer games such as Pro Evolution Soccer, Tekken and WWE Smackdown Vs Raw. And, i am holding out hope for a quality MMA game to arrive. Other great games i have played are Jak 2 & 3, Legend Of Zelda and Baten Kaitos.

Recently, i've started playing FF12. It's good but i can't help but feel disappointed. The franchise is certainly not what it used to be.


The first anime i ever watched was DBZ. A long time after, i was recommended Avatar: The Last Airbender from a friend. After this, i chanced upon Naruto and have watched a few other anime also. The best one so far, for me, would have to be One Piece followed by Full Metal Alchemist.


Important Note about theft: Recently, while searching for some art to go with one of my upcoming fics, I found that someone was posting Hands of Destiny on DeviantArt and taking credit for it as if it's his own story. Firstly, the only two places you will find me are here on and Narutofanforums where I am a moderator. That person is not me, and he is taking credit for something which is not his. It's amazing because I know my fics have been posted elsewhere but the people who did so notified me and gave me the credit for writing them. Just so you know who's stealing my story, he is the following disgrace: Tekozuru. Give him the treatment he deserves, thanks.

Naruto: Hands Of Destiny - My first Naruto fic and i'm proud of it. But i realise many places where i could make improvements, both in the way i've written it and certain scenes and their executions. Nonetheless, lots of people enjoyed this fic and that made it even more pleasurable to write. It was a good learning experience and helped me grow as a writer. The theme of the fic was about the importance of bonds and how people can change. This is repeatedly emphasised through the story and is what i think ultimately made it as successful as it was. I managed to keep everyone in character for the most part with only one scene which i was disappointed in. That was in chapter 30 with the rookie 9. I rushed it and i now regret doing so; it could've been a lot better.

Info on HoD (Don't read until you've finished the story)

I would also like to annouce that this fic is being translated to spanish and i am honoured and grateful to Kitsunero for doing that. You can find it from his profile and the link to it is provided below.

HoD in spanish, translation by Kitsunero

Naruto: Trail Of Freedom - My second fic in the Narutoverse and it is completely original. I'm excited about this and eager to make sure i write it well since i'm sure it will make an excellent story. It's one of those fics where people will definitely read it again and then realise exactly how intricate it really was. There are a few OC's but they are all in minor roles and there for background understanding so to say. The main characters are Team 7 along with Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Thread for ToF

Sequel to Hands of Destiny - It might just become reality. I've finally thought up a proper plot which will connect things from Hands of Destiny with its sequel. I'm confident that it'll be better than the original and will create this soon so look for it. The main characters are Team 7 along with Tsunade and one other person i will not say. This will have more stories going on at the same time and you'll discover more about the behind the scenes things in the original. It's going to be Naruto's journey as a Hokage. I'm making it bigger, longer and better than the original.

Below is how Naruto and Sakura will look in the sequel. It's set 5 years after the epilogue of Hands of Destiny so they're both 26.

Official picture of Naruto and Sakura in the sequel.

Note: This fanart is not made by me. It is created by a talented artist on Deviant Art who goes by the name of TwinEnigma. Here is a link to her profile. Check out some of her other stuff too.

Naruto: Echo Of Immortality - This is a new project which i have thought up. The plot of this is 100 percent complete and i just need to think up some prominent scenes. It will also be a NarutoTemari pairing which is something different from my other two fics. I remember wanting HoD to be NarutoTemari but it ended up different. And then since i had got so comfortable with it, i kept the pairing for my next fic.
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Naruto: Trail Of Freedom reviews
AU: Naruto sets out on his greatest journey to achieve what he longs for most, freedom from the past which heavily weighs on his shoulders. But he will have to suffer a huge fall, before being reborn as the hero he was destined to become.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 165,497 - Reviews: 845 - Favs: 614 - Follows: 577 - Updated: 3/1/2008 - Published: 2/12/2007 - Naruto U., Sakura H.
Naruto: Hands Of Destiny reviews
Post Manga Chp 318: Naruto has successfully returned Sasuke and Orochimaru has fallen, however he has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. The struggle is on as he attempts what no man has before, to change his destiny. [COMPLETE]
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 144,691 - Reviews: 2001 - Favs: 2,931 - Follows: 1,349 - Updated: 12/27/2006 - Published: 8/8/2006 - Naruto U., Sakura H. - Complete