![]() I didn’t know what Twilight was until after the first movie came out on DVD. Honestly I wasn’t impressed but friends of mine convinced me to read the books before I wrote it off. I did and fell in love with the series. Don’t get me wrong I have all sorts of issues with the characters which is why I LOVE FanFiction. It allows me to see my favorite characters in new roles and with better personality traits. Stephanie Meyer is still awesome and I will always be a twilight fan! my thoughts on the original characters: Bella is an insecure pushover and needs to grow some balls. Edward is an insecure pushover when it comes to his family and too dismissive of his love’s feelings, opinions and choices. Alice is a narcissistic manipulative bully. Jasper is a pu$$y whipped idiot. Emmett is immature, a bully and an overall a$$. Rosalie needs to stop projecting her issues onto others, but at least she’s more honest than Alice. Esme needs to stop looking at 100 year old teens as children. Carlise did a great diservice to his coven by forcing them into the “family role” and ignoring what they really are. Jacob is a classic date rape waiting to happen. And well sorry Jake lovers but I can’t get behind him because my oldest used to have a crush on shark boy and to me since I saw the movie first, he will always be shark boy. Charlie had a lot of huge parenting fails. seriously you're gonna back the guy that can’t take no for an answer, that your kid had to punch to get her point across and he still isn't sorry about it?! Renée, really shouldn't have had a kid. I understand teaching your teen to be self sufficient but for them to be the responsible one is all kinds of wrong. I love all sorts of fanfics, all human, different forms of supernatural and sci-fi. I like zombies and the mob, witches and the old west. I even like them as vampires so long as they aren’t like their originals characters. I prefer Epov, but will read whatever. I have been reading these for a couple years, I stumbled into Fan fiction after refusing to read 50 Shades, told my mother in law (who loved the books) that I wasn’t going to pay to read housewife porn, that I could watch porn for free. I didn’t understand the craze but I decided to google it anyhow and found an article saying it had been originally twilight fanfiction. That got me interested in fanfiction and I’ve been hooked since. where I live it’s ridiculously cold IMO 7 months out of the year and I needed new reading material. The closest thing we have to a decent bookstore here is FYE and target. Needless to say millions of stories for free at my fingertips was a huge incentive for me to dive in head first. I haven’t resurfaced. I do write though I have yet to finish a story and hate to be left hanging so I won’t post anything until I have finished. I’ve honestly made up stories in my head since I was little, I can’t stand for my brain to be idle. I used to write them down with an actual pen in a composition book as a teen. No clue what happened to those though. I got away from writing things down for a long time after I became a Mom. Kiddos and notebooks don’t work out so well. They become drawing books. My hubs bought me a few leather bound journals and some nice new pens last year for my birthday and simply told me I deserved to have something of my own to write in and he told the kids those were off limits. I knew if I started to write in them they would never make it onto a computer though so I started with google docs instead. He pre reads my stuff for me. I consider it an honor because that man does not read at all. So for him to genuinely take the time to read my stuff and give me his honest opinion is a gift to me. |